Pater Grata Patria [Lemon]

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♡~Episode 8~♧
◇~Welcome Home~♤

<Y/n pov>

It was finally over......the demon that brought such pain to my those I love.....but it was all over, I could finally go back....back to the life I wished to live....amongst my family. I held Phoebe in my hands for what felt like seconds, truly basking in the joy that was my daughter, as her little giggles and coos melted my cold heart.

I managed to over come my daughters adorable charm, as I looked to the they held their phones up at me, no doubt taking pictures and recording...but I didn't mind, not anymore at I merely smiled, rocking Phoebe in my arms.

Soon I handed her back to Ahri, as I sat down on my old couch, the thing was quite worn and torn, no doubt from the year of our absence causing it to deteriorate, but I still sat stiff on it, as the girls and I began to converse, without the worry of me having to protect them.

[Y/n] "Well now....seeing as were finally free to be a family....what have you all been up to in the year I was gone" I asked, as Ahri leaned on my left shoulder, my hand around her as Phoebe played with her hair, I could already tell Phoebe will grow to be quite the curious child, I pity any man or woman who might take her heart some day. My other arm was immobilized as Akali held it tight, I could see the fear in her eyes, fear if me leaving again, to which I quenched her fears by simply wrapping her into a hug as well.

[Sera.] "Well, me and the girls managed to release a new album, with Akali helping True damage on the side...Oh! And we finally met the band Pentakill quite recently" Seraphine retold as she sat in my old chair to the left of the couch, it was a simple velvet silk recliner, but turned a deep crimson no doubt from the time it sat unused. Evelynn merely sat on the arm rest of it as she looked at me, her blazing yellow eyes meeting my [E/c] gaze, she smiled, but she also shared that small ting of fear, no doubt me being gone has left all of them terrified of me leaving again. Lastly was Kai'sa, who simply sat to Ahri's right, as she held a warm smile, occasionally glancing down at Aurelion, I could already sense it.....they all had that same look when they looked to Phoebe.....

Well, us Rubrums have been known for having our share of small legions when it came to children...heh, dont forget that you were the oldest of four...

The Revenant inside was right, Mater did say how she was the oldest of 8...I wonder of what happened to my aunts and uncles...I can only briefly remember Mater saying they fell in a devious battle.....but none the less, I already could see myself, standing in a small garden, with five or more small [h/c] haired little blossoms....but one at a time I suppose, can't just throw this big of a wrench right when I've come back.

[Y/n] "I'm so happy for you all, I can't wait to hear and see some of it" I said as I adjusted myself, Akali's grip tightening as I did, I smiled lightly as I planted a small kiss on her cheek, calming her fears slightly.

[Eve.] "Well, when we get home...I'd love to show you some of the outfits we made~...and perhaps, some of moves we practiced~" Evelynn teased as she licked her lips. I saw the small blush on all the girls faces, but I was a professional here, I would never fall to such simple teases without firing back.

[Y/n] "Oh? And perhaps I can show you what a bit of darkness can do to you...or you~" I teased, as Eve merely held her grin, the other girls were now encumbered in a bright red blush. As I spoke, I made sure to wet my lips quickly, as Eve merely let out a low muffled moan as she held her gaze on me.

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