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Joy's POV

"So you're telling me, after Wendy left you started realizing these feelings you have for her?" Well not really... I saw a glimpse of it already but I just didn't think it would really be the case. I still nodded as an answer. "You mean to tell me, you were in love with her this whole time?!" Gosh! I facepalmed myself.


"Why didn't you told us?! We wouldn't have gotten up to this point if you told us sooner after realizing things." I look at unnie in disbelief.

"Who exactly was I suppose to tell it to, that time?" I asked, in a sarcastic way. Unnie froze.

"Mianhe." She said sadly this time. I smiled, hearing that all over again.

"I'm thankful that you girls are for me, this time around. I just hope you all will just let me with my decisions and I'm telling you I will not go to the wedding." I got up and brought my plate back to the kitchen. I can sense unnie followed me.

"Okay then." Unnie said. As always she will understand but she's still so slow catching up on things

"You wash the dishes since Joohyun unnie bought the food." I said to her and walk away.

"Yah! Sooyoung-ah! I brought it!" I just shake my head.

I made my way to my room, with the envelope in my hand.

"What the heck were she thinking?!" I let out all the papers inside the envelope, just to be sure, but when I did... I notice a different piece of paper that doesn't seem to match with the other's size. When I saw look into it, it was a letter from her.

"Sooyoung-ah. You must've receive the documents for my house now. You were always asking for it since came back. I was not sure if you already knew that my stay there will just be temporary, that's why you were offering to buy it. I was actually shocked that it meant so much to you, also happy at the same time. That house was my home for years, it's important to me too" I chuckled reading that. Yet she's giving it to me, just like that?

"I know you're upset now and I'm really sorry, Joy. I wanted to apologize in person but I honestly don't know where to find you. And it looks like this is my only way to express what I want to say to you, because I'm running out of time already. I have to go back.

Someone's waiting for me back in Canada, Sooyoung-ah. I wasn't able to tell you this but I'm getting married already. Can you believe it?" Reading it from a letter written by her, hurts like hell.

"And it was the reason why I reacted that way, after realizing what happened to us that night. I can't lie, I regretted everything. It was wrong and I let it happen. I was so mad at what I did, I don't blame you, I blame myself because after realizing what happened between us. It was like I'm back to square one again. It's like I haven't really moved on yet..." I stopped when I heard a knock on my door. I wipe my tears away and went up to get it.

"Sooyoung-ah! Joohyun and Yeri are coming here." I thought they're busy? "Were you crying again?" She sad in full worry. I smiled. It can't be denied. "Come." Unnie reach for my hand and she pulled me back to the living room. As soon as we sat down that's the time she spoke.

"You know, if Wendy would know what you felt..." She looked at me and paused for a moment. "and still feeling up until now, I think she would've regretted that she left 2 years ago." I chuckled when unnie said that.

"No need to make me feel good unnie and I don't want her to regret anything." I said as I remember the letter I was just reading before Seulgi unnie dragged me here. I know it was wrong but it still stings me. "I understand why she left. I get it now." I said.

"I still can't believe it though. You two lost your chances to be with each other." We did. "And now she's getting married!" I look at unnie in disbelief, I can't help but laugh.

"Unnie, are you on to something? Like where is this conversation going?" I asked.

"Do you think you could stop the wedding if you confess to her?" I swear to God! That shocked me.

"Are you hearing yourself unnie!?" She calmed me down.

"I'm just asking..."

"Then, no!" I madly said. "I don't think Wendy is capable of doing such thing to her partner. She's not that type of person."

"Well, she cheated with you." I looked at her in disbelief. She just avoided my gaze. "I'm just saying, if that thing happened then maybe--"

"STOP!" I never would've thought Seulgi unnie is capable of thinking such schemes. "I'm not ruining anyone's wedding, okay? I thought you met the guy already? Can't you have some respect for him and her relationship with Wendy."

"Okay chill! I'm just messing with you." She said.

"It's not nice unnie. Really." I glared at her. Just in time the doorbell rang. Unnie got up.

"He's a great guy but I don't want to keep seeing you like this. All I'm saying here is to take your shot. and if Wendy still went on to the wedding, then maybe that's the only thing you need so you can finally move on and stop regretting that you did nothing." She smiled genuinely at me before walking to the front door.

Should I?

I Cheated with You.  |  WENJOYWhere stories live. Discover now