The Awakening [End of Act 1]

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Wake up [Y/n], its time we show them true suffering.

[Y/n] "Where am I....what happened....Wasnt I...shot in the head"

Heh, yeah, us Rubrums have a habit of being shot in the head...heh, reminds of this time a guy in a checkered suit shot us, heheheh, good times...

[Y/n] "Who the fuck are you...and what do you mean us family is gone ass hole!"

Oh your family is gone...but did you never ask why you always heard voices in your head...why you never felt alone in the room...

[Y/n] "Was you still havent told me who the hell you are"

I, am a man, who sold his soul to a darkin, thousands of years back....I am one of your ancestors, and you have earned an audience with me...a darkin..

[Y/n] "Your a daarkin!...and what do you mean an audience, what exactly can you give a dead man!" a Revenant....thats what we are...your mother was one...her father, and his mother before him, and so Rubrums always come back...sadly there are those who have permanently dealt with your mother, she was hunted by Noxus, and when they found her in that village, the purified her, leaving me to pass on to you, the next of kin...

[Y/n] "If you can bring people back....why the fuck didnt you bring my sister back you ass!"

She was already gone....I tried, she was much more promising than you...but her soul had been taken by those bastard kindreds before I could get a hold of her....

[Y/n] "Then why....why now, and not when I could have saved my brothers!"

Because...they already have guardians, so they should be fine...but also....a Revenant must pass the doors of death first, from there the Revenants soul must grab its host before the kindred get them, lucky for you I'm a bit of a pro get your second ticket of life...but there will be consequences, such as never being able to pass on unless purified, as well as sharing your host body with me...but hey, you won't be powerless anymore, and you can get vengeance...

[Y/N] "May I ask a question before I go back"

Fine, be quick, we've already spent plenty of time chatting for one revenant to have.

[Y/n] "What has our family even done as Revenants?"

Well, my first host killed a tyrant ruling what is now Demacia and Noxus...uhhh, your great great great grandfather was responsible for taming the demon Mordekaiser with the help of the Wizard Karthus....your mother herself is the one who killed the tyrant LeBlanc...and uhh..I dont know, other stuff but we need to leave, your body is starting to rot and I want to be clean when I get revenge.

[Y/n] "Fine....but wait....does this mean I'm going to become a darkin?"

Yep, you shall become the fourth living Darkin...sadly our brothers, my brothers, have been long since captured and sealed away...but your brothers, well lets go and see them shall we

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