Chapter 14. Incident

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Mikey parted ways with Satan when heading to his next class, Charms with Professor Flitwick. Mikey walked inside, slightly out of breath. Everyone turned their attention to him as he walked inside. Mikey looked around and saw everyone was seated and were taking notes.

"10 points from Slytherin for being late to class, especially on the first day Mr..." Professor Flitwick said, staring down at Mikey.

"Uh Pluto..." Mikey said, trying to see an empty spot.

"Mr. Pluto, go take your seat"

Mikey nodded and quickly took a seat in the front.

"Hi Mikey" A voice said next to him.

Mikey turned his head and grinned.

"Hi Cece, I didn't see you. Why are you in the front of class?" Mikey whispered.

"Isn't it obvious?" Cece said as she pointed to her glasses. She turned her attention to the professor and slightly squinted.

"Alright students we will be learning charms and spells in this class, get out your wands and books and lets begin" Flitwick said.

Mikey was able to do the spell with little to no trouble since he used to practice all the time. Cece was struggling a bit but eventually got the hang of it.

A girl from across the room point her wand at Cece's glasses and shouted,

"Wingardium Leviosa!"

Cece immediately was confused but mad.

"Mikey I'm blind. Avenge me dear brother" Cece said and laid backwards.

"Miss Rachel! 2 points from hufflepuff. Give Pluto her glasses back" Flitwick said loudly.

Rachel released the spell, causing the glasses to fall. Cece shot up and leap from her glasses.

"Ah! Wingaedium Leviosa!" Mikey yelled, pointing his wand at Cece, catching her before she made contact with the floor. Cece landed safely and used her magic to form a cloud for her to stand on and floated to her spot.

"Thanks Mikey but I can save myself next time" Cece said as she flopped down, and adjusted her glasses.

"Miss Pluto, 3 points from Slytherin. Mr. Pluto 10 points to Slytherin.

After class Mikey waved goodbye to his sister and walked the halls quickly.

"I wonder if this school has security cameras" Mikey whispered while staring at the walls.

"Cameras huh?" A voice said, wrapping their arm around Mikey's shoulder.

"Want to cause some drama?" Another voice said on the other side of him. Mirroring the other person.

"We can help you with that!" They said at the same time.

They stood in front of Mikey.

"Names Fred Weasley"

"Names George Weasley"

"Are you related to-" Mikey started to say.

"Ron? Yes we are. But back to the mischief" Fred said.

"You want to fly through the halls?" George said.

"Or add glitter to the teachers hats?" Fred continued.

"I was thinking more colorful, like spray painting the bathroom or something" Mikey responded.

"That is colorful" Fred and George said at the same time and nodding.

"Lets plan for a day to meet up and go to town and buy some" Fred told Mikey.

Mikey agreed and the twins left.

Mikey realized he was going to be late for class if he didn't hurry. Mikey rushed to his next class, flying.

He made it in time before the class left.

He held his hand over the broom but couldn't get it to lift.

"Lift already!" He shouted whispered. Causing the broom to smack him in the face.

"That wasn't cool broom!" Mikey yelled at his broom, picking it up and shaking it back and fourth.

The broom flew up and started to shake Mikey aggressively.

Mikey yelled out in fear as he wrapped his legs and arms around the broom, hanging upside down.

"MISS HOOCH HELP ME!" Mikey cried out, the broom zipping around the field.

"Let go of the broom!" Hooch yelled out trying to cast a spell on the broom but failing.

"I'm too scared!" Mikey sobbed.

Mikey's eyes started to spin, stinging with tears. He felt like puking and his arms started to give out from the pain.

"Help me..." Mikey whispered as his broom flew straight up vertically and starting to spin.

Mikey slipped off the broom and fell towards the ground. Mikey's vision blacked out and he hit the ground with a loud thud.

"Mr. Pluto!" Hooch yelled, running towards Mikey. She picked him up and raced towards the infirmary.

"Mr. Pluto is injured and needs immediate attention'" Hooch demanded.

"What happened?" The nursed asked, laying him down on a bed.

"His broom went out of control and basically scrambled his brains and look, he's a way lighter green then he normally is!" Hooch said.

"He is?" The nurse asked and looked up his picture, "Ah he is".

Mikey's eyes spin and he had a big grin on his face with puke and drool leaking out of his mouth.

"I'll get... revenge on my....brothers...." Mikey blabbed and fell asleep.

The doors brust opened, revealing a worried Hades.

"My son! What happened!?" Hades shouted and checked on Mikey's face.

"Professor Pluto! Please go back to class and let me do my job!" The nurse shouted and smacked the back of his head with a clipboard.

Hades fixed his tie and patted his sons head and left the room with a huff of annoyance.

"You as well Miss Hooch!" The nurse turned towards her and pointed to the door.

Hooch walked back to her class leaving Mikey and the nurse in peace.

"Miss..." A slow voice said but stopped.

"What is it now!" The nurse yelled and turned towards Snape.

"What do you need?" The nurse asked.

"One of my students had an accident with their potion making, and instead of coming down themselves the head master sent me down." Snape rolled his eyes.

They had their conversation while Mikey woke up just to puke on the floor.

"Help..." Mikey cried out.

"What happened to him?" Snape asked.

"Out of control broom incident" The nurse sighed.

"The brooms have been weird lately" Snape said while grabbing the supplies he needed.

"Goodbye" Snape told her.

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