The End

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Warning: This chapter will contain descriptive scenes of physical harm, if your not comfortable with such descriptive scenes, look for <-<-<, which will mark the begging and end of such scenes.



It seems we made it [Y/n] not leave them waiting, its time for our greatest show yet...

You felt...cold...your face was covered by a sheet of black heard nothing but the sounds of liquid dripping onto what seemed like a metal floor...

You tried moving your arms to no avail, you were tied down to what felt like a metal chair, you struggled but nothing came......that was....until you heard footsteps.....two people....

[Vinnie] "Well well well, when Vice said he caught our last little thief, I didnt think he meant it....your quite the illusive one Red....but here you are" She said, her voice was calm, and chilling by how sweet and happy it sounded.

[Y/n] "Fuck you! You better not have touched my brothers! Ill rip your fucking arms off and beat you with them!" You screamed, as the bag lifted from your were in a small area, by the way it moved you assumes it was a large you looked to your tears filled with anger, seeped from your eyes.

Dysseus.....Alfastr.....Daiju.....all covered in blood, and cuts and began to toss in your chair as you wanted to kill, the bloodlust in your body burst as you screamed in rage, trying to get loose.

[Y/n] "You two are dead when Im free! I swear to Aurelion Ill make it nice and slow! You bastards!" You screamed in rage as you spat at Vinnie's face...she of course smiled through it as she walked behind you...her hand grasped your mouth, forcing it open. As Vice walked close to you....knife in hand...


[Vice] "You got quite the mouth boy, why dont we fix it up a bit!" Vice said as he took the knife to your lip, slicing upwards as it cut through your lip and into your cheek...your mouth hung a bit open due to the severed tendons in your cheek...that didnt stop you from spitting blood at Vice....

The minutes passed so slowly...Vice had taken the time to pull your tongue, cutting it clean off......slicing your mouth till it barely could move...

Vinnie chose to be extra slow, carving chunks from your arms, even slapping you with the cut muscle and flesh....your legs were not spared either...the amount of stabs and cuts into them left them just wished for death...

You were lost it all.....your brothers were just as close to death as you....the girls wouldn't even know what happened to made you happy they wouldnt have to see this....


As the truck came to a looked up at Vice, barely enough time to see the blade cut down on your right eye....yor vision grew dark as you felt arms pick you and your chair up...

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