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Wendy's POV

It's been a month already since I left and I'm still waiting. Was Seulgi able to give it to her? Or did she even saw it between those documents? Or maybe she didn't want to read it since it came from me. What if this is her response?

"Seungwan-ah." He called. That made me look at his direction. "They'll arrive in an hour, let's go now?" He reached for my hand and hold it. We walk to the van. We were almost at the airport already when he broke the silence. "Nervous?" He asked. I look at him.

"I'm sorry." I fixed myself.

"You're always in deep thoughts ever since you came back, I'm getting used to it already." He laugh a little, but I know it's hurting him already.

"Are you really going to wait--" I was cut off.

"The wedding's already cancelled, but I'm not giving you up until I'm sure she'll be with you. If she will not see you or take you, I guess it'll be my luck." He stopped the car and look at me, smiling widely.

"I'm not even sure if she's really coming. Last time I talked to Seulgi and Yeri, they said she won't come." I said and rub my hands together.

"Maybe she won't come because she still thinks that you're getting married." When he said that, realization hits me.


"You didn't tell them, didn't you?" he asked. I shake my head.

"I bought their tickets long before I came back here and every time I talk to them I just seemed to forgot to tell them about it."

"Because you only called them when you check up on her." He said. How did he... "I just know."

"Are you sure you're still in love with me? With you teasing me, it seems like you gave up already." I said to him.

"Don't question my love, if you don't want me to be selfish and take you far away from here." He said, seriously. I just shake my head. I know he won't do that.

"Thank you for understanding me." I face him and said, sincerely. He just smiled at me, before his eyes look behind me. "Looks like she really didn't come with them." The moment I heard that I turn head to the direction he's looking.

Three of the people I was expecting is now standing at the waiting area and the person I was expecting most is nowhere my sight. I released A deep sigh. Now that's a response. I remove my seatbelt.

"Let's go. I don't want to keep them waiting." I said, just holding back my emotions from showing. I got out of the van and fixed myself. "Breathe." I whispered to myself. I sensed Kyungsoo is beside me already.

"Hey." He held my back. I look up to him. "Let's hear first why she didn't come." He assured me. I forced a smile and nodded.

We walk our way to them. I guess she really didn't want to see me again. Seulgi and Yerim run as soon as the saw me.

"We missed you!" Seulgi said between the hug.

"Missed you too." I tapped her back.

"We tried, Wends. Sorry." She said in a whisper before letting go. I smiled at her.

"It's okay." I mouthed.

"Is this the fiancé?" Yerim teasingly said. "Yeri" Kyungsoo already met Seulgi and Irene unnie since they visited me here months ago, it's his first time meeting Yeri.

"How I wish I still am." He said as he accepts Yerim's hand for a handshake. "Kyungsoo." I nudge him. He then chuckled.

"What do you mean? Aren't you two getting married?" Unnie asked him

"Yeah. That's why we're here." Seulgi said eyeing me.

"I guess you really didn't tell them." Kyungsoo look at me, apologetically.

"Son Seungwan!"

"Unnie, I forgot!" I said. trying to hide behind Kyungsoo because I know if I hid behind Seulgi or Yerim, the two will just give me away.

"Then why did we still come here?" Yerim said.

"She was hoping you could bring her." Kyungsoo said. "And since she's not here, can we continue the wedding?" He said turning to me, with a cheeky smile. I hit his arm.

"That's not how it works." I said to him.

"Why didn't she come though?" He asked them for me.

"Maybe because we came here for the wedding." Seulgi said, glaring at me.

"Unnie! Can we go to your place already? I'm tired." Yeri whined. This girl really!

"Let's go." I said. I turn my back on them and started to walk to the van.

The ride home, they just talked with Kyungsoo. More like Seulgi is talking to him about business. Yeri was asleep and unnie was just on her phone the whole ride. Me? I'm in my deep thoughts. I've got so much in my head and all of it are questions on what I did wrong. When we got to my house I notice a familiar car parked outside.

"It looks like you have tons of visitors now, Son Seungwan." Kyungsoo said, shaking his head.

My parents have been upset with me since last month, after we broke off the engagement. I tried reaching out to them but as soon as they ask me or us about our reason, I backed out. I get it though, how will they understand my decision when they don't know the reason behind it.

I got out of the car and the rest of them followed. I opened up my house expecting to see both my parents already.

"At last!" Yeri suddenly shouted. "Where's my room, un---Auntieeee!" She run to my mother, who just came out of the kitchen.

"Oh! You guys are here too?" Mom said, giggling between Yerim's hug. Next thing happened was Unnie and Seulgi coming up to them. Me and Kyungsoo looked at each other. I really don't know how to act in front of her now. She looked at our direction and smiled at us. Then she reach her hand out to me. I just went in ad hug her.

"Mom, I'm really sorry." I said to her. No, cause after the wedding was set off. They were the one who where troubled the most, them and Kyungsoo's Family took care of everything.

"It's fine, my baby." She kissed my forehead. I didn't notice I was crying already. "Stop crying already, we understand you now." huh? How?


"I just left your Dad in the kitchen to see who arrived and if you'll excuse me?" She looked around us. "I think I need to inform him, that we are feeding a lot of people for dinner. Kyungsoo, you stay." I looked at Kyungsoo.

"Sorry Auntie but I'm having dinner with my family too." Kyungsoo looked at me, I nodded and smiled.

"Oh! Okay then. Send my regards to your Mom and Dad." Mom said to him.

"I will. I'll go now?" He walked to me, looking all worried. I look up and smiled at him.

"I'll be okay. Thank you again." I hugged him. After that he left.

"Why don't you girls fix your stuffs to your room first. The guest rooms are just straight to your right." With that the three said their thanks and went to their respective rooms, that I ready for them.

"I can help you cook Mom." I was about to walk my way to the kitchen when she held my arm to stop me.

"I've got your Dad already. Why don't you go up to your room and shower?"

"Mom, I showered before I went to pick them up." I said and was about to walk but again she stopped me.

"Just let us do it." She said and walk back to the kitchen. What just happened? Just like what Mom said, I went to my room. I stopped in front of it, as notice a sticky note beside the door knob. I took it.

What's written in it, gives me a different feeling. Maybe Mom wrote it for me, but she's not the type who write I love you' s on paper. I shake my head and entered my room still looking at the piece of paper.

The moment I closed the door, someone spoke, that startled me.

"I hope my response got it on time." Said the person I've been looking for since earlier.

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