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Wendy's POV

After dinner Mom and Dad left already. The 5 of us are staring at one another and contemplating, to speak up first. As expected Yerim break the silence.

"Why would you fly here, earlier than us, Joy unnie?" I saw unnie smiled at the question and Seulgi nudge Yerim, holding her laugh. "What?" She look at Seulgi. She then look at me and Joy.  "And why are you two suddenly clingy to each other?" she pointed at the both of us. That's when Seulgi laugh already.

"I never would've imagine that at time like this would happen. I mean, Yeri being clueless of what's happening? Haha" I saw how Yeri glared at her.

"Oh yes! Cause that's usually your role." Yeri said that made Seulgi stop laughing and look at unnie asking for back up, but unnie just rub her arm and calmed her down.

"Did you two talk things out already?" Unnie asked the both of us.

"Not all things yet, no." Joy said to unnie. I look at her. She's right we still have a lot of things to talk about.

"Since you've arrived this morning, I'm sure you had your rest already Joy. The three of us just arrived, so well head to our rooms already." unnie grab Yerim and Seulgi.

That left me alone with Sooyoung now.

"Don't you have something to--"

"What happened to you and Crush?" I asked curiously. I'm actually nervous.

"After I left that morning, I went to see him." She's fiddling with her fingers now, while avoiding eye contact. "I told him what happened. I couldn't hide it. He understands it at first, saying that I was just drunk, but as days passed he asked for a break up. I didn't want it but I thought it would really be unfair for him if I force him to stay." Oh! I thought she's the one who break up with him. "I was out of it, after that day. All I ever thought about was you. Maybe, he saw it already. I do feel really bad for him."

"If my marriage was pushed through, would you have still come here?" She look up to me.

"You're letter brought me here, not the cancellation of your wedding." she said. The letter...

"What if I didn't left you that letter?" I asked her. She looked at me confuse.

"Where are you taking this conversation Wendy?"

"Just answer it Sooyoung-ah." I said.

"I would not be here in with you now." She said.

"Even after realizing what you felt for me?" I asked her weakly.

"What do you expect me to do Wendy? That I'll fly all the way here and fight for my feelings, after what I saw that day? After unnie told me you were getting married? What do I have against that?" she basically ranting now. "You expect me to hold on to your confession about loving me in the past?"

"I expect you to hold on to what happened to us that night." she scoff when I said that.

"Did you know how you acted after realizing what happened to us, that time? I saw it all plastered in your face. The regret. The pain." she then faced me. "Don't you dare make me the person you think I am now, cause you runaway before remember? You left for the same reason I had." I was shocked when she mentioned that. I stand up from where I'm sitting and walk away from there.

She was right. How can I even question that when I didn't even fight for what I felt before.

"Wends." I was stopped with a han on my arm. She face me to her. "Look, all of it is done now. Don't you think what's more important is I'm here now." she cupped my face. "I don't want you over thinking the things that are in the past already. Wendy come on! I've just got my chance, to be with you now. Please let's not make this more complicated. We've been through so much already." she leveled her face to me. "If I'm not wrong, you just said love me too right?" she give me a hopeful stare.

She's right. Why am I acting like that all of a sudden?

"r-right Wends?" her eyes is getting teary already. She's not thinking that I don't right?  "Yah!" she closed her eyes and that's when her tears fell.

I reach for her face and wipe of the tears from her cheek

"Right. I do love you, still do." I said it before pulling her in for an embrace. "I'm sorry, if I acted like that."

What the hell!? It was the thought of maybe she just didn't have a choice anymore because Crush already broke up with him. I should never think like that again.

"Never question my love okay? I came here willing to ruin your wedding after I finished reading that letter. All I need was an assurance Wendy, an assurance that I wasn't able to give to you before that made you leave. I'm always sorry for that."

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