In the Pale Moonlight

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♡~Episode 3~♧
◇~Hunt and Catch~♤


The morning was just like any, with the bonus of two dead bodies laying on the kitchen table....whilst I left, Dysseus and Daiju learned they can take a persons soul, with Daiju eating a literal orb, and Dysseus simply sucking the life out of someone. Alfastr was disgusted by it, but upon my return, I did eat a tad bit of Italian Arm and Leg.....goes well when pan fried, placed between two buns with some caramelized onions a a small bit of honey mustard............I had three sandwiches last night....

But none the less, I had been caught last night, as I walked into the house seeing the two D's feasting....and them seeing me in tears.....I explained it all, how I went to see the girls, how I had a daughter now.....they were upset I didnt tell them sooner, but hearing of their niece helped fuel their fire to catch these bastards.

I walked out of my room to see the remains of the two rats we caught, they sung like canaries before we even did anything, but we couldnt let them scurry off and worn the big bad rats that we were on the hunt...I took a rib from what I assumed was Benny's remains, gnawing on it as it broke, me swallowing its pieces as I gnawed more, turns out being undead opened more, seeing as our digestive systems had become immune to any life threatening bacteria and much more acidic with the rot causing them to release more acids.

[Alfastr] "Why the fuck didn't you tell me I had a niece! I would have stopped everything to go and protect them whilst you three went happy hunting and shit!" Alfastr said as he walked into the living room, watching me gnaw on a rib as he gagged at the realization of where said rib had come from.

[Y/n] "Your needed here, plus....I dont want them in harms way, its bad enough I caved in and saw them myself....I only really went to see her, I had to see myself if she truly was mine.....she has my eyes and all, with sweet locks of [H/c]....You guys will see her when this is done with, plus....I may have a plan that involves pizza, them, and several dead bodies and a new trick I'm starting to learn....." I said as I swallowed the rest of the bone.

[Alfastr] "I....I don't want to know....and how in Aurelions name are we going to even pull this off, ten armed guards, many automatic weapons, and not to mention all whilst being in one of the biggest restaurants in Piltover with at least a thousand people in it a time, with some of greatest security..........What even is your plan for this" Alfastr said as he sat down as well, as he let out a big sigh, as he looked into my [E/c] eyes, I simply smirked.

The four of us now stood in a small walled in area if Piltover...a small garden in the area, with a man made koi pond. This was a small hidden place me and Daiju made when we first met. I stood in nothing more than  a pair of shorts, as the boys all did the same.

[Y/n] " is here we will begin training ourselves, and unlock more to us...I have been told by my little devil on my shoulder, we all have a similar type of ability....that being the ability to summon weapons, a soul I have beeb told we must be in our element, which is why we are in this garden, the water is for Dysseus, the small camp fire for Daiju, Alfastr has the small lamp for his weird light smokey shit, and I have this shaded corner with a smoker under some we must all stand and or sit in our element, and focus...on our desire, to kill, to survive, to defend and to begin!" I said, as I sat down on the bricks, the smoke flowing through the cracks and up mine, as I hated the feeling, only to soon concentrate. Dysseus submerged himself in the water, not coming up for air for some time. Daiju simply stood in the flames, not bothered by the idea that he was quite literally on fire with this. And lately was sweet Al, who sat in the light, as his weird blue mist radiated off of his body and limbs.

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