Chapter 7. The train ride

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The old wizard teleported them to a train station, he then handed Mikey a ticket.

"Your things and school supplies are already at the school, they are currently in my office until you are sorted" He said. He then handed Mikey a bag that can fit in his hand.

"You can buy some snacks on the train"

"Master splinter, always said that the others and I shouldn't show ourselves to humans....and I'm afraid of being bullied again" Mikey said why clutching the small bag.

"I see, how about this, you can stay in a private part of the train, the staff and teachers are aware of how you look, and once you arrive at the train you can wear a cloak then you can reveal yourself when you are called to the hat" The old man said while running his hand through his beard.

Mikey nodded in agreement. He then handed Mikey a black cloak,
Mikey waved to him and stepped onto the train.
"You must be Mikey! Follow me you'll be sharing a room with your siblings" A teenage looking male said to him.

They headed towards the back of the train and he opened the door.

"Hello Ms. Pluto and Mr. Pluto, I have brought your younger brother" The guy said.

One of the kids stood up, he had red eyes, black hair with some blue streaks in it, pointed teeth, tan skin with a red tint to it.
"Hey! My name is Satan, I'm your older brother" Satan said. Mikey took off his cloak and Satan hugged him.
"Wow your skin is super hot" Mikey whined.
"Oops sorry! I keep forgetting" He said while rubbing the back of his head.

The girl stood up, She had brown hair but the bottom half was blue, she had green eyes and she wore glasses.
"Mikey! I'm the eldest out of you two boys" She said while crossing her arms and leaning on the right side of her body but quickly fixing it so she stood straight up.

She smiled, she also had pointed teeth but only two so they are fangs.
"Oh! I almost forgot my name is Cece" She said.

"She doesn't like to hug people unless they hug her first" Satan said.

"I guess that's my cue to leave" The male said while standing at the door.
"Yes and thank you for bringing him here" Cancer said.
He smiled and left the room.

Mikey walked towards Cancer and hugged her. She was tense a first but hugged back.
"She's wasn't the best at hugging as a kid because everyone complained that she hugged too hard soo" Satan said while jumping on seat.
"Stop jumping on the seat!" Cece yelled and stomped towards him.
He yelped and quickly sat down.

Mikey laughed.
Soon Cece and Satan started to laugh.
Cece looked at Mikey with a blank look.
"Whhaaat are you doing?" Mikey asked.

"Kind of like ability I have. I can slightly see your past and some of your future" Cece responded.

"But how?" Mikey asked.

"We all have different powers of course her as the first born would be more powerful, she can see someone's past, control most of the dead, and master a few of the elemental spells but they have a big drawback on her, myself I can send someone to hell and back, I am a master in weapons and can control blood, but Cancer hasn't master that yet" Satan said while running out of breath.

"That's so cool! I master every spell in my spell book wand and kind a without my wand, and talk to animals!" Mikey said happily.

"We can also talk to animals!" Satan said excited.

Cece sat near the window and seem lost in thought.

"When did the train take off?" Mikey asked.
"5 minutes ago we'll be in the train for about an hour or so" Cece said.
"Is she okay?" Mikey whispered to Satan

"No really knows whats going on with her" he whispered back.

Cece wished she had a younger sister to talk to or even some female friends. She sighed and stood up.
"Satan get me a blood lollipop from the cart I'm going to go find some girls to befriend" She said.

He nodded and continued to talk to Mikey.

Cece walked down the hall and knocked on a compartment.
"Come in" a female voice said.

She slid opened the door to see two males one with red hair and one with dark brown hair and a girl with brown frizzy cruly hair, almost like hers.

"How may we help you?" The girl said.
"I'm looking for some friends because my brothers are talking amongst themselves" Cece said, avoiding eye contact.

"Okay, my name is Hermione Granger" She said and held out her hand, Cece then shook her hand.
"My name is Ronald Weasley, but I go by Ron as well" He said while petting a rat.
"I'm Harry Potter" He said while smiling.

"I'm Cece Pluto" She said smiling.
"You're a Pluto? As in Hades Pluto!" Hermione said shocked. Cece nodded and pulled the top on her shirt down to show the Hades symbol.

"I read about you in a mythology book!" Hermione jumped up and grabbed her hands.

"Wow! Meeting both Cece Pluto and Harry Potter in one day!"
Cece looked towards Harry.
"I assume you're famous?" She asked.
"I guess" he said embarrassed.
"He's the boy who lived!" Ron said.
"Potter, Potter...Potter that last name seems familiar" She said aloud, tapping her fingers against her arm.

"James and Lilly Potter are my parents" Harry said.

"Ah I met them a few years ago when they were walking around the border line of the over world and the under world" Cece said while taking her glasses off to clean them.
"You met them!?" Harry said shocked.
"Cece!" A annoying familiar voice shouted.

"Cece! Mikey and I lost our ties and we can't find them!" Satan faked cried as he ran towards her.

Cece looked towards Harry, Hermione, and Ron.
"Let's be friends and meet again, I need to go before Satan blows a fuse" She said and walked back with Satan.

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