A walk in the park

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It slowly comes back to you...doesnt it....the times you spent....so happy....so trapped....do you miss those days? [Y/n].

You awoke that morning feeling cold...like something was missing...but you didnt know what it was, you didnt know why you felt that way. But you stood from your bed, waliing over and into your bathroom. You undressed, and turned the knobs to the shower, only the cold water was turned on...you never enjoyed warm showers, they felt like lies, a warmth that was only there briefly, before it was gone...but the cold stayed with you forever...she made sure of that...

You scrubbed yourself down, as you felt the life come back to you, unlike last night....she was some what right...you missed those feelings badly, it was like a drug...a pink, heart shaped drug...

You exited the shower, slowly scrubbing any dirt off your shirt and pants and such, not realising that a bag of fresh clothes sat outside your door. But none the less you wore the same clothes once more, begining you way out your door....

You felt a paper bag kick against your feet, as you looked down, and saw a bag of clothes...your clothes...with a small sticky note on them...

[Note] //A tall man stopped by at the lobby today, he dropped off some stuff for you, so I left it at your door// - Kai'sa.

You read the note and sighed a small sigh of relief, as you re-entered your room, changing into the fresh clothes, as well as putting on the choker you owned. You then exited your room again and made your way to the kitchen, hearing the sound of the stove on and the small sound of a food sizzling on a pan. You peaked inside to see none other than Kai'sa.

[Y/n] "You know its my job to cook now, you didnt have too" You said, your voice spooking Kai'sa as she jumped from your sudden arrival.

[Kai'sa] "O-oh, its fine, I-I enjoy cooking, s-so its no problem for me" She said, a small shy smile on her face as she finished plating the food....five plates...

[Y/n] "Do we have a guest coming by?" You asked as you pointed to the fifth plate, Kai'sa looked at you, her head tilted in confusion, as she quickly let out a small giggle.

[Kai'sa] "No silly, this is for you, s-since you didnt seem t-to eat last night, I chose to m-make you some food" Kai'sa said, a full sentence this time with only a few stutters, you gave her a small smile as you nodded, grabbing the plates and setting them to the table...ten minutes passed by.

[Y/n] "Will they not be joing us?" You asked Kai'sa as she shook her head. You tilted yours confused as you didnt know why she made so much if they wouldnt even be up yet.

[Kai'sa] "No, they were too tired last night from all the work we had.....may I ask you a question, and I apologize if this is coming out of no where" Kai'sa asked, the pause between her explanation and asking was short, like she planned to ask you this to begin with.

[Y/n] "I work for you now, so of course you can, I do have to answer according to the paper I signed" You said as you finished eating your food. Kai'sa seemed to sigh in frustration.

[Kai'sa] "I still dont see why Eve made you sign such an intense contract.........but anyways, I wanted to ask if you would like to join me on my morning jog in the park thats not far from here" Kai'sa said, she mumbled the first part clearly in frustration, but quickly adopted her sweet tone once more.

[Y/n] "Of course, your wish is my command and all that" You said, you gave her a sly smile clearly showing that you said that as a joke. She gave you a small laugh as she finished her food. You both entered the elevator, making your way down to the lobby.

The walk/jog to the park was quiet, as you both enjoyed the early morning silence, walking past the small bits of scenery. You literally stopped for a moment, simply to smell a small bush of roses, laughing together as you realisee what you were doing.

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