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Joy's POV

"I just want to say, I'm not here to steal her away from you." He said as soon as we were alone already.

"Why did you do it?" I asked him.

"Do what exactly?"

"I can tell how you really care for her, love her as you just said earlier, but how come you just--"

"give up?" He asked. He's looking straight ahead as he leaned on the car. "I've know Wendy for almost two years now and for a year that we've been together, I've always felt like there was a part of her that's missing." I just listened and decided not to speak. "The first time I heard about you was the first time I met her." I look at him. "I knew from the moment I told her to go back, I was already risking everything I had with her."

"But why did you still do it?"

"Like I said a part of her was missing. I thought I would at least be an alternative, or even be able to replace that. A part of her that I knew she left with you." He looks like he's trying to hold back his tears. "We've been happy, she accepted my proposal. God knows how thankful I am that she did, but my dumb self just thought of something stupid. Ate first she refused to go back." I knew she will. "We even had a huge fight after. Thinking of about it now, it was so stupid of me but I wanted assurance." Oh! I get it now.

"I'm sorry." I said to him and he chuckled.

"Funny how I was so confident that she will come back, still willing to get married with me, even if she realizes she's still in love with you. She talk about you before, like you never really saw her beyond being your best friend. You were this straight best friend who she fell madly in love with, and she thought she didn't have even an inch of chance to get out of this friend zone you built for her." He look at me. "I guess I was wrong. Seeing you here, just proves it."

"I never meant to--"

"She'll be happy with the decision she made, I know that, and it's really all that matters." He smiled. "Keep her this time Park Sooyoung, love her like how she deserves to be loved. She's been through so much because of you already." I avoided his gaze, guilty of what he just said. "But I know you didn't meant all that. I just want you to promise me, you will never make her walk away from you again." I felt his hand on my shoulder. I look up to meet his eyes.

"I promise." He smiled genuinely.

"Then let's go find them already. I'm sure Seungwan's not enjoying the stroll now." He said and walked away first. I just look at him. He's too good for this world. "Sooyoung! Follow me if you don't want to get lost!" He shouted. I run to him.

While finding where they are, me and him talks about different stuffs already. He's a serious type, but he somehow loves to tease.

We found them taking pictures. As we walk our way to them...

"We're okay now right?" Kyungsoo suddenly asked that made me stop, he also did and faced me. "Are you the jealous type of girlfriend?" He asked. huh? Why--Oh! He let out an evil smile. He started to walk to them.

"Yaah! I already promised!" I said and run to where Wendy and the others are. Damn it!

As soon as I get to them I hugged Wendy from behind. I felt her a bit startled at first but when she saw me she relaxed.

"I'll never let you leave me again." I whispered. "I love you." I kissed her shoulder and hug her tight. "So much."

"Don't get too clingy, you two. I'm still here." I heard Kyungsoo said beside us. I stick out my tongue to him. He just chuckled and shake his head.

"Let's go have lunch guys?" He asked that caught the attention of others. I let go from my hug.

They started to walk away, I was about to follow them when I was stopped. I can't help but smile.

"You guys go first! Just text us where you'll be, we'll follow." I shouted. I earn a nod and teasing smiles from them. I laugh and face Wendy.

"What did you two talk about?" She asked.

"Obviously, you!" I said and she just stare at me. I cupped her face. "Why are you even bothered that we talk? He's a good person, he did not punch me for stealing his fiancé." I said.

"Joy--" I kissed her just before she can speak up again. I smiled and pulled away.

"I just asked him some things."

"about?" She asked curiously.

"What else? You." I said giggling now.

"Joy--" I kiss her again.

"All we talk about was you. How we are both in love with you." I said That's what we really talk about. "I can't tell you the all the detail but at the end of our conversation he made me promise." She look at me suspiciously.

"To not let you go out my sight." I said. "I can tell you are too lovable of a person. You're easy to fall in love with. I can't afford more person loving you. I was lucky enough that Kyungsoo was too kind." I said.

"Huh?" I saw her brows furrowed in confusion.

"He made me promise not to let you run away from me again." Her expression change.

"Even if I don't love you anymore?" She asked. huh?

"You do--" just before I can even speak up again she kiss me. I can't help but give in to her.

"Don't overthink anymore!" She said as we pulled away from each other. "We've done that too many times already." She give me a peck on the lips again. "I still love you and I'll always will. So just make sure you keep that promise of yours." She said. I smiled.

"I never would've imagined I'd sill have this chance to be with you." I said holding my cries now.

"Me too, bub. Me too." She's still holding my face. "No more wasting chances, hmm?" I nodded before wrapping my arms around her for an embrace.

"Not anymore, love."

We're no saint. We made a mistake. The path we took to get to where we are now is not very ideal. It was wrong, so wrong. I guess love really has it's way of putting two people together, whether it'll be in the wrong or right way.

Or maybe we just really got lucky with our exes.



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