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Wendy's POV

I felt my palms became sweaty as I enter the home I've been leaving in the past 2 years. I put the bag I'm carrying at the table. I closed my eyes as I heard the sound of my trolly and his footsteps coming near. I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry. I dropped myself on the couch without glancing at him. I covered my face with my hands, as I felt my eyes starting to heat up.

"Why don't you go rest, you must be tired from your flight." He said, as he sat beside me. The moment I felt his hands on my back, I can't help but get startled. Am I really that guilty? This time around, I look up to him. "Something happened back there." He said it like he already knew. I avoided his gaze again.

"I wasn't able to hold back, I'm so sorry." I said and look down. I heard a deep sigh from him.

"Did you regret it?" He asked after minutes of silence. "Did you regret going back there?" I look at him.

"I- I..." Why is it so hard to answer him. Next thing I know he sarcastically laugh.

"Funny how I was the one who suggested you go back there." he said. "Now, I'm regretting it."

"Kyungsoo." He faced me with a forced smile.

"How was I so dumb? Letting you walk back there, in the hopes that maybe... just maybe you can come back home to me, as the same but happier Wendy who was already sure and contented with what we have... It's still her, isn't it?"

"Kyungsoo, I love you." I said to him, as an assurance. I don't want to loose him. He open his arms, trying to invite me in for a hug which I gladly gave in.

"I know. I know you do." He said as I felt him brush my hair with his fingers.

"Why do I feel like you're having doubts?" I honestly said. that made him stop his movement.

"Do you still want to be with me Seungwan-ah?" I can sense nervousness in his voice. "Are you still willing to marry me after what happened to you there?"

With that sudden questions, I can't help but think about Sooyoung-ah. The last memory of her walking out from us after saying that last phrase she said. That phrase that surely got into me...


"I wish you could've just stayed, if it was really your reason for leaving." She smiled before she left.

"What the heck happened here, Kang Seulgi?!" I heard unnie shouted, but all that's clouding me now was what she had said. All those things that she had said. She went through so much. I look at the couple who is now arguing in front of me and Yeri trying to get n between the two.

"You guys promised me, you'll take care of her." I said out of nowhere. No, cause my emotions are all bottled up now and all I wanted to do is to let them all out. "You all assured me that she will be okay! The heck! Even that bastard assured me with it!" I frustratedly said. "And now you're telling me, she went through all that and not a single one of you was even there for her?!" I look at them. I felt like tearing up already. "You guys should've told me you can't do it. You guys should've not assured me that she still have you guys before I decided to leave."

"We tried stopping you, from leaving. We did talk to you." Seulgi said.

"and you did not listen." Yerim

"You know for yourself you needed that, Seungwan. That's exactly what you told me." When I heard Joohyun unnie said that, made me remember.. She was the last person I talked to before I left. She saw how my world was starting to crumpled that time. I look at her with regret.

"Unnie." I said and dropped on my knees and cried so hard. "She needed me that time, as much as I needed to save my sanity."

Sungjae broke up with her. Uncle died. I left. Just by thinking of all those things that happened to her life, made me regret leaving her. If only I didn't leave, it would've been less painful for her. She would've had someone by her side in those times. If only I was strong enough to stay.

end of flashback.

Honestly? Just right after seeing her again after all those years, everything, even the little things came back. It will always be her but if I have to choose...

"Because if you still want to, then I'm not letting you go." He said seriously. I look up to him.

Kyungsoo, we've been together for a year now, and he was nothing but good to me. No, cause if you'll ask me... I do love him.

"Just tell me what you honestly feel and I'll support you no matter what."

I Cheated with You.  |  WENJOYWhere stories live. Discover now