Dancing with the devil

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♡~Episode 1~♧
~Hunt them~♤

That Night, Y/n laid in bed, his undead eyes never closing to sleep, as he simply ran the memory through his head like a bad rerun of the Simpsons.

It was now 8 in the morning, Y/n walked out of his room, his boned jaw stretched open as he yawned, walking into the tiny kitchen as he saw Dysseus attempting to make breakfast, his large snake body taking up 90% of the kitchen.

[Y/n] "You need help with cooking bro?" Y/n asked as he stood in the doorway, not even attempting to maneuver the small kitchen. Dysseus sighed as he handed Y/n a piece of toast, it was golden and already lightly buttered, leaving Y/n to simply bit into it immediately.

[D.] "Half our food went bad so Im left with bread I managed to steal last night, and only two eggs...GAAHHH, damn those bastards, I blame them for this!" Dysseus roared as he slammed his fist into the counter, the metal counter denting as he huffed and puffed, going back to working on the scrambled eggs.

[Y/n] "We used to eat like this daily remember, plus soon we will be able to go out again, after we deal with all of this" Y/n said as he motioned his hands up and down his body, pointing to his chin and then Dysseus tail as he did. Soon after Alfastr and Daiju walked out of their own rooms respectively, walking over and sitting on the couch. Daiju kept poking his own fangs, as Alfastr simply admired his new look.

Don't forget, we still have a damn dirty pair of snakes we need to hunt, I say we get it done with sooner than later..

[Y/n] "Fine.....boy...we need to remember, we have been given a second chance at life, a chance ti get revenge, so lets not dilly dally and sit around moping that we look like an extra from thriller, and focus on what's more important....killing those damn dirty bastards that did this to us to begin with." Y/n said as he stood in front of them, they all nodded as they looked at him, awaiting for his orders.

[Y/n] "First, we need to work out our...abilities to say.....so far, I am unkillable to an extent, only some weird holy priest shit can kill me, like drowning in holy water or something called 'Purification'....Me, Daiju, and Alfastr all have our dash like abilities, and of course D. is a snake, slithering around..." Y/n said, as he did he walked over to a folding chair in the corner, sitting it open in front of the three....two on the couch, and Dysseus on the arm rest...Y/n placed a stack of paper and pens in the table, letting his brothers right their little undead resumes.

[D.] "So....should we name our abilities, cause if so I got some cool ideas" Dysseus asked as he was already writing down on his little undead resume.

[Daiju] "Were Thieves, not superheroes" Daijy countered as he also had begun writing down what he could and could not do based on what his evil spirit told him.

[Alfastr] "True...but we could use it to help us feel more comfortable with things....if what I know is right...we are stuck with these...abilities, forever...so why not have some fun with things" Alfastr said as he had made small doodles around his paper. Y/n sighed as he shook his head, smiling as he too had acted a tad childish and 'Named' his powers.

Y/n Metus Rubrum
Revived by: Spiritual Resurrection(?)
Now is a: Revenant
Movement: Smoke Screen
Abilties: Smoke-Dini <Turn into and vanish through smoke>
And: Undying
And: Dead Man's Reflexes <Enhanced Relfex>
And: [Rest unknown]
Role: Stalker...

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