Chapter 9. The sorting

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Hermione left the compartment to get her bags, while Ron and Harry exited the train and made their way over to Hagrid.

"Harry my boy! Looks like you made it after all, and I see you made a new friend." Hagrid spoke while smiling.

Harry smiled back and Hagrid pointed them towards some boats. Ron and him sat in their spot while Hermione went to a different boat.

Then an unfamiliar guy stepped onto the boat and looked around. He turns towards the two boys and smiled.

"Hey, I saw you guys earlier, what's up?" He said while sitting next to Harry.

"Sorry but who are you?" Harry asked while looking at him.

He smiled and said,

"The name is Satan"

"Satan? As in the.....Devil?" Ron spoke, saying Devil in a whispered, he leaned towards him with wide eyes.

"I mean yeah, being the Devil isn't that bad, kinda but not really" Satan said while rolling his eyes.

"While I'm Harry, and this is Ron"

"Nice to meet yea" Satan said and shook their hands.

"Oh and this is my brother, Mikey" Satan smiled while pointing to the hooded guy behind him.

"Woah! Where did you come from?" Ron said nervously.

"I've been here for a while" Mikey said.

"Why do you have a hood on?" Ron asked.

"You'll see soon" Mikey said while sitting next to Satan.

"Hey Satan, where's Cece?" Mikey asked Satan.

"Cece? As like the girl from before?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, she's our older sister, we haven't seen her since the scene in the train" Satan sighed.

Harry looked around to see if he could spot her, and after a few minutes he finally saw her.

"There she is!" Harry said aloud while pointing at the girl with brown and blue hair, and she was sitting next to Hermione.

Satan looked over and nodded.


The boat started to move, and everyone was looking at the sky, the school, and the trees.

After what seemed like forever, the boat finally stopped at a dock, and they all got off, they looked to see that Cece was helping some students get out of the boats, and saying hi to everyone.

Ron laughed, and whispered to her

"She's almost worse than Hermione"

"Don't be rude Ron, we've only spoke to her a few times" Harry stated while pushing his arm.

After some time they finally made their way into the building and got greeted by talking paintings and a old looking woman.

"Hello first years, my name is Professor McGonagall I will be your-" Professor McGonagall began but got cut off by a toad jumping out from the crowd.

"Trevor! There you are" A boy with two buck teeth and short brown bangs, pushed his way out of the crowd to grab the toad.

Professor McGonagall gave the boy a questionable look, while he apologize and rushed back to the crowd while some people were laughing.

"As I was saying, I will be teaching Transfiguration this year" Professor McGonagall said.

Then she started again, "Please wait here for a few minutes while I go talk to the head master, please talk with your peers"

Mikey goes to Hogwarts(Tmnt Mikey Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now