You and me could make a Bad Romance

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It was now morning, the night of drinking and debauchery was over. Our hungover warrior sat up in the Ninja's bed, your hand grasping your now throbbing headache, as you stumbled into Akali's bathroom. The feeling of relief overtaking me as you found some hangover meds, quicly swallowing them dry you made my way into the shower, the ice cold water running down my skin, as you shivered and shook, you persisted through.

As You got out and dried myself off, You ran quietly out of Akali's room, slowly opening my door as You felt a loud SMACK against your rear, turning around to see none other then....Ahri?! of the only two people that you wouldnt expect to slap your ass....

[Y/n] "Isnt that quite rude to do to an employee!" I said as I rushed inti my room, hearing Ahri snicker behind tge door. Quickly changing into a pair of fresh clothes, I walked out to see Ahri still there, a sly smile on her face.

[Ahri] "No, I am a princess after all arent I?" Ahri asked, as the memories flooded back to you from the night before, as I sighed and shook my head.

[Y/n] "That wasnt me, that was drunk me, two very different if you'll excuse me, I am going to make breakfast" You said as you walked past her, making your way down the stairs as you walked to the kitchen. As I was making an omlette for Akali, I felt a light tap on my butt....not this again.

I turned around to see Kai'sa, her face bright red as I saw her hands covering her mouth, I simply sighed as I went back to cooking, only to drop the spatula into the pan as Kai'sa spoke.

[Kai'sa[ "I-I AP-P-POLOGIZE! B-but as y-your dancing q-q-queen, I ask th-that you d-dance more.....wh-when you feel comfortable that is" Kai'sa said, confusing you as to if she was demanding or asking...but her referring to herself as the Dancing Queen made you remeber more of the night. As you sighed again explaing to Kai'sa as you did Ahri.

[Y/n] "I was drunk, so please dont take what I said last night to seriously" I said as I plated the omlette. As I did, Kai'sa helped me plate the rest of the food, bringing it to the main dining table. I sat enjoying my apple cinnamon waffle, as Ahri and Eve sat with me and Kai'sa. Eve stared at me, her glasses no where to be I sighed remebering what I said to her.

[Eve] "I apologize darling, I hope you dont get to lost" Eve said as she bit into a sausage, your blood almost went south at that moment, but you surpressed the urge. As you looked over to Ahri, you saw her giving you sly winks when she thought no one was looking....and to add salt to the wound, you looked over to Kai'sa, her chest puffed, making her breast more on display for you....

[Akali] "Ooooh, and omlette, sweet!" Akali said as she limped to the table, quickly digging into her omlette. As you looked to the other girls, their glances went from Akali to you and back and forth, a angered glare quickly taking over their looks.

[Ahri] "[Y/n].....mind telling me why Akali is limping, seeing as I have a feeling you know why" Ahri asked in a commanding tone, as Akali gulped her food, giving you a shrug as she went back to eating. You were never one to hold back your words, so being blunt in moments like these made things so much better. As you grabbed a whole peach from the bowl of fruit.

[Y/n] "Isnt it obvious....I fucked her up the ass" You said bluntly, biting into the peach as its juices sprayed onto your face, you sucking on the bite, taking in its juices. You were king at teasing, so why not show them how it was done.

Ahri and Kai'sa grew red at your blunt words, Eve simply huffed and crossed her arms, as she looked away from you all, her chin up high as she spoke.

[Eve.] "Atleast I was your first.....consensual one that is..." Eve said as Akali spat out her water, quickly coughing from Eve's words. Ahri stuttered put a rebuttle as she to crossed her arms.

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