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I don't know why I'm nervous. Literally, I'm shaking.

"Babe, you okay?" I look at the man holding my sweaty hand.

"Yeah. Let's go inside." I mean, I tried pulling him inside the restaurant, where they would meet him but...

"No, listen. Why are you nervous?" he made me look at him.

"I don't know. Maybe because they might scare you or even eat you alive." I said. He laugh until he notice my serious face, that stopped him.

"Oh, you're actually serious" I just nodded.

"Are they really that scary?" and now he's nervous. That somehow made me at ease.

"Come on." I pulled him until we're already in front of them.

They looked at me in surprise, they stared at Crush and then our hands.

"Guys meet Crush, my boyfriend" I can see they are all shocked.

"Oh." Wendy just said.

"Well, obviously. But why'd you bring him?"

"Yeri!" Seulgi unnie tried to stop Yeri.

"I mean this is our reunion--" Wendy cut Yerim off.

"It's fine Yerms." Wendy stand up from her seat and went up to me to give me a hug. "I miss you" she whispered and let go. God! my heart is doing her thing again

"Hi Crush, name's Wendy. That little demon right there is Yeri and that is Seulgi." she pointed the two. Yerim was about to say something but...

"Why don't you take a seat. It's the first time that we'll met our Joy's new boyfriend." she winked at me before she went back to her seat. How can she act normal.

"So how long have you been together?" Wendy asked. So now she's interested in my life?

"A month or two." Crush answered.

"You're not sure?" Wendy said, how can she be kind and intimidating?

"We've been dating for a month now." I told them.

"Tell me, what do you do for a living?" Wendy asked. I look at her.


"What? It's just simple questions Joy." I was shocked at her tone.

"You're suppose to be expecting these questions coming Joy unnie, before you brought him here." Yeri said coldly.

I can feel Crush squeezing my hands, I looked at him.

"I'm sorry Crush. Joy is one of the baby of the group and seing her being with someone that we never heard of, even from her, makes us this protective." Seulgi unnie said with a more calm tone. "Plus Wendy just came back after 2 years, this was suppose to be a reunion for us."

"I totally get that. I'm sorry if I ruined this. I guess I need to go." He stood up and went away. I was about to follow him when...

"Is this your way of ditching our plan Joy unnie? Why didn't you just say you couldn't come?" Yerim ask coldly. I looked at them

"Kim Yerim!" I see Wendy trying to stop Yeri, like she's begging her to stop. She then look at me.

"You should go Joy, you need to explain to your boyfriend. Say sorry for us." she smiled and signaled me to go.

I went out of the resto to find Crush sitting in a bench not so far away from where I am. I went to him, I know he notice me.

"You could've told me Joy. That's why you were so nervous." He laugh at himself.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted you to meet them."  I said

"I know. I just wished you did it in a different time." He looked at me. "That was suppose to be your time being with them, after all those years."

"I'm sorry."

"At first I thought I'm just meeting your friends from college, I didn't know it was them, because you told me, you lost contact--" I cut him before he went deeper into the story

"Look I'm sorry. Let me make it up to you" I reach for his hands.

He stand up and hugged me. What he told me next shocked me.

"I think you should go back there." he said I look at him confused. "It's your first meeting after years of silence, I think you should reconcile with them. I know how much they mean to you, and I don't want to be the reason if you lost them again this time." he hugged me again

"what you did just now was wrong babe, I will not tolerate it. Make it up to me some other time, for now fix this thing with them." he kissed my forehead.

"And this is why you're my boyfriend." I said and give him a smile.

"You mean to say it's not because I'm handsome?" he teased.

"I don't think so." I kissed him. "I need to go back there." letting go of him

"I think I just changed my mind." I slap his arm.

"No you did not."

"Go already before I do." He said. I gave him a big smile.

I went back to the restaurant. They didn't see me yet.

"seriously, what happened to us?" Wendy said as she massage her head.

"The real question here Wendy is, What happened to you?" I said, which made them look at me but I never removed my eyes on her. "Why did you left?" I sat down beside Seulgi unnie.

"This happened after you left." I said.

"That's where you're wrong Joy." I looked at Yeri confused. "This happened way before she left. Didn't you notice? Everything was tearing apart already, especially Wen--" Wendy stopped her. I know there was something more to this story.

"Yeri. Can we just please let go of the past and fix the present." Wendy said.

"Can't you see Wendy? How can we fix a broken present if the pieces remained in the past? And here I thought you're the brain of this group." I told her with a higher tone this time. I just need answers

"Well not anymore." She just smiled at me. "I miss you Joy-ah" the fuck!?

"Didn't you get what I just said Wendy?!" I shouted. Seulgi unnie reach for my hands to calm me.

"I think we need to change location for this talk. We need a more private space." Seulgi unnie said I was about to protest when Wendy talked

"Can we just go to my place, it's not that clean for now because I just got here, but it's the only private space we can go to at this time." Wendy said.

All I want is answers from the questions that had been killing me for years now.

Where did things go wrong?

Why did she left when things was getting better?

How did all of these even happened?

I Cheated with You.  |  WENJOYWhere stories live. Discover now