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Joy's POV

2 weeks had passed, I'm still locked up in my new home. I refuse to go out. I just don't have the energy for it. It's like everything that I felt 2 years ago, when she left, came back but worst.

I got up from my chair as I heard the doorbell rang. As I opened the door I saw the 3 carrying plastic bags.

"Dinner?" Irene unnie said, I smiled at them.

"Come on in." I opened the door wider for them to enter.

"Unnie! You look like a mess." Yeri suddenly said that shocked everyone. I noticed how Seulgi unnie nudge her. I can't help but laugh.

"It's fine." I said to them. "Can we eat? I'm hungry. I haven't eaten anything since this morning." I said and went to Irene unnie who's unpacking the food they brought. I felt them eyeing me.

"Sooyoung. You need to take care of yourself." Irene unnie.

"I've been doing it for years already unnie. Look at me, I'm still alive right? Stop worrying." I assured them. 

"You still haven't comeback to your office?" Seulgi unnie suddenly change topic. "I went there one time but your secretary just said you're working from home." We all then took our seats.

"I just don't feel like going out unnie and It's not like I can't attend any meetings online. You see I still have no choice but to work, if I don't want the company dad built to go to waste." I said and started to eat already.

After a few minutes I notice them, still not moving their food as I felt their eyes on me. I stopped and look at the three of them. They look like they are about to cry.

"Yah!!! What's with those looks?!" I held my laugh pointing at them.

"Sooyoung-ah." Seulgi unnie called. "Is this really how you will cope up?" I smiled.

"It worked before unnie." I said. "Eat now."

"Unnie if we didn't come, did you even plan on eating dinner?" Yeri asked worriedly. I'm just thankful they're here now, because I don't think I'll be able to survive experiencing it alone again.

"That's why I'm thanking you for coming. Now eat with me already." I said.

"Unnie!" Yeri shouted. I can see her eyes getting teary already.

"Yerimah, I'll be okay. Okay?"

After I said that Joohyun unnie calmed her down. As much as they wanted to stay here, they need to go home because they still have work tomorrow.

More days had passed and I notice how they take turns to visit me everyday to make sure I ate. In those days I'm free of food, so I just let them. Where were they before? Oh! right! Tonight I'm with Seulgi unnie...

"Unnie you just finished up the food. I thought it was for me!" I whined as I watch her eating while watching television in my living room. I sat beside her.

"I bought it for the both of us." She said to me. I doubt it.

"Joohyun unnie texted me that she bought it. Liar." I rolled my eyes and just joined her eat.

Not long later she decided to take her mind off to what she was watching and she suddenly talked seriously that made me stop eating.

"I don't know if now's the right time, but I can't keep it to myself anymore Sooyoung-ah." She got up to get an envelope from her bag and put it n front of me.

"What's this?" I got a hold of it and check. What unnie said next made me want to look into it in a rush.

"She just told me it's something you asked from her." I look at unnie in shock after I read what's inside. She just transferred it to my name. Her house... does this mean she's not coming back anymore?

"She was really serious when she said she will just give it." I put down the papers on the table and released a sigh. I started eating again... Stop yourself from doing stupid things Park Sooyoung!

"Her house!? You asked for her house?!" Seulgi unnie suddenly shouted beside me. I covered my ears and glared at her. "Yah! Where is she going to stay when she come back? and why would you even ask her for a house and then buy a new one?" She said.

"In my defense, I asked her if I could buy it and didn't get a clear answer. I didn't know she will just leave it to me, just like that." I explained. "Why are you even worried where she'll be staying? when she's not coming back anymore." I face Seulgi unnie. "She will settle down in Canada already, right?" She looked shocked at what I said.

"You know..."

"Your girlfriend told me."

"Seungwan wanted to talk to you before she leaves." I smiled hearing that.

"But she wasn't able to." If I wasn't hiding from them and we could've talked, would it have change a thing?

"She needed to go back. Wedding's in two months." Two months? "You would fly to Canada with us, to attend, right?" I look at unnie apologetically.

"I don't think I can, unnie." I said honestly.

"Are you still mad at her." No. I shake my head to answer. "Then why?" I smiled. I guess Joohyun unnie doesn't really tell secrets to Seulgi unnie.

"I can't watch her marry someone else unnie. I just can't." She looked at me confused.

"Kyungsoo's a good guy." His name sounds like it. "I've met him..." She did? but you're still so slow Seulgi unnie.

"I am in love with Wendy." I bravely said that shocked her. "If she left before because she wanted to save her sanity, I want to save mine too by staying here. I will not put myself in a position where I'll lose my shit, unnie. Been there already, it was hell." I smiled a her and went back to my food. I felt my cheek getting wet. I wipe it off.

"You love her? Since when?!" I can't help but laugh this time. DAmn! She's good at ruining my moment.

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