A shot in the dark

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You felt...so cold...so empty...like the void had made its home right in your heart...where were you? [Y/N]? Where did you go...

All around you, was darkness, with a sleak floor of water...what did you see? A man, standing there, his limbs long and thin, like he was only bone...small embers radiated from the mans body, as it looked like a mix of smoke and shadows.....its gaze casted upon you, as it turned its head towards you, a low rumble eminating from its voice...

[????] "You arent supposed to be here....not yet...your time to garner an audience with me, has yet to arise...go, walk once more my child, for our wrath shall come, soon enough" .... Said as it threw its hand towards you, casting you away. You tried to speak, you had many questions, but it was as if a hand covered your mouth.

You plunged into the water...your body drowing in a mix of cold sea and blazing fire...the pain was breaking you....but it soon vanished, as did you...

You awoke slightly...only one sound welcoming you back to the land of the living....the sound of a heart monitor, beeping away...yet you felt warm.

You looked to your side, and saw....Seraphine?, how in hells name did she even know you would be here...but as if you thoughts were broadcasted to hers, she slowly awoke from her own slumber, her hand resting on yours was now lifted.

[Sera.] "Huh...wha-.....[Y/n]...Oh my god, Your alive! Oh I thought you were gone..." Seraphine said as she hugged your arm. You looked at her with a small tinge of creeped out.

[Y/n] "Sera...how did you know...I was here...I barely remeber coming here" You said as you pulled your arm from hee, making it clear you were freaked out by her being there.

[Sera.] "O-oh...well, you see....I saw the security man, Braum I think it was, he was carrying you to one of the limo's, I saw you...you were bleeding all over, your white shirt was mostly red when I saw you again...I asked what happened, and told him I knew you...so he simply let me ride with you......" Seraphine said in a fast pace, you had to take a moment to understand most of what she was even saying. But through the fact that a random womam ran up and said she knew you, and he let her join you, what a joke this was.

But you ignored all that for the moment, realizing Seraphine had stayed with you for what seemed like the whole night, it made you smile, before it all came tumbling down. Why? Why did she care, you were just some flirt that came to her work a bunch, was she this determined to get a piece, only to toss you away like the rest did, did she want to hurt you this badly....maybe she wouldn-....no, thats what all those women want, to use you for a quick moment, make you feel special, then toss you away, like the broken toy you are.

[Y/n] "I....Im flattered...but why exactly would you join me, hell, why did you stay all night? Dont you have more important things to do?" You said, your words laced with venom as yiu clearly seemed defensive, you hated those who thought they could weasel their way into your heart.

[Sera.] "What? No, your my friend [Y/n], why wouldnt I want to make sure your ok?....[y/n], I......your a really good freind to me, so I wanted to make sure my bff was safe" Seraphine said, upon her little pause, she seemed like she wanted to say something...but her words and emotions changed quickly to that of her usual bubbly attitude.

[Y/n] "Well...thats sweet of you..but I must leave....my...family, must be worried sick for me"You said as you started to get up, the pain of your wounds stung, and you let out a series of groans and coughs of pain, as you stood at the side of the medical bed, covered in the gown.

[Sera.] "Oh, here, a healing potion, the doctor left it so when you woke up" Seraphine said, as you looked at her. Of course, she never knew, only your brothers did. You, yes you, were a powerless man. In a wordl of magic and dragon gods and celestial beings, you had nothing, nether did your brothers, hence why you spent your life perfecting your craft of stealing and lying.

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