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Joy's POV

I wake up the next day naked...

I'm just kidding. The kiss did not even happen. It's not I was expecting her to kiss me. Okay! I was.

I should be thankful that I didn't cheat on my boyfriend but why do I feel disappointed when she pulled away.

I was supposed to stay with her, to spend more time but she said we need to take a rest. She then told me that she will drive me home. Can you believe it?!

The whole day I was not in the mood and I don't even know why.

Not until I received a message from Crush.

C 💖

Dinner tonight?

As long as it's on you.

When did I ever made you pay?

Never. Hihihi
Pick me up around 7

Over time again?


I know
You can do whatever you want

Hahahah thank you

See you later, love you

See you and love you too😘

The dinner went well. We talk about the usual. I told him about yesterday, not that detailed of course, and he seemed happy for me.

My days went as usual as it is, the only thing that changed is that I am spending more time with friends now.

Seulgi unnie is always calling us for lunch and since our work buildings are not so far from each other, we decided to go for it. At least were getting back to the way it used to be.

I never came back to Wendy's home after that night. It's not that I don't want to, it's just that she did not invite us over again. Or she already sold the house. But I told her I will bu---

"Joy-ah?" and that take me back to reality.

"Did you sold the house already?" I ask her out of the blue


"I told you I'll buy it!" I told her

"I was right! You were not listening." she said. I gave her a questioning look. I look around and it's only the two of us left

"Where are they?"

"They already went back to their work. You even nodded when the said their goodbye." what?

"Really?!" I asked her, she just laugh

"I didn't. Didn't I?" she just kept laughing.

"Wendy!" That's when she stopped.

"Sorry, it's just that you look so cute at the moment." she said holding her laugh.

"I'm cute? Then why are you laughing?" I whined.

"Yes, cute but funnier." I punch her arm

"But really? Did they left without me realizing?" I asked again.

"Do you see them here?" I look around.

"No." I answered.

"Then, what do you think happened?" She asked seriously.

"Oh my God! Was I really in my own damn thoughts so deeply that I didn't notice them go?"

"How many times do you need ask that, for you to stop? You've got your answer already Bubba" I look directly at her smiling face. My heart is beating loud again, shit! the nickname.

"Okay, now I should stop. You okay Joy?" I just stare at her. What's happening?

"Sooyoung?" she called again.

"My heart is not okay Wendy" my hand rest on my chest "It's beating too fast." she stared at me with disbelief.

"Guess some things never change." she said. My heart always reacted this way when it comes to Wendy, even before, and I really didn't get it at first.

I tried convincing myself that maybe I like her, and I did. Yeah, before all of this shit happened, and I think I still do. Fuck!

"What do you mean?" I asked. Did she knew?

"You're always this honest with what you feel, even before. That's why it's so easy for us to know what you feel towards other people, because you'll say it without hesitation." she said.

"Let me guess, you were the first one to confess to Crush?" she asked in a teasing tone.

"Wendy?! Of course not! When did I ever made the first---"

"You did it to Sungjae. Remember?" with just hearing that name, I felt guilt all over me.

"Tell me Joy. You were so happy together, when I left. I even talked to him before I left, he was so in love with you." I look at her shocked. That bastard betrayed me. "I didn't think he was capable of hurting you, or did he? What really happened?"

"You happened Wendy. You left and that's when my life started to fall apart." I stood up from the chair. I can't stand it anymore. I was about to cry already. I left her there. I drive home, I texted my secretary to cancel any appointments coming.

The moment I close my front door, I cried. Next thing happened was I was on the floor already and my back is against the door.

"I don't understand" she said forget the past then why is she asking about it now?

"Babe, is that you?" I heard Crush shouted from the kitchen. I was about to fixed myself before he sees me in this state but he...

"What happened? You look like a kid that just had her lollipop stolen." I glared and pouted at him. He walk towards me and crouched to my level.

"Just joking, what happened?" he said wiping my tears away. He then guide me up to the couch.

"Wendy." I felt him froze at what I said.

"You want Ice cream?" I shake my head saying no.

"Okay, but I need to go back to the office now, I just came here to bring those boxes. It's the one's that you ordered along with mine." he said.

"Thank you babe. Bye" I told him.

"Take care, will you?" I just nodded, he kissed my head before he went out. I followed him with my eyes.

"I'm sorry Crush, I really thought I've moved on already."

I Cheated with You.  |  WENJOYWhere stories live. Discover now