A Day To Remeber [Lemon]

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Days had passed since your night of nightmares came....each day you had been over comed by worry as you hadn't heard from your brothers, no text, no calls, and when you took time out to visit...they were never home.

You weren't alone in your worry, as the girls had noticed your worry, Akali decided not to make a problem and waited for you to bring it up, whilst Ahri and Kai'sa simply asked if you were ok quite often, to which you always responded with a simple yes....why lie [y/n], why?.

But on a day like any other, Eve had decided enough was enough, and chose to take you out for a date...sadly the others had taken it upon themselves to take you out that day as well...

You had most of the morning to yourself as the girls had meetings for their new album. As your pocket watch struck 2 in the afternoon, you heard the elevators bell ring, as its doors shifted open, revealing the sweet succubus herself, Evelynn.

[Y/n] "Bonsoir Eve" You said as you turned to Eve, in the time you had lived [Forcefully] with the girls, you had practiced your linguistics, with you now learning eastern Demacian. But as Eve walked towards you, she grabbed your chin, leaving you somewhat shocked and your mouth agape, as she pushed hers into yours, a deep kiss ensuing, one you pushed off of quickly, giving Eve a glare as she smirked.

[Eve.] "Well darling, seeing as I get you first, why don't we get some lunch, and I know the perfect place for it" Evelynn said as she took your right hand in hers, you wouldn't call this much of a date as you had wanted to leave and search, but you were contracted to do as she and the others said, thankfully the others never forced you into things like she did, you were just glad she had the boundaries to not force you to do sexual activities.

You both went down in the elevator, passing floor by floor quietly, as you refused to look at her...yet she still took the chance to rub her nails up and down your shirt, her sharp nails brushing over my scars and skin, her cold touch making you a bit more tensed.

[Eve] "My my darling, is it me or have you gotten more...toned, since you joined us, I did say this would be good for you, did I not?" Eve asked teasingly as the elevator came to a stop, you stayed silent as you both walked into the garage lot. As you both walked to Evelynn's sports cars, she spoke as she stopped at a purple lamborghini.

[Eve.] "I want you to drive darling, and try not to destroy my car" Evelynn said as she entered the passengers side. You never were big into sports cars, but when you need to blaze down the roads from cops or fellow criminals alike....well you definitely weren't bad at it.

You entered the drivers side, only to be met with Eve in your seat, as she moved for you to....sit with her? You looked at her both confused and unamused as she lifted herself up slightly.

[Eve.] "I'm going to sit on your lap darling...hope you don't get...to excited on the ride" Evelynn said as she awaited. You sighed and gave her a glare as you sat down, Evelynn sitting on my lap....you were going to make sure not to disappoint.

As you turned the key and engine roared to life, you felt Evelynn as she turned towards you, her face close to mine. You stomped on the peddle, as the car zoomed off quickly, this shocking Evelynn.

[Eve.] "D-darling...ar-aren't you g-going a bit f-fast" Eve asked worriedly as she held close to you. You briefly glanced at her as her eyes were wide under her glasses. Ypu simply stayed quite, as we soon stopped at a red light, getting close to her ear as you whispered.

[Y/n] "I thought you liked taking things fast Eve, don't tell me I've won this quickly" you teased as she glared at me, seeing her dominance being questioned, she soon looked up at me. She was still shaking from the speed as we sped off, me using the cars gps to take us where we needed.

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