Part 8 || too much attention

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I walked inside the school to be greeted by students rushing all over the corridors. Making my way to my classroom, I was being pushed back and forth.

Y/N: "hey!" Someone bumped into me and I was gonna fall forward. Great this is gonna be embarrassing. I was waiting for an impact but I just felt a semi hard chest. I look up and I see Jungwon looking at me with his eyebrow raised and his hands in his pocket. I placed my hands on his chest pushing my self up.

Jungwon: "watch where you're going stalker"

Y/N: "stop calling me that and geez yeah I'll look next time dumbass" he glared and at me and I noticed Jay wasn't with him "wheres Jay?"

Jungwon: "he's at home, he's sick with a fever" (LIKE A FEVER FEVER FEVER FEVER~ ok back to the story)

Y/N: "so it's just us today?" He nodded. "Why's your chest so hard anyway? I didn't know you worked out" I playfully punched his chest and he glared at me. I just chuckled at him and I was about to walk away but he grabbed my wrist.

Jungwon: "I'm walking you back to your classroom. You're gonna end up tripping on your ugly face" I dramatically gasped and placed my hand over my chest pretending I was offended. He rolled his eyes and looked at me with disgusted face and walked away towards my classroom. I chuckled to myself and followed behind him.

Y/N: "so, what do you wanna do today?" He didn't respond to my question like usual so I thought of other winter activities we could do "let's go sledding today" he looked at me and I just smiled back at him. We entered my classroom and I thought he'd leave but then he suddenly entered making everyone especially the girls start to whisper. I stopped by the door frame confused.

Jungwon: "aren't you going inside your classroom?" He asked me making everyone turn their heads towards me. I suddenly felt embarrassed and made my way towards him

Y/N: "stop, everyone's looking at us" I whispered-shouted at him but he just shook his head and snickered

Jungwon: "so what? Let them stare" my mouth was left agape and I looked at everyone who continued whispering. He sat on my desk and stretched "nice some chocolates" I looked on my desk and there were 3 chocolates again with a note. He opened one chocolate and started reading the note

Y/N: "Yang Jungwon! Those are mine!" I raised my voice a little at him instinctively which earned the others gasps

Jungwon: "chill here's your note" he handed me the paper but ate one chocolate. He stood up and messed up my hair "see ya later stalker" I removed his hand from me and he chuckled walking out of my classroom. I bit my lip embarrassed and sat down covering my face. That was so embarrassing! I read the note that was left on my table again

You look breathtaking as always. I wish I could say this to you in real life but soon you'll find out who I am -L.G.

I groaned again resting my head on the table. Who is this? These bitches are gonna start talking about me.

Geonu: "are you close with Jungwon?" I suddenly heard a voice beside me which I recognized was Geonu's. I didn't even notice him

Y/N: "I don't think so"

Geonu: "but then why'd he...?"

Y/N: "I don't even know..." I groaned again and he pat my back

Geonu: "don't worry, also I was thinking we'd go to the amusement park for next Friday?" I smiled and sat up facing him

Y/N: "yeah sure totally" he smiled and he might've blushed? Cute

<time skip>

I messaged Jungwon to meet me outside the school gate after classes. He seenzoned me like usual but Jay said that it was normal for him to do that even to him. I was packing my stuff on the way out of the classroom. I was in the hallways until I felt some people pull me into an empty classroom. I felt myself having a panic attack. This felt the same as that night when I was 6. The night my trauma happened

Girl: "what's going on with you and Jungwon oppa" I cringed at the 'oppa' I don't even call him that

Y/N: "let me go!" I kicked and tried moving my arms but her friends were holding me down against the wall. She grabbed my neck tightly making it bruise

Girl: "how did you become friends with oppa" stop with the oppa please

Y/N: "why would I tell you" I could easily break free but I can't risk hurting these girls and being suspended or worse expelled. She scoffed and punched my face. I widened my eyes and looked at her "are you crazy?!"

Girl: "I am when it comes to Jungwonie oppa" I wanted to puke right there

Y/N: "it's none of your business now let me go!" One of the girls kicked and punched my side making me groan and hang my head down

Girl2: "you're even hanging out with Jay oppa, now tell us what's going on" I look up at them weakly and before they could touch punch me I stopped her fist and twisted her body downwards towards the table. Similar to the one I did on Jungwon the first time I met him

Girl: "ow! let go of me!" Her friends were gonna touch me so I hit them with some of my other moves and ran out of there as quickly as I could

I kept panting and looking back if they were chasing after me

Y/N: "ow!" I was gonna fall back but I felt someone's hand on my waist. I look who it is and it's Jungwon. I turn back to the school exit and stood up straight

Jungwon: "what-"

Y/N: "let's go!" I tried pulling him but he wasn't budging "Jungwon lets go now!" I pulled him with all my weight but he didn't even move an inch

Jungwon's POV

She kept trying to pull me but I don't understand what's happening. Was she running away from something? I look at her face and there's blood on her lips. I also noticed a dark bruise on her neck that was shaped like a hand print. I pull her close to me making her body hit mine a bit.


He cupped my cheek while holding my hands down so I wouldn't move. He held my jaw and tilted my head up staring at my bruise. I tried removing his hands away from me but he just pulled me closer to him even more. Our bodies were touching now and our faces were super close. He stared at my face closely like we were only 5 inches apart. He tilted his head staring down at my lips after checking me jaw. His face turned angry and he clenched his jaw.

Jungwon: "who the fuck did this to you?" He grazed his thumb on my lip whipping the blood (I didn't even know was there) off. My heart instantly beat a million times faster at that second

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