Pick Your Poison [Lemon]

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You always loved waking late in the day, enjoying your small naps... plus being alone as the girls were at meetings, the day was nearly done...the dark skies outside, felt comforting. It had already been well over three weeks since you moved in, so taking naps late in the day was your new unhealthy habit.

You pulled out a small pocket watch from the bag of stuff that Daiju delivered, it was a stainless black steel, with red and black gems making a circle. You clicked the small button and it opened, the black hands with the white numerals clicked to 8 in the evening....

You started with preparing food for when the girls got home, today was breakfast for dinner, A simple course of waffles, Eggs [Scrambled], some sausage and some fruits in a bowl. You and your brothers would have thought it was christmas with this food, but this was a normal meal for idols you supposed.

As you added the final bit of eggs to the large plate, you felt your phone go off, as you saw a phone call from your brother Dysseus. You of course answered, hearing from them always made you smile.

[Y/n] "So who burned the house down first? Alfastr or Daiju?" You asked jockingly. Even though Dysseus was insane, he was the most cautious and careful of you four, especially around his kitchen. You knew how to cook, but him, he made diamonds out of dirt. Alfastr was always afraid of fire, prefering to eat more cold foods, whilst Daiju couldnt use the pan to save his life.

[D.] "Neither...well Daiju burned a pot of water, but beside that the house is intact Anyways, the new bar opened in Piltover, the DnD based one, and seeing as its been a loooonnnggg while since we managed a session, i thought that you come and grab your suit, ill grab mine, and we have some brother bonding" Dysseus asked with clear excitement, it had been over a year since the four of you even thought of playibg dnd...perhaps this would be a good time to play a session amd enjoy some booze.

[Y/n] "Fine, but you better invite Daiju and Alfastr...you boys go to it, Ill stop by and grab my suit and meet you there, The Dirty Dagger right?" You asked as you had already been in the elevator, passing the many floors before the soothing <Bing!> alerted you to leave.

[D.] "FINE DAD! Ill invite the other two, and I made sure to have it ready, so you should be quick to just change and go, see you then bro!" Dysseus said as he hung up, you made your way to the garage, as you quickly put on your custom helmet, and revved up your sweet bike. You never had the chance to follow your dreams and paint your motorcycle, but with the money you earned from working as the butler (slave). The motorcycle was now black, with the engine being a haunting white like bones, red LED's lit the bottom so your nightly drives would be even greater. As a final touch, you added an attachment that you didnt really understand, but your friend Ramya summarized it greatly, 'it lets off black smoke with an added wood attachment to add sweet burning embers to the smoke, giving it a haunting look in the moonlight...

You drove through the streets like a bat out of hell, the quiet night giving you mostly clear roads, but the sound of angry communers honking their horns at you always made you smile a sadistic smile.

You quickly entered the hole in the wall you called home, as you saw it standing there, your suit of Reman (what I think rome would be called in LoL universe, seeing as we hate noxus) design, it stood there in its full dark glory. (Ok, so think of Centurion armour from For Honor, mask and all, I dont have a picture sadly and cant draw sadly)

You quickly put all the armour on, afterwards you hopped onto your motorcycle, which you promptly named The Revenant...how sweet of you.

The cape you had attached blew through the wind as you quickly parked the car. You walked in and saw them with all their glory. Dysseus was dawned in his Gladiatorial uniform, his Trident in hand and Buckler shield on his wrist, quickly giving you a bow as you entered.

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