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Joy's POV

The next day I woke up with the feeling like head's been banged to the wall. I sat up the bed and hold my head. Just how much did I drink last night? and who took me--- I felt cold air on my bare skin? What the?! I get a hold of the comforter and pulled it to cover myself, but after I did that I sense someone move beside me. Did I just sleep with someone?! When I look at who it is, I couldn't help myself anymore...

"OH MY SHIT!!!" I shouted and get off the bed, not realizing I pulled the comforter with me, that made her bare now. "LORD GOD!" I turn around and started to look for clothes to put on alrea--

"Ah! My head hurts!" When I heard her spoke, I froze on the spot. What am I-- "WHAT THE FUCK!" I closed my eyes as she shouted those words. "No, no, no, no, no!" I sense panic in her voice. I'm guessing she doesn't know what happened too.

I continue to look for clothes again. I open one of the closet and when I found stacks of hoodies, I took two, I throw one to the bed's direction and wear one for me. The hoodies was big enough to cover myself, that made me think. I don't remember Wendy being the type who wears clothes this loose for her.

"Nothing happened, right? Please tell me not--" I face her, expecting her to be in clothes already, and she is.

"By the looks of it, something did happened." I told her. I saw how troubled she was, hearing that from me.

"h-how?" She stuttered. "how sure are you?"

"I'm not." I shake my head. "I'm as shock as you are."

"No." I saw her cup her face out of frustration. I was about to say something when a phone suddenly rings, and by it's tone it's my phone. I look for it, when I got to see who's calling... I felt guilt all over my body. My hands starts to shake. I felt my heart beats too fast. I shakily answered the call.

"Hey, babe? You're not home? I'm here at your house." I heard Crush on the other line. I drop on my knees. I cheated. "Are you still with your friends? I hope you're not forgetting about the plans we made for today?" I tears started to fall already. "Babe? Hey? You there?" I calmed myself down.

"I am." My voice was a little shaky as I said that.

"You okay?" I wipe my tears and fix myself. No!

"Y-yes. Are you still at my house?" I asked.

"Yup! I'll just wait for you here. You're coming home already right?" After hearing that, I turn to look at Wendy. She's still on the bed, with her palms on her face. She's shaking. I then heard a sob. Was this this thing that happened to us, really a bad thing?

"Right." I answered Crush when he called me.

"Okay. See you and love you." I paused for a moment there, not realizing Crush ended the call already. Should I tell him? I should, right? He knows who Wendy is in my past, he'll get hurt. He still deserve to know the truth.

I put on some shorts, I know Wendy owns. I don't even see where my clothes from last night are. After trying to fix myself already. I walk to where Wendy is. She's still in the same position.

"Wendy, umm... I need to go." I said to her. Her sobs just keep on going. I can't leave her here like this, but I can't keep Crush waiting too. "Wendy..." I sat on the edge of the bed "Come on. I can't leave knowing that you're in this state." That made her sobs stop, she wipe her tears.

"If you need to go, you can go Joy. I'm not your responsibility." She said as she's fixing herself. I don't know but her saying that last phrase triggered something in me. She stands up and open the door, then signaled me to go already. I saw tears are still falling from her eyes and she just keep on wiping it off as soon as it falls.

"Tell me, Wendy. Why is your reaction like this?" It's like, she was disappointed in herself too much. It's like she's carrying more guilt than I am for my boyfriend. I stand up. "like it is the worst thing you've done. Like--"

"Why Sooyoung!? Is cheating with your boyfriend not the worst thing you could do?! " She raised her voice. What the? "How are you this calm when you just had sex with your friend while being in a relationship with other people!? Do you even feel bad or guilt--" I slap her.

"How dare you question me with that?!" I shouted "I do feel guilty! I feel so disappointed in myself! I know Crush doesn't deserve this. What do you want me to do?! Cry like what you just did? Will that even change anything? I know what we did was wrong in any ways but It already happened, Wendy!" I heard her scoff after I said that. I look at her in disbelief.

"I told you to leave already." She spoke. "You didn't. If you're already at the acceptance stage, then good for you! As for me, I don't think I'll ever be on that stage." She looked at me in the eye. "I'll never be accepting the fact that I cheated with you!" She said sternly. Cheated with me? "I can't go back, Sooyoung! I don't want to go back. It was a wrong decision that I still came back here." huh?

I'm confused as hell...

I Cheated with You.  |  WENJOYWhere stories live. Discover now