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A month passed...

Joy's POV

No, I did not take Seulgi unnie's advice that night. If there was really a possibility that Wendy still have feelings for me, or choose me over her fiancé? She wouldn't be unfair with the guy and marry him, with uncertainty of her feelings.

I answered my phone as soon as it rang.

"Miss Park--"

"I'll be on my way now. Is there any problem there?" I fixed my things in a rush.

"Miss Kang and Miss Bae are here." What are they doing there?

"Okay, just tell them to wait please" my secretary said.

"I will." after that I ended the call. I was about to pick up the things I need to bring when I notice an open letter that was about to fall from my desk already. When I saw it, It was the letter Wendy left with the documents of her property. Then I realized I have not been able to finish reading it. I grabbed it along with my things and went out.

As soon as I've arrived at the office the two were talking seriously with each other.

"Are you two fighting?" I put my things on my table. "And why are you two here? I have a meeting in..." I look at my watch. "15." I prepare my stuffs for the meeting and took a glance at them. They were just looking at me. That's when I stopped and sat down. "Okay. What is it?" I know those looks from them.

"Sooyoung-ah. Our flight will be tonight." Huh? Now that got me confused.

"Unnie, if you two are having a vacation, go. There's really no need of telling me." I stand up an was about to go already when Seulgi unnie suddenly raised her voice.

"Sit back down Joy!" I was startled but still did what she had said.

"Okay?" I raised both my hands in surrender. What got her like that.

Joohyun unnie put an envelope in front of me. I picked it up and looked into it.

"A plane ticket?" I look at the both of them. "Unnie I can't join you guys, I still have a lot of things to worry about than have a vacation and third wheeling with you, lovebirds. I don't even know if you invited that small dork." I said to them. They still have this serious look though, it's like they're nervous of something.

"Look, Sooyoung-ah. I know you already told us that you will not attend but..." Seulgi unnie paused. I read the paper again and then looked at them in surprise.

"Was the wedding moved?" I asked them. don't know but it to seemed to trouble me, that they would already fly there weeks before the wedding. They both shake their heads. I looked at the paper again. It's my name. I pushed it back to Irene unnie. "I'm not going."

"But--" a knock on my door stops Seulgi unnie.

"I'm sorry for disturbing." My secretary said to the three of us as she entered. She looked at me. "The meeting room is set." I stand up hearing that.

"I'll follow." I said and she left the room. I face the two. "Unnie..."

"It's okay, you can go." Joohyun unnie said then I walked out of the room.

The meeting took 3 hours and when I came back to my office the two are still there. I can't help but smile. They're really going to convince me to go with them?

Seulgi unnie is in the couch sleeping, her head on Joohyun unnie's lap, who her facing her ipad. It looks like she's working.

"Unnie, let me remind you... This is my office." Unnie look up to me and smiled. She fixed her things.

"You can't change my mind unnie. Nothing can change my mind." I said, walking my way to my desk.

"Not even that letter on your desk?" She face her. She have this smirk on her face already. "When did she wrote that to you?" I look at my desk and the letter I brought from home is already in front of me. I look up to unnie. "I'm sorry, I know I was not suppose to read it but my curiosity got the best of me." I just shake my head.

"Seulgi unnie gave it to me last month. I actually just remembered about it now." I said.

"What!?" Joohyun unnie shouted that woke up Seulgi unnie. "Did you at least read it?"

"Just half of it, since Seulgi unnie disturb me that time I was reading it." Joohyun unnie look down at her girlfriend then suddenly pinch her cheek.

"Aaaah! Hyun!" Seulgi unnie stand up and gave unnie a confused look on why she did that. Unnie just glared at her. I can't help but laugh at them. Unnie then face me

"Finish reading the letter." She said with authority. She then grab her things. "I already told your secretary you'll be gone for a month." What!? "You'll be going to Canada with us." She said. "I already ordered lunch for you, next thing you do is go home and pack your things. Got it?"


"Read the letter." She said to me. "It's long overdue already." She tapped my shoulder. "Trust me."

"Let's go home Kang! You still have a lot of explaining to do!" Unnie said. Seulgi unnie still confused, but already is pouting. Joohyun unnie can't resist that. They then went out of my office.

I look at the letter in front of me. Did Joohyun unnie read something in here that made her mad that I was not able to finish it? Heck! she even made decisions for me now!

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