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"Joy can you please calm down. We all need answers from her but we need to ask it in a nicer way. You didn't know what she went through at that time." Seulgi unnie said while driving the car. Since Crush drove us there I don't have my car with me.

"With what you've just said, I'm guessing you knew more about what happened." that made her pause "isn't it funny? Here I thought Wendy and I are the closest in the group, guess it was the 3 of you." I just sigh and scroll down my phone to ignore what I'm feeling.

She stopped at the red light, I felt her gaze on me.

"I just want all of us to be back to the way it was Joy" She took my phone away from me.


"Listen Joy, I know you're still confused of what happened in the past--"

"Damn right I am!" I cut her off.

"But please give Wendy time. She will tell you everything when she's ready."  she said.

"You mean to tell me, I am the only one blinded in this situation that we're in?" I asked her. That's when the light turned green, she faced the road and drive.

"I'll take your silence as an answer." I said "I just wanted to know why she left without telling me." I said it almost in a whisper.

I look at the car window to hide a single tear that fell from my eye.

"I know this is hard for you Joy but please let her --"

"You know what Seulgi unnie? You don't need to say these things to me." I told her in a weak tone. "I will still say what I want to say to her." I face her and she nodded.

"I know, I'm just trying to calm you down."

"Thank you unnie." she stopped the car an face me.

"For what?" she asked.

"For not leaving me just like they did. For making this reunion happen, just so I can get the answers I need." I hugged her. I know she planned all of this.

"Oh! Is our Joy-ah crying?" I let go and glared at her. She just laugh.

"We're here. Come on, I got your back Joyiee" she went out of the car and I followed her

"Should I be worried? I mean you also got her back." I told her and she pulled me to the house.

"Yes, you should be." she said.

"Unnie!" I whined and she just laugh at me.

"It's going to be fine. Just like she said she misses you, do you not feel the same?" we were already in the front door, Unnie knocked.

"I do unnie. I miss her a lot that you can't even imagine what I could to to her" I said

"Oh really?" unnie said in a teasing tone

"Oh my God! Unnie! No!" just as I finished what I said the door opened.

"Hey, what's happening here?" Wendy asked us both.

"Our Joy here said that she mis- hmmmmm" I covered her mouth before she could say more. God she was really gonna expose me.

"Oh okay. Come in. Sorry, there are still a lot of boxes scattered. You guys want to go to the rooftop first?" I look at her, she was already staring at me. "I mean, that place was the first thing I cleaned. We'll talk there." she said not removing her gaze.

"Okay, but where's Yerim?" Seulgi unnie asked.

"I asked her if she could buy us some food along her way since she went to her home first." Wendy said. I just nodded. They are still pretty close.

"I'll go up." I told them I was about to go when I remembered "Unnie can I have my phone back?" she gave it to me.

"You go first Joy, I forgot something in the car." Seulgi unnie said. I know she's lying but I just ignored it and went up.

When I arrive at the rooftop. It was a little different from before but it's prettier.

"I guess she was sleeping up here." I went to one of the seats

I see that she put up a tent to sleep on. She even have a mini kitchen here. I lay in the hammock I saw and just stare at the night sky.

I remember all those nights I was always here, we were so happy, well I guess all that changed. I closed my eyes as I let my tears fall.

I felt someone is here with me already. I know it isn't Seulgi unnie, I just know.

"You're house is big. Why did you only use this small amount of space?" I said casually.

Unnie was right, maybe it's really hard for her. I'll give her time, maybe someday she would trust me, just like how she trust unnie and Yerim. For now, I'll just cherish the moment I'm with her, who knows when she'll leave again, I just hope she won't.

I sat up an face her, she looked at me. I don't know but those eyes are telling me something I can't understand.

She went up to me. She moved a chair to face me and sat on it.

"Are you planning on selling this house? If you do, will you let me buy it?" She looked at me confused. She's sitting close to me

"Why would you even want it?" she asked.

"Oh, so you're really selling this.?" I said sadly.

"Answer me Joy."

"I don't know. I may not be here for 2 years now, but this house is special to me. I won't let it go." I said. I look down

She reached for my hands and intertwined it. I look at her, she was just looking at our hands.

"I'm so sorry Sooyoung-ah."

I Cheated with You.  |  WENJOYWhere stories live. Discover now