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Joy's POV

After reading the letter. I can't lie I cried so much, but then I realized the letter was a month old already. Is she still waiting? That just made me do things I didn't expect I could do. Just after I calmed down that minute, I booked a ticket. Since Joohyun unnie already cleared my schedule I just did what I think is the most important thing to do, that is to take my chance.

As soon as I've arrived in Canada, the first place that got into my mind was to go at their house. Only to be told by her parents that she has her own house now. I was about to asked them where Wendy's staying but then they invited me first for lunch. That's when I knew the wedding is not happening anymore. Honestly? That made me thrilled. They asked what happened when Wendy came back to Korea, that made her change her mind. I was just silent when they asked that, because I didn't know what to say. Next thing I know is that, they're questioning if it was because of me. They asked that cause they want to understand Wendy, I just knew that she never really explained it to them.

And now here I am, waiting for her. We came here with an empty home. Since her parents had access, we were able to enter. I received a message from Joohyun unnie. She already knew about me coming her, since my secretary informed her. Seriously? Is she really just a doctor? She can just get any information she needs. She's the one who told me that Wendy went to pick them up. Then I made a plan which leads to her, standing in front of me now...

"In the letter you left me... You were asking what I really feel." I caught how her tears starting fall, that got me feeling all so emotional already. "Well, there you go." I pointed at the note she's holding in her hand now. "I'm sorry if it took long to get to you, you can blame Seulgi unnie for that." I said. She giggled, as well as wiping her tears. "Well, it's not really her fault but... yeah I an blame it on her." It was partly her fault, why I wasn't able to finish it. "I heard the wedding's off? I don't want to be an ass but honestly? Hearing that gave me hope." I walk towards her. "Soo?"

She's just staring at me while crying. Is she not talking?

"Wendy? Aren't you going to talk? and stop crying for goodness sake!" grabbed her face and start wiping her tears.

"I'm sorry." She suddenly hugged me. "I'm really sorry for leaving you, I didn't know." She sob that made me cry too. I pushed her away.

"What are you sorry for? It was my fault you were able to make that decision, if there's really someone to blame. It'll be me, for choosing another person instead of owning up what I was starting to feel for you. So, you don't need to apologize. I should." I said. I held her face. "I'm sorry I wasted years and chances to be with you. I'm sorry I was oblivious of what you felt. I'm sorry I made you leave." I embraced her. "I don't want to waste any more chances Wendy. Not now that I know your wedding's off." She wrapped her arms around me. "I love you and I always will."

She just cried in my arms for the next few minutes.

"Can you at least tell me anything?" I asked. I pull away from the hug. "Wendy-ah. I know you-- hnm" I was stopped when she suddenly pulled me down and kiss me.

I pulled her closer  and deepen the kiss. This is much more better than the one I remember we did when I was drunk.

We stopped when we needed air to breathe already. I smiled at at her and she did the same.

"I love you too. I have always loved you" she then give me peck on my cheek. She even tiptoed that made me chuckle.

I wiped her tears away. She did mine too, which didn't realize I had if she did not just wipe it off me cheeks.

"Do they know you're here?" she asked.

"Only Joohyun unnie." she nodded.

"You talked to Mom and Dad?"  she asked. I nodded. She smiled at me. "I glad you read my letter."

"Why would you even write it on a letter?" I laugh.

"You didn't give me the chance to tell you those things in person."

"I'm sorry." I said. Of course it was my fault!

"Hey. You're here now." she cupped my face and kissed me again.

"I can get use to this. I'd love to get use to this." I said and kissed her one time.

"As much as I want to keep you here. We need to go downstairs already. Auntie said not to do anything naughty if they're still here and being with you and only you in this room? I'm kind of holding myself back now." I confessed. She laugh at what I just said.

"We just saw each other again and that's what you're thinking already?" she said and slap my arm.

"Yes." I said, seriously that made her stop laugh.

"Well then. Let's go down now." she held my hand and pulled me ount of the room already.

"Do you not want it to happen again?"  I whispered to her as we were going down the stairs. That made her trip, good thing it was already on the last step, so our fall was did not end up badly. I'm now on top of her, while she's on the floor. We'll she made me fall with her. She laugh.

"Didn't I say no to naughty things yet?" As soon as I heard Auntie spoke, I got up and guided Wendy up too.

"Auntie we hear-- Unnie?!" Yerim shouted, looking so shocked to see me.

"Sooyoung-ah." Seulgi unnie said, also surprise to see me here.

"How was your flight?" Joohyun unnie come up to me and give me a hug.

"I feel betrayed now." Seulgi unnie said, her hand on her chest acting like she's hurt, while looking at her girlfriend. I laugh at the sight.

"Me too!" Yerim said

"Sorry, I just couldn't stop myself from booking a ticket and fly here, after I finished reading the letter." I said. "Yet you still saw her first before I did."

"How come you only told Joohyun?" Seulgi unnie asked

"I didn't. She just found out." I said "That's why I want to warn you unnie. Don't you dare do something behind her back. I'll be 100% sure she'll know it. Your girlfriend's a detective." Everyone laugh in the room except for the two.

"Okay! Foods ready!" We then heard uncle shout from the dinning area. We all look at each other and make our way there.

I feel a hand intertwine with mine. I look at her. She smiled so brightly.

How come I didn't act on what I've been feeling, sooner? when she's the one I needed, right from the very start.

I Cheated with You.  |  WENJOYWhere stories live. Discover now