Village of Shadows

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♡~Episode 13~♧
◇~Sprigs of Rosemary~♤

<Y/n POV>

Me and Eve had crossed the walls that separated Castle Dimitrescu from the village. We knew the back entrance to the Castle had been closed after our escape all those years ago, so our last option was the front, a good way to normalize ourselves of the lay out with the basic path the castle was made in.

Upon us walking up that horrid path, we saw the fields of Rosemary were in full this time of year....the memories of the times spent simply flooded past...

[Eve.] "What is it you want to do when we leave?"

Eve asked as me and her sat in the fields of rosemary, it was a warm spring day, my head on her shoulder, as she stroked my unkempt long hair, before I had any chance of a sharp object to cut it with.

[Y/n] "I want to be an actor, to make people happy being who they want me to be, I already do that now for them, so I think Ill do good at it"

I said as I looked to Eve, her eyes staring into mine, a somber look in hers clashed with the naive and innocence of mine. Her lips locking with mine as she hugged me.....if only I had sensed then the saddened outlook of then, perhaps I could have learned from it....but now I stood there, Eve by my side, preparing to end the tyranny of these evil abominations.

We walked up the small steps, as I pushed the doors open. The loud squeak as they went wide, me and Eve seeing that nasty mural of the three witches...Eve taking not a word or moment as she used her lashers to topple the piece.

[Eve.] "I always hated those three, always thinking they were above me....suppose now will be the time when I show them who is truly queen"

Eve said as we walked down the small hall, the turn to the right leading us to the main hall, the four statues standing their, faceless, as the locks to the tower were active...they knew we were here....

[Y/n] "Ill distract them when they get use your shade to look for Phoebe"

I told Eve as she looked at me befuddled and bewildered. A mean glare pointed at me as I simple looked away, my blade in hand ready to kill those who chose to hurt me.

[Eve.] "You did not just suggest facing them alone, as well as splitting up...I care not for how unkillable you are, I refuse to let them hurt you once more!"

Eve said as tears brimmed in her eyes, as she pushed me away, my eyes looking into hers, tears in mine as I simply glared at her. It didnt take a moment for her to signal defeat, as she went invisible, leaving my presence in search of Phoebe.

I dashed through the empty halls, no souls crying out for freedom, no sadistic flies nipping at the skin....just silence....the first room was the main area, the small fire kept lit as to keep those witches warm....a memory flooded back to me as I watched the flames dance...

[Eve.] "What was she like....your mother?"

A Younger Eve asked, as we sat at the was late in the night...the one hour of which the four of them slept, leaving me and Eve the castle to ourselves for a longer hair was brushed back as I stares at the fire, the memory of my mothers battle coming to..

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