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Joy's POV

"I'm so sorry Joy" this time her eyes meet mine, she was crying

"I'm sorry I left without telling you. I just felt that that was what I needed. I was so broken that time and I needed time to heal." she said. I was crying already.

"Then why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you let me see how broken you were that time? I'm your bestfriend Wendy. Did you not trust --" she cut me off

"I do trust you Joy."

"Then why didn't you run to me the moment you were starting to break?" I was already raising my voice.

"I just can't. I'm sorry."

"I could've helped you"

"You couldn't." she whispered really low, but I did not miss it. I hugged her.

"I'm really sorry." I face her and wipe those tears from her eyes.

"It's fine Wendy. You're back and that's what matters now." she smiled at me and also wipe my tears.

"Here I thought I would see you loose your temper; Joy-ah." I look at the person who talked "Guess you're still soft to Wendy and you were just acting strong earlier because you're in front of us."

"Shut up Unnie!"

"Have you told her already Joy?" Unnie said that made me confused

"Told me what?" Wendy faced me.

"I don't know." I told Wendy and face unnie "What do you mean unnie?"

"You told me that you missed her so much and that I can't imagine what you will do---hmmmm" I run to her once I get what she was trying to say. Ugh! Her naughty mind.

"What's happening here?" Yeri asked. I removed my hands from unnie's mouth and the settle down.

Since Wendy left 2 years ago, I lost Yerim along with her. I didn't know what I've done to her that time but in that time I really felt her anger towards me. It was just this year that she was already more calm whenever we're together, and I felt grateful for it.

She may not talk to me the same way as before but at least I don't see the anger in those eyes anymore. I know Seulgi unnie talked to her about it. I just hope someday I will know the reason behind all of this.

I felt them staring at me. But I did not look up to meet their eyes.

"Since when are you scared of Yeri, Joy?" Wendy asked with a chuckle. I look at her.

"Since you left." I told her seriously and that removed the smile on her face. She looked down.

"I'm starving can we please eat now." Unnie said. She get the food from Yeri an went to the table. Yeri just stand there frozen, eyes are still on me.

"I forgot the drinks in my car, can you go with me Joy unnie?" Yeri said. I was shocked. I look at her.

"I'll go wit--" Yerim cut Seulgi unnie

"Joy unnie will accompany me, right?" Yeri's eyes are begging, it's the first time after all those years.

"Of course. Let's go." I said. And sent Seulgi unnie a reassuring look. She smiled.

Yeri went down first and I just followed her until we reach her car.

"Unnie, I'm sorry" She said as she open her car.

"For what Yeri?" I said innocently.

"You know, for changing my attitude towards you." she went closer to me. "I just don't know where to put the blame that time, when Wendy unnie left."

"And you chose to put it on me?!" I answered it in a higher tone. "It was also hard for me when she left. It was not only her that I lost, that time, it was also you." damn I'm crying again.

"I'm sorry unnie. I'm really sorry. I wasn't thinking that time. It never came up to my mind that you were hurting too, not until Seulgi unnie made me realize it. I'm really really sorry Unnie." She said sobbing

"What made you think like that?" I asked her

"It was because she was more close to you, you should have known! And it was because you were so damn oblivious of everything!" Yeri shouted the last part.

"What do you mean?" I asked her

"Wendy unnie was--"

"Yeri! What's happening?" Wendy came up to us. "Why are you two shouting at each other?"

"I just asked something to her. You don't need to worry Wendy, we are fine now." Yeri looked at me shocked. "Right Yerms?"

"Ye-yes, we are." I smiled at her which she returned.

"Come on, Seulgi unnie is waiting." I said. I went inside first and they followed

After eating we did have a nice talk, but no one really opened up about the past. Wendy tells her stories about how her life was in those years.

I can tell she's happy now or, I don't know, I really don't know how to read her anymore. After what they told me, even with that small detail in why she left. I felt like I never really get to see through her at all, for not noticing her broken state that time. She was really good at masking it infront of me, since I'm the only one who didn't notice.

I still have unanswered questions but for now, I think this is enough. I'm just glad we are back together.

"Sorry girls but I need to go, Joohyunie is texting me already." Seulgi unnie said and stand up.

"For all I know you're just going to do the naughty naughty." Yeri said that made us all laugh except for her

"Yerim!" she shouted. "Aren't you suppose to go home to your boyfriend too?"

"Oh, I am." she stood up. "Aren't you coming with us Joy? We'll just drop you to your house."

"It's fine. I'm staying." I told them.

"Don't you have a boyfriend to go home to?" Seulgi unnie asked.

"I do but I need some catching up to do with my best friend, who just came back, and that is what's important now." I told them while meeting those brown orbs that always captivates me.

"Now I regret saying all those things I said. Damn Park Sooyoung!" Unnie said.

"Well, I don't." Yerim said. "I'll leave now, bye girls! Just call me when's that next meeting!" she shouted going downstairs.

"Hey! Wait for me! bye girls." Unnie went and follow Yerim.

"Here I thought she will stay." I said. Wendy just laugh.

"Why? are you scared of being alone with me?" I just nodded at her question.

"Shouldn't I be the one scared?" I looked at her confused. "You know, they're not here anymore, you can do whatever you want to do with me." that's when it hit me.

"You heard it didn't you?" I slap her arms.

"Yes I did, I wouldn't miss it for the world." her face is only an inch closer now. I felt my heart beating loud. I meet her eyes I look down to her lips, damn if only I could kis--wait what?!

I look at her again she's looking down to my lips. I felt my lips became dry I licked them. She was getting closer, I closed my eyes and just wait for it to happen...

I Cheated with You.  |  WENJOYWhere stories live. Discover now