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Wendy's letter...

Sooyoung-ah. You must've receive the documents for my house now. You were always asking for it since came back. I was not sure if you already knew that my stay there will just be temporary, that's why you were offering to buy it. I was actually shocked that it meant so much to you, also happy at the same time. That house was my home for years, it's important to me too

I know you're upset now and I'm really sorry, Joy. I wanted to apologize in person but I honestly don't know where to find you. And it looks like this is my only way to express what I want to say to you, because I'm running out of time already. I have to go back. Someone's waiting for me back in Canada, Sooyoung-ah. I wasn't able to tell you this but I'm getting married already. Can you believe it? And it was the reason why I reacted that way, after realizing what happened to us that night. I can't lie, I regretted everything. It was wrong and I let it happen. I was so mad at what I did, I don't blame you, I blame myself because after realizing what happened between us. It was like I'm back to square one again. It's like I haven't really moved on yet.

When you said, you wished I never left if my only reason was my love for you. I'm really not sure what you mean by that but a part of me says that if I didn't leave, it would've been so different. That maybe I read our situation wrong, that time. Maybe I was the one who was oblivious and just so impulsive. I don't know if I'm just assuming but after all that happened, I think that maybe you had feelings for me too. All the things that you said that day, your reactions, it made me think that way or maybe I am wrong. At some point I wish I am wrong, because right now? I'm willing to do anything if I'm not.

I know it will be unfair to my fiancé, but it'll be too unfair if I marry him while I still have feelings for you. These days I was thinking, maybe he just advised me to come back here to make sure, make sure I'm not doing the wrong decisions for myself. At first I was just here to reconcile with you, but it all turn upside down. Coming back just made me realize I was not able to move on in those years. It even made me question if it was still right to marry him, the only person that was with me in the process of my healing. I don't want to hurt him, he deserve so much more.

I'll tell him everything that happened here, I'm not gonna lie to him, and if he still see me the same way... I'm not sure what to do anymore. I'm willing to give our marriage a chance, but I don't want anymore regrets Sooyoung-ah. I know I've caused you too much pain already and I have no right to ask you this but I wanted to make sure this time. Please just tell me, what do you feel?

I'll wait for your response Park Sooyoung, I just hope I get it on time.

Love, Wendy.


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