Part 7 || cold

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Jay's POV

Jungwon: "I'm here stalker" y/n and I look ahead of us and we saw Jungwon leaning back on a tree with one leg up and his arms crossed over his chest. He sighed and approached us.

Y/N: "Jungwon! I thought you felt sick?"

Jungwon: "does it look like I'm sick?"

Y/N: "aishhh you're so cold as always" she playfully slapped his chest and I gave him a smile and a nod. He looked away and started walking behind y/n. I chuckled, he's actually giving winter and y/n a chance

<time skip>

Jungwon's POV

I looked at the bags they were bringing and checked what was inside.

Jungwon: "you guys literally bought the most unhealthy foods"

Y/N: "stop being such a kj (kill joy) and just go with it" I followed behind her and stopped at the park where we first met. We went to the side where there were wooden tables and chairs for people to hangout in "here I got this for you, careful it's hot" she handed me a bowl and it was some curry. "You like that right?" I looked at y/n and then to Jay who was smirking since he knew this was my favorite snack before

Jungwon: "yeah yeah whatever" she chuckled and opened her bowl which was some ramyeon. Jay had the same but a different flavor. We continued eating and talking about ourselves, well actually just Jay and y/n. I just gave some side comments to acknowledge that I'm still listening.

Y/N: "come on try it!!" She tried feeding me some of her food

Jungwon: "no!" She went near me and tried opening my mouth.

Y/N: "I'm not gonna feed you something disgusting" can you stop acting so much like her? It's making me recall so much memories

Jungwon: "I don't want-HMP"she fed me her food the second I opened my mouth just a tiny bit bigger. I growled at her but she just laughed. I chewed it down and it tasted fine nothing special

Y/N: "so...?"

Jungwon: "nothing special" I then went back to eating my food ignoring both of them again. Good thing the food is hot, the weather is so freaking cold

Y/N: "oh I almost forgot!" We faced her but she just looked at me angrily "unblock me now Yang Jungwon!"

Jungwon: "still no" she scoffed and grabbed my phone.

Y/N: "seriously your wallpapers black? You're so boring, wait ugh you have a passcode" I chuckled and she curled her lip up.

Jungwon: "stop I'll just do it myself" I grabbed my phone from her and unblocked her. She's even more annoying when I block her

Y/N: "yes!" She did the gesture with her fist and smiled

Jungwon: "but I swear if you spam me I'm blocking you again" she sat up straight and saluted me

Y/N: "yes sir!" Jay laughed and a small smile actually appeared on the corner of my mouth.

<time skip>

Y/N's POV (wow author ur finally making y/n's pov,, ik ik shut up 😑)

We threw all our trash away and it was getting dark so it was time to head home.

Jungwon: "wait here I'll just go to the bathroom" we nodded and waited for him to finish

Jay: "don't you get tired of how cold he is towards you? Like don't you get hurt?" I faced forward and crossed my arms over my chest leaning on the tree behind me

Y/N: "it's a bit exhausting but like I said you can always find warmth in the cold and I know Jungwon, despite him being cold, still wants to try becoming... well I don't wanna say normal? But I know he wants to get back to his old self"

Jay: "but you've known him for less than a week" I chuckled

Y/N: "I know right? But look, we've only started hanging out now and we're pretty much already close right?" I smiled and tilted my head

Jay: "true"

Y/N: "and I know he was trying to escape a while ago" he faced me slightly shocked which made me laugh

Jay: "you did?"

Y/N: "I heard your conversation right before he left, that discouraged me a lot but like I said, I can't force him so I just let it be. But the fact he stayed means he's probably willing to give it a shot" Jay nodded and I sighed. It's getting cold wheres Jungwon.

Few seconds later he came out and they ended up bringing me home. I tried talking to Jungwon as much as I can but it was hard when he only responds with a few words.

Jungwon's POV

We brought y/n home but right before she entered she went and hugged me. I stiffened like a rock looking down on her and then to Jay. I let her hug me anyway and it was so warm it was tempting to hug her back. Should I? I slowly started bringing me hands around her but she suddenly pulled apart leaving a cold feeling around my chest. I instantly brought my arms to the side hoping she wouldn't notice. She then hugged Jay and Jay hugged back

Y/N: "thanks for today guys, see you tomorrow" she ran inside closing her door locking it. Jay chuckled and he patted my arm while walking away from her house.

Jay: "don't be so hard on y/n ok?" I sighed and he just accepted that as my response. We continued walking and had some bro talk like usual.

Jungwon: "fine, I'll try talking to y/n more"

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