Filia Patris Hodie

699 13 9

♡~Episode 10~♧
◇~Day Together~♤

The morning sun rose, as it poured into the hellish bedroom like sweet honey, the two monsters of love thrashed in their sleep, fighting for control and being the big spoon. In the hallway of the house, a sly fox arose, to her dismay she woke up alone.....well without the comfort of two of her lovers.....friends....people she was-.....she was missing two people who were part of her now family......that sounds better......but none the less she awoke to their absence, as she left Kai, Li and Sera to rest in, she carried Phoebe down to the kitchen to get a warm bottle of milk.

As she let the milk heat in the microwave, she went to Eve's old room.....or would it still be Eve's room....meh.....she knocked once...then twice....and then thrice!....only giving up as she opened the door, the cold morning breeze swept through, as she saw the man she loved, laying in bed with a woman she counted as a sister.....Ahri merely shrugged as she walked up to the pair, taking small pictures here and there as she posed with them.

The pair soon awoke to see the sly fox taking a picture. The duo mentally agreed together, as they pounced on the the naked pair wrangled her into their twenty minutes passed....twenty minutes of steamy three way love....sad that you blinked and missed it....horny devils....

But the [H/c] warrior soon got out of bed, as he changed into fresh clothes that were spared from his beastly love, his demoness soon joining him as they walked down into the kitchen, seeing Sera, Kai'sa, and Akali....panicking....

[Sera.] "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU FORGET THEY WERE IN THE OVEN! YOUR THE CHEF HERE!!!" Seraphine yelled as she was covered in a batter of sorts. To her left was Kai'sa holding a burning tray she threw it into a now overflowed sink of water and soap, whilst Akali merely shushed loudly as to try and calm the now wailing Phoebe.

[Akali] "Where the hell is Ahri and (Y/n), they know how to do this stuff!" Akali hushed yelled as she rocked the crying baby, Kai'sa soon stirred a pot of something as it caught fire...yes, a pot of liquid, was now on fire....Seraphine managed it all as she ran around trying to stir other pots and putting out fires.....the duo sighed as they cracked their knuckles.

Y/n started first by using his abilities to use the smoke coming from the fires to smother them, as he scooped Phoebe in his arms, her cries silencing instantly as he held her. Evelynn used her lashers to put any still active fires in the overflowed sink, whilst also grabbing a few towels to clean any water off the floor. The duo finished calming the kitchen, as they glared at the trio...

[Y/n] "Explain to me why my daughter was this close to a fire, and why there was a fire to start?" Y/n asked, the girls now sat on one of the couches as Eve and Y/n stood in front, the couples piercing gaze made the girls shutter in fear, they sat in silence before Kai'sa came clean.

[Kai.] "I-I-I thought it w-would be a good idea to m-make you breakfast now th-that your finally home, a-and Akali and S-Seraphine wanted to help, s-so we got cooking....a-and then the stove burned.....and Ph-phoebe was crying so Akali left th-the sink on to take care o-of her, and......y-yeah" Kai'sa explained, as both Sera and Li looked away in shame, as the duo prepared to scold them, they heard a loud yell

[Ahri] "Who burned parts of my kitchen!!" Ahri yelled, as the duo looked at each other, walking away to leave the mother fox to dish out punishment to the three. The duo sat in Evelynn's now cleaned room, as Phoebe played on the bed with them.

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