Chapter 11. Don't be lame

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In current year.

Hades smiled at all the other students around but he could feel a glare coming from the side of him. He turned his head to see Satan. Hades waved to him but Satan turned away from him.

Satan was furious at Hades for putting him in charge of torturing people.

"I will be the new DADA professor! The other one had some issues per say." Hades raised his voice, so he didn't need a wand to talk loud.

Hades looked back to the Slytherin Table and saw his other two kids.

"And my name is Professor Pluto" Hades said aloud.

A few students gasped and quickly looked at the table.

Cece noticed and stuck her arm in the air and started to wave it around smiling.

"Yes I am the Pluto kids father, and I can't wait to teach you all!" Hades said while doing a small bow and went to sit in his chair.

Dumbledore went to the front of the stage again and put the wand back to his throat.

"Alright that's all for the announcements! Enjoy eating and then the upperclassmen for your group will lead you all to your rooms."

Cece got up from the table and brushed off the crumbs from her robe. She walked with the other kids down out of the food hall, and down the chill-ish hallways. Satan and Mikey quickly caught up to her.

"What do you think the dorms will look like?" Satan said while turning his head to look at Cece but she was already busy talking to some guy. He turned his head to Mikey and repeated his question.

"So if you're the older sibling to them, why are you a first year?" The guy asked Cece.

"Technically I am a lot older than everyone here, but since I look younger and should also be a second year by the logic here. The teachers thought I should take the first year lessons just because." Cece tried to explain.

The guy looked confused but shrugged it off. He nodded and walked away.

Mikey frowned at the guy but turned towards Satan, answering his question.

"Maybe it's like the sewers like my old home," Mikey said.

Mikey sighed as he was starting to feel home sick. Even if his old home wasn't the best for him, he still missed it. There were good times when Raph would let him stay in his room when he was scared at night, or when Leo would comfort him and watch TV, and when Donnie would fix his cuts when he fell and would fix his toys. As Mikey was remembering all the good times, until he felt a hand on his head that did a quick pat.

He looked to his side, and Cece quickly walked forwards towards the blonde kid from earlier.

"You looked sad," Satan spoke. Mikey looked at him with a confused look,

"You looked like you were about to cry so I patted you on the head" Satan explained.

Mikey smiled and then realized they had made it to the dorms. The Prefect got their attention, told them the door code, and they all went inside. The common room looked dark and creepy, but in a modern way.

It was decorated in green, brown and black. It looked very nice but it was kind of dark, plus the windows showed out into a lake. Which means they were under water.

"Dang it's cold in here!" Satan yelled while hugging his arms.

"Which is weird since I'm from the underworld so I'm always warm" He mumbled right after.

"Sorry about that, I guess the heater hasn't warmed up yet" The male Perfect told him. Satan rolled his eyes and gave him a slight smile. Once he Perfect turned around, Satan's smile dropped and did a quick glare at him.

As Mikey watched he let out a yawn.

"I guess that's my cue to show you boys to your rooms" The Perfect laughed a bit. Some other students also laughed, but were met with a quick smack to the back of the head by a tall man in a long cloak.

"Oh hello Professor Snape!" The Perfect said with a nervous tone of voice.

"Hello, go show the new students the" Snape said in a slow voice while looking at each student.

"Yes sir! Come on guys, and the girls will go with Mary" The Perfect said as he pointed to Mary, the female Perfect.

Everyone gathered around their Perfect and was led down another hall.

They walked down some stairs and were met by a hallway with several doors and a few couches and tables.

"Okay boys listen up, these stairs will not allow girls down here, in their doors are your rooms. You each have a roommate from the letter of your last name. The couches and table tell you that this is a lounge area if you so choose to be in." After the perfect told them that, a loud bell went off.

"And will you look at that, that is the bell to signal you all to go into your rooms and get ready for bed, the next bell will ring in an hour and you will all have to sleep, you may talk in a whisper or Snape will catch you, only after hours though. And remember! If you leave this dorm after hours and get caught, you will take away most of our house points." The Perfect finished with a huff and went towards his room.

"That was a lot," Satan laughed.

"What, too much for your little brain to process?" A familiar snotty voice spoke.

"Buzz off Blondie," Satan glared.

"I don't think I will," Draco smirked in return.

Satan let out a frustrated sigh and grabbed Draco's arm and his hand slowly started to turn red. While Draco looked in fear, switching his vision from Satan's hand to his eyes over and over.

"Listen, Draco I am Satan H. Pluto! I rule what you fear and I will not be disrespected by some loser dragon that can't fly, now-" Satan spoke, his eyes turning black.

"Ah! You're burning me!" After Draco yelled that his robe sleeve caught on fire.

"That's the idea now obviously, don't cut me off. I rule over the torture zone of the underworld. My other siblings rule different areas based on our abilities. You will not try to hurt us, like you could anyways." Satan laughed loudly and kicked Draco to the floor.

"Don't ever try me again, you Drake." Satan said with a sly grin. He looked at everyone else, and went to go find his room, which he did.

"A Drake, what is a Drake?" Draco asked, trying to put out the fire.

"A flightless Dragon, Thought you would catch onto that when he called you a 'loser dragon''' Some guy in the back said out loud. And everyone started to laugh. 

"My father will hear about this!" Draco shouted as he took off his robe and stomped on the sleeve.

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