Goes Around

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♡~Episode 7~♧
◇~Hircines Catch~♤

!!!Warning, short chapter, I just wanna tie the noose on this arc of the act!!!!!

11:30 AM Zaun

The four us of had waited for this moment, for the bastard who caused us such pain, to feel it. We gathered a large crowd as we set up the stage, for the rumours of 'The Beasts Of Zaun' roaming, so seeing four very unusual looking people was common, but four undead looking bastards, well, even for Zaun that was weird.

The crowd had watched as Daiju and Alfastr carried Vice onto the stage, he was bruised and bleeding, just as we had. I walked up to him, my hat hung low as the shade make my eyes shimmer in the darkness, a much more intimidating look to cast down upon the unholy sheep before me. I gripped tightly on the cloth pouch we covered his head with, as he was blinded by the light of Zaun, he soon fell deaf to the roars from the crowd, many cheering. To say the least, the news of us being executed in Piltover didn't sit well in Zaun, mostly due to no legal interference by Pilotvers esteemed police, many even proposed riots, but those wishes fell upon deaf ears.

[Y/n] "Ladies!....Gentlemen!....denizens of Zaun!....we gather you here today to  bring you an offering, the sacrifices of this poor lamb....for his soul has tainted our names, for it was HIM who executed the four of us on that day one year ago, for it was HIM who brought even greater resentment from Piltover onto us!....have we not worked hard to bring those posh bastards into Piltover to begin with, twas it not our ancestors who built these exact streets, only to be eclipsed by those above us....was it not us...who built Piltover ourselves! Who gave them their castle in the Heavens! And how do they repay us!....with the murder of our own in their streets, and now, now we pay them back for the crimes they have committed against Zaun and her people!" I yelled out, as the crowd roared with cheers and hollers, my message was clear, I may not have been born here, but even I knew that these people were my people, and that what Vice did to me, will not go unpunished......I gripped my scythe hard, as I lifted the blade high...swinging it down.....on Vice's restraints, freeing him...

[Y/n] "Such a soul shall not be executed....not by steel or silver.....but by the people!" I yelled as I gripped Vice by the shoulders, feeding him to the crowd as they roared in joy, his screams soon drowned out as the crowd reaped their vengeance, beating and bashing him to bits, throwing his remains into the abyss, never to come back.

[Dysseus] "We stand here as one people! We stand here as Zaun! For we shall quench our thirst for Justice, for this shall show those above that we are not a weak people! For we are Zaun's passion! We are Zaun's might! We are Zaun!" Dysseus yelled to the crowd as they roared in agreement. The after of the execution was quiet, as the crowd dispersed and we tore down our makeshift stage.

The day was still young, as we marched down to the place I knew I could turn to for a relaxing day. As the four of us traversed Zauns many alleys and hideaways, we eventually made it to a door, as I knocked it thrice, seeing the small window shift open, two sets of sparkling eyes on the other side...

[Y/n] "Before you say it, I refuse the password, and will walk right through this door of you make me say it" I said as the boys looked confused. I merely waved to them to stay silent, as the small god on the other side merely giggled.

[Zoe] "Welcome back slayer, heard you had quite the show today!" Zoe said as she opened the door, as the boys all stared at her in utter bewilderment. There stood the four foot 8 trickster, as she welcomed us in....

Tsk, Still cant believe were here....no matter how much she 'helped' me in the past, Im still upset for what she did to my brothers in arms....damn trickster....

As the four of us sat, I stared at the glass of wine Zoe handed me, slowly looking up to the small god as she merely looked back at me with her big smug grin.....damn trickster gods and their damn smugness....

[Y/n] "So how the hell do you know about the Revenant....I mean, you gave me his blade, and he speaks very....highly of you...so whats the story" I asked as I sipped the drink, the boys merely watched and listened as they never even knew such a place existed, for Zaun's standards, the place was better than every bar or tavern or inn or drinking spot in the whole region....yet they only find it now....

[Zoe] "Like I said, Ive been around a while....plus, I was trusted to trap all the darkin, and yours...well you...managed to trick even me, having hid away in the souls of your descendants, and the only way to get you out was if the person who trapped you to the bloodline did it...and you made sure to banish that person to the void, leaving you to be just as immortal as me and some of the others....hehehehehe, I still get a good laugh out of that, the only living being to trick ME, the trickster god..." Zoe recalled as she told the tale, laughing and giggling at the end as you merely downed your wine...

Damn right I tricked the trickster, I amd a damn GENIUS, and no one can top what I did when I was alive...sadly history never remembers it that way...

[Y/n] "What does it mean....that history will never remember it that way?" I asked, as the groan from the Revenant rang through my head, Zoe merely giggled more, as she got close to my face, only to let off a cheshire like grin.

[Zoe] "Seeing as it was merely the me, you, and the lich who cursed / helped you, no one knows where you went...the only records known to the mortal world is your incarnated, like "Deimos the Red", infamous gunslinger said to have tamed the beast of Fiddles and outsmart the fish demon...or "Metus the sword of dread", who lead a great crusade through Noxus and Demacia, taming the tribes of the lands and making them into said kingdoms, only to abandon them and force them to fight for your fun.......OH! or the most recent, well beside you Y/n....."Venus of Red Berry", the famous hunter who slew the beast of Dagoth in two, or how she crippled Noxus by attacking the infamous LeBlanc.........wait" Zoe said as she told the stories of the Revenants previous host....including your mother......Venessa "Venus" Rubrum........a tear fell from your face, but only one, as you were glad your mothers name lived on in history for her accomplishments......

Your mother was the greatest of them all kid....smarter than any tactician.....stronger than even the Demon Mordekaiser.....and a lot more kinder than a Rubrum should be........she's still here....just a fraction of her soul....and know this, she's proud of you....

You silently wept as you smiled, the rest of the day went by fast, you drinking and enjoying Zoe'a tales of what your family line did, defending Ionia from Noxus, conquering the sea god Nautilus in a duel, and many more tales.....but as day went on, you left...you had a family to celebrate with....the boys stayed as to enjoy Zoe's stories, but you left, lighting a small cigar, resting it between your lips as you walked the roads of Zaun.....


Short double upload. When I was looking at my chapter road map, this chapter just felt empty, so I decided to just make this short ending as a tie off of Vice and his arc, but next up....well....lets just say that Eve has a good welcome back gift for Y/n....and Y/n has one to give her....wink wink cause its better than what your even thinking of....Y/n's gift that is....

But as always, comment any feeback, and any spelling errors so I can fix, hope you enjoyed this tie off, love you all....

-Coffee Cat/redx121

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