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Joy's POV

"How did you find me, Unnie?" She was just so silent so I asked again.

"Your mom. She visited for a monthly check u--"

"Right! How can I forget!? Of course Mommy will tell you!" I said in defeat and entered my new place. I didn't closed the door for her. She barely have time to spend with Seulgi unnie. I can't just shoo her away when she made time just to come to me.

"I see, you moved." She said, checking the surrounding. I faced her. "They don't know I'm here, if you'll ask that." I know that because if she ha told them, I'm sure she's not the person I'm in front with now. She checks the boxes, scattered, like she opened it. Next thing I know, she was already unpacking some of my things.

"Unnie." I called her. She just smiled at me and continue what she's doing. "Are you just going to ignore me? Didn't you came here to talk?" I asked her.

"I came here to help." She said without glancing at me. Seriously?!


"Sooyoung-ah!" She looked at me, this time. "I have lot of questions. I want to talk to you. You're right! but I really came here to help." I doubt that.

"Okay then!" I said and started helping her out too.

After hours of silent working, for the both of us, I decided to speak up.

"Unnie? Don't you have work today?" She picked up the empty boxes put them on the side before she lie on the couch.

"I'm on leave." She said that surprise me.

"Didn't you said you just had an appointment with Mommy?" She nodded.

"Yup! I filed it just yesterday too."

"After mom told you where my whereabouts are?" She laugh at my question.

"Yes. Imagine if Seulgi knew about this? She would go hysterical. Not just because I didn't told her that I knew where you are, but also that I'm capable of filing a leave in just a span of hours." She just laugh. Irene unnie is a really super busy person, by choice. "So, never tell this to your unnie." She said with authority. I laugh and nodded.

"What do you want to eat for dinner, unnie?"

"Dinner?" She suddenly stand up. I'm guessing she had plans.

"Yes unnie. I don't have food here. How about we just order for delivery?" I asked her.

"Yes! Do that!" She said as she's looking through her bag. When she got her phone, she looked at me. "I need to call the bear. If I don't, I'm sure she'll go to the hospital." She said in a panic. I laugh.

"Go ahead unnie." I said and went on with ordering our food.

"Bear!" I got startled when unnie suddenly shouted. "Did you eat dinner already?" It still fascinates me, how unnie's voice and tone changes every time she's talking to Seulgi unnie. "Yup! I'll be home late... mkay. Love you..." Unnie then put down her phone and look at me. "Is the food already on its way? I'm hungry." She said to me.

"Unnie, don't act like you can eat a lot." I said and laugh. "and yes! The food on it's way."

"Hey! I can eat a lot!" She said.

"You can't, Seulgi unnie always finishes your food." I said to her. Suddenly, her expression change. Looks like she's going to ask already.

"When are you going to talk to them?" I laugh.

"Great timing." I said, amazed. She smiled at me.


"I--" I stopped when her phone suddenly receive our attention. Looks like she received a message. She did not bother to look at it but I did. When I saw the her phone, it shocked me. "Unnie..." She did not end the call with Seulgi unnie. I pointed at her phone, she looked at it.

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