Part 16 || half kiss?

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I groaned pushing myself up from my bed. I looked at my surroundings and saw I didn't charge my phone. Shoot. I checked the battery and it was down 5 percent. I quickly charged it so I'd have battery for school. Joke wait- it's Saturday today. I was still in the same clothes as yesterday. I must've fallen asleep during the call. Did my mom come in last night? I checked my door but it was still closed. My mom has a habit of not closing doors. Huh I thought she came in, I thought I heard someone say I love you. I brushed off my thoughts and headed straight to the bathroom. I felt disgusting since I came from the park and didn't even take a bath or brush my teeth.

<time skip>


The doorbell rang and y/n's mom came and answered it still wearing an apron. She loved cooking so it always seemed like she was in the kitchen trying out different recipes.

Mom: "oh! Hello Jay and Jungwon, what brings you here?"

Jay: "we came to pick up y/n, she promised to hangout with us today" her mom checked the clock and saw it was before lunch

Mom: "I haven't seen her yet but please come in first" she smiled warmly towards the boys especially Jungwon. She was excited to finally get to talk more with the boy who makes her daughter feel safe. She grabbed some finger foods for them and sat on the couch. "I'm glad my daughter and you are getting closer"

Jay: "me too! I wished we hung out earlier, it was just awkward in the start" y/n's mom hummed and nodded then faced Jungwon "So Jungwon, how have you been?"

Jungwon: "I've been great auntie, how about you?" They exchanged a few words here and there but y/n was still not coming down

Mom: "hey Jay, did you try texting her?"

Jay: "I did around 15mins ago" back upstairs y/n came out fresh and clean but in clothes suited for the house. Once she picked up her phone, that's when she saw the message about them going out. She panicked and started dressing up again. "I did auntie but she hasn't-"

Y/N: "I'm sorry! I'm here I'm here!" She came rushing down with her bag, her hair slightly wet, her loose shirt and decent shorts and cute converse rubber shoes

Jungwon: "finally!" He stood up with a smile on his face facing y/n. He ran towards her just stopping to look her up and down. Y/n's mom and Jay looked at each other smirked knowing that they were thinking of the same thing.

Y/N: "oh Jungwon! Hey, you guys ready to go?" She asked the two boys. Jungwon felt a bit sad since he was wearing a similar jacket as Beomgyu that day she complimented him

Jay: "yeah! We'll go ahead auntie, thank you again"

Mom: "no problem, just make sure to bring her back before 10:00" y/n was kinda surprised how late her mom allowed her. Her curfew was usually before dark. She didn't really care she was just happy her mom allowed her

Y/N: "oh yeah mom, did you come into my room last night?"

Mom: "I didn't why?"

Y/N: "ohhh, I must've been sleeping already but I thought I heard someone say I love you to me" Jungwon froze and Jay looked at him surprised "oh well see ya mom we'll be off!" She pulled both the boys linking her arms with them and started walking outside "so where to?" They still couldn't answer because Jay just found out Jungwon said I love you in their call

Jay: "let's go eat first you haven't eaten yet right?" They all agreed but secretly while y/n was ordering in their local restaurant Jay spoke with Jungwon "you have to tell her soon dude!"

Jungwon: "I will just after-"

Y/N: "ok guys I got our numbers let's head to our table?"

Jay: "oh yeah sure Jungwon and I will just go to the bathroom, we'll meet you there" she nodded and headed off. "After what?" Jay asked his friend sternly

Jungwon: "nothing"

Jay: "just promise you'll tell her?"

Jungwon: "yes Jay don't worry, I really do like your cousin. I'll tell her soon" Jay relaxed after he got the reassurance from his friend

The boys approached the table and sat with y/n.

Jungwon: "y/n eat this" he handed her his burger but y/n said no

Y/N: "you need food to eat too you know"

Jungwon: "come on! One bite won't hurt" he fed the girl his burger and Jay just curled his lip and stared at them in disgust as he felt like a third wheel

Jay: "by the way, did you find out yet who's been giving you the letters" y/n nodded while swallowing

Y/N: "it was Geonu, he confessed yesterday" Jungwon felt jealousy inside him but all he could do was just sit and listen

Jay: "so what did you say?" Y/n smirked teasingly at them

Y/N: "that's for me to know and you to find out" she chuckled thinking they got the joke but Jay and Jungwon thought different, well they were just mostly confused

<time skip>

Their day was over and Jungwon was now walking y/n back home while Jay went ahead. Y/n rubbed her hands together feeling cold again

Jungwon: "you're always cold" he grabbed one of her hands and placed it in his pockets intertwining their fingers together.

Y/N: "yeahh I should wear gloves next time"

Jungwon: "don't" he simply replied

Y/N: "why not?"

Jungwon: "then I won't be able to hold your hand like this" y/n blushed at his words. She felt her heart beat fast and her ears warm. Jungwon tightened his grip on her hand and so did y/n. She sighed fog coming out of her mouth. She looked around seeing white snow fall from the sky

Y/N: "I hope you find your warmth in the cold soon" they faced each other and the girl smiled but her mouth was on a thin line. She really does remind me of her... he thought to himself "also I really liked your jacket today" the boy faced her surprised. She noticed...

Jungwon: "thanks"

Y/N: "you looked really handsome today" Jungwon tried his best not to smile but he couldn't stop himself from smirking

They arrived in front of the girl's doorstep and they let go of each other's hands feeling the cold again.

Y/N: "text me when you get home ok?" The boy chuckled and nodded

Jungwon: "the second I step into the house" she smiled and he walked up to her and pulled her into a hug. One hand was on the back of her head and the other was holding her back. Your head was on his chest so you could smell the cologne he placed "sleep well, I'll talk to you tomorrow" he pulled apart and they stared at each other for a bit. He bent down and leaned in on her face and looked down on her lips. Y/n just stared at him waiting for what he would do. He leaned in and kissed the corner of her lips. So it was technically a kiss yet just a normal kiss on the cheek. "See you stalker" He started jogging away until y/n blushed really hard

Y/N: "see you dumbass!" He stopped running and faced her again letting out a quick laugh. She waved her hand goodbye and Jungwon did the same. She squealed happily and turned around-

Mom: "I saw that"

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