Part 2 || study group

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⚠️TW: RAPE⚠️


I was packing my stuff ready to leave for the study group. It was a pretty chill day so I still had a lot of strength left in me

Unknown: "BOO!" I felt someone suddenly hug me over my shoulders. I widened my eyes and those same feelings came back. No! I turned around and grabbed the arm of whoever this person is and pinned him down on the table

Geonu: "hey y/n! It's me! It's me! Geo- *cough* Geonu!" I widened my eyes and instantly let him go.

Y/N: "I'm so sorry!" I held my hand over my mouth in shock of what I just did. He started coughing and I patted his back. I hate this trauma, because of it I hurt my friend. Geonu was my partner for a project early this school year and we've been friends ever since. Not super close as in best friends but friends... honestly don't know how to explain it

Geonu: "damn those taekwondo classes are really paying off" he passed as a joke and I chuckled in relief

Y/N: "I guess so, anyway what's up?"

Geonu: "I was thinking if you want to hangout soon?"

Y/N: "oh yeah sure who else are you planning to invite?" He looked like he didn't know how to answer my questions. Wait is he just inviting me?

Geonu: "actually, I was just thinking maybe the two of us?" I raised both my eyebrows.

Y/N: "oh, yeah sure I mean- yeah yeah sure just text me ok? I gotta go, see ya Geonu!" I waved him goodbye and exited the classroom. That was kinda funny.

<time skip>

Jungwon's POV

Jay: "bro move faster!" He pulled my arm towards the cafe for the study group. I groaned but picked up my pace anyway since I felt bad. We were already 15 mins late to the scheduled time cause I tried hiding from Jay.

Jay: "hey guys sorry we're late" we entered the cafe and the aesthetic was actually kinda nice

Unknown: "Jay! Finally you're-" I faced whoever that was and her eyes widened. I was shocked too as I saw her but my expression didn't change

Unknown: "YOU?!"

Jay: "do you guys know each other?"

Unknown: "yeah! He bumped into me in the park and told me he hated winter"

Jungwon: "cause it sucks" I commented and she glared at me

Taehyun: "uhh guys how about we just start studying?" One of the other students said. She glared at me and I gave her a weird look.

Soobin: "so let's introduce ourselves, my name is Choi Soobin and these are my friends" I kept my hands inside my pocket and blankly stared at them. Ughhh this is gonna take forever

Taehyun: "hey I'm Taehyun"

Beomgyu: "ey im Beomgyu"

Yeonjun: "sup guys I'm Yeonjun"

Kai: "hi I'm Huening Kai nice to meet you guys"

Jay: "nice to meet you too, my names Jay and this is my friend Jungwon" I looked away not saying a word. Pleaseeee I wanna get this over with "and this is my cousin Y/n" cousin? I didn't know Jay had a cousin studying here

We started talking and studying but I just kept quiet the whole time. I followed whatever they did but I just spaced out most of the time. I also noticed Y/n and Jay were kinda awkward. I guess they aren't so close.

While everyone was studying and minding their own business, I diverted my attention outside. Sighing, seeing how much snow there was. I clenched my jaw and looked back to the books and paperwork in front of me. I then brought my focus to y/n. She was such a happy person, that it's kinda amusing. I couldn't see a clear view of her face since her hair was covering it. I tilted my head discreetly to the side to get a better view but she suddenly just tucked her hair behind her ears since it was blocking her paper. I hate to admit it but she didn't look so bad.

Y/N: "stop looking, it's annoying" she whispered to me since I'm right in front of her.

Jungwon: "I'll look where I want to look" she rolled her eyes and looked back down. I unintentionally smirked and when I realized it, I fake coughed and looked somewhere else. But I couldn't help but steal glances at her...

<time skip>

Soobin: "ok I guess that's it for today. See you guys tomorrow" ugh finally. I quickly grabbed my stuff packing everything ready to get out of-

Jay: "not so fast Yang Jungwon" I pursed my lips and turned around back to face him. "I'll just say some things to my cousin"

Jungwon: "seriously, her? Fine just hurry up"

Jay: "oh please, I saw you. You kept stealing glances at her every so often. Don't try denying it cause I saw you" I wanted to answer him something back, but no words left my mouth. Darn it!

Y/N: "hey Jay, thanks for coming with me"

Jungwon: "I came too you know" I tilted my head to the side acting all superior

Y/N: "why are you even friends with him? He's so cold" I rolled my eyes

Jay: "he's alright once you get to know him. Anyway, want us or me to bring you home?" Nope I'm going home right after this.

Y/N: "actually I was planning to go ice skating but don't tell my mom cause she wanted me to go with my other younger cousins in my dads side but they're just gonna turn me into a baby sitter"

Jay: "ahh yeah I feel you" they're cousin but they're so awkward. I get it when he said they weren't close

Y/N: "wanna come? I don't mind company"

Jay: "sure, Jungwon you up?"

Jungwon: "no thanks, I'm gonna head-"

Y/N: "you're coming with us." She grabbed my hand and pulled me outside

Jungwon: "hey! let go of me!"

Y/N: "nope, I'm gonna teach you how to love winter"

Hey guys, so I'll be updating every two days max. I'll try my best to do the usual once a day but I've gotten busy lately so it might be just every two days. Please bare with me hehe.

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