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Joy's POV

It's been weeks...

When I arrived home from Wendy's, that day, I had a breakdown in front of Crush. I couldn't bear on lying to him that I told him the truth, all of it. I didn't want to keep it to him because he deserves it.

The truth about what happened that night, I remembered it all clearly now. I was the one who made the first move, but I can't be the only one to blame. What happened was because of our drunken actions. I don't know with her, but it was my hidden truth that was brought out by my drunken state.

"Hey? Where should I put this?" I heard Crush said as he entered the house with a huge box in his hands. I smiled at him. Until now, I still feel sorry for him. "You're giving me that look again. I told you, it's okay." He put down the box on the floor beside me and then he sat on the couch.

"Was it really?" I give him a questioning look. He smiled and look up to the ceiling.

"At least you did not lie to me." He said. After everything that I told him, he's still this good to me. "It did hurt, but I appreciate your honesty." He looks at me with a smile. "So, have you talked to them already?" He asked. I avoided his gaze and look down. "You didn't." I sensed him exhale deeply.

"I don't know what to say to them anymore." I said.

"Your phone's still off?" He asked and I just nodded. "You know... I shouldn't have came with you when you picked me up at my house. You just kidnapped me to carry up your boxes." I laugh a little when he said that. I scoff.

"It's not like I didn't give you a choice, for you to accuse me of kidnapping." I stand up and started unpacking the my things.

"You're right." He said. "It doesn't need to go this far Joy." I look at him. "You're shutting everyone down--"

"Well, not you." I cut him.

"Joy!" He frustratedly said.

"What?" I asked in a chuckle.

"Is this really how you're gonna cope up?" He asked me seriously. "Turning off your phone and suddenly moving in to a new place? You're even working online. For all I know you're using a different email for your work."

"You wanna get back together?" I asked, out of the blue. I still feel like my relationship with him is a huge loss. He was taken aback by it.

"No. Maybe if it'll come a time that I'll be the one you'll really want. Maybe by that time, I'll consider." He said. "You know..." He paused for a moment. When look at him again, he was just staring so deeply on one of the boxes. "From the very first moment I met Wendy, at the restaurant, I knew something was about change. Every little actions she did that time, I took notice of how you reacted in those little things. Every time you come home after being with them, you're always in deep thoughts."

"Sorry." I feel really guilty all of a sudden.

"You were never the person who can hide what's really on the inside, Joy. You're actions always gave it all away." He smiled at me.

"If that's true, then why didn't it felt like I was that kind of person to them?" I said before continuing on my work.

"You can't keep avoiding them, forever. Hear them out, at least. Maybe, in that way you'll find your answer to that." He stand up after saying that. "I need to go already."

"Thank you again, Crush, and sorry for the inconvenience." I walk him to the door. When we reached it I had a sudden urge to hug him and so I did. He ruffled my hair and chuckled.

"This will be the last time for now. Give me time to move on and don't bother me again." He pulled away from the hug.

"What if we'll just continue where we left off? I'm sure I fell in love with you--Aw!" He smack me in the head.

"You're still in love with her, Joy, and I think that's enough reason to call it all off." He said.

"I did love you though." He smiled.

"I know you did. See you some time in the future, I guess?" I nodded at him. I notice him pause for a moment, right before he was about to go already, he then look at me. When I look at the direction he looked at before facing me, I froze.

"Joy." I heard Crush called out my name. I faced him again, hoping that he would suddenly change his mind and not leave, but I know that will be impossible.

Right before I literally kidnapped him, he was already on his way to a drive to his hometown. He said he wanted to get away and I know I cannot delay him on his trip anymore. It's getting dark already, it's still going to a be a long drive for him.

"It's okay." I smiled at him. "Just like what you've said, I can't run away from them forever. So, go." I tapped his arm.

He then walks away, hesitantly. Before he could enter his car, he give me a wave. I can't help but laugh bitterly. Will I still see him again? I wave him goodbye as he drive off.

"I'm sorry but did I hear everything right, Sooyoung-ah? You two broke up?"

"How did you find me?" I asked her, emotionless. I honestly don't know what to feel that she's in front of me.

"Why were you even hiding, Joy?"

"Aren't you busy?"

"You're not answering any of my questions." She frustratedly said. She walks closer to me.

"It's frustrating, isn't it?" I said "Wanting to know something but you can't get it."

I Cheated with You.  |  WENJOYWhere stories live. Discover now