Part 4 || unblock me

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Jungwon's POV

Thanks for today, I know it wasn't easy for you, so I appreciate it

What the heck? Who's this? Thanks for today? Could this be y/n?

Is this y/n?

Just as I was about to put in my phone back in my pocket I felt a vibration again.

Oh yeah sorry I forgot to say it's me y/n

I changed her name right away so I wouldn't get confused

How tf did u get my number u stalker

Crazy stalker
Yah! I'm not a stalker and Jay gave it to me doofus


Crazy stalker

Stop messaging me or I'll block u

Crazy stalker

*you have blocked Crazy stalker*

<time skip next day>

Jay: "come on we committed to it"

Jungwon: "We? I didn't, you did"

Jay: "ugh just come on"

Jungwon: "I only went to that study group cause you asked me to and your cou-" I was cut off when someone bumped into my back. I turned around and saw the most fucking annoying bitch in the school

Girl: "oh sorry Jungwon" she tucked her hair behind her ear looking down. I internally groaned and rolled my eyes. I can't be dealing with her all the time

Jungwon: "yeah whatever now go away" Jay and I started walking but she stopped me by the sleeve of my hoodie

Girl: "do you wanna hang out after lunch?" I gave her a blank look and shook her arm off me. Jay and I glared at her and walked away. I heard her scoff and walk away. Nothing new honestly.

Y/N: "hey guys!" She suddenly popped up in front of us once we entered

Jay: "hey y/n, I see you have your chemistry book so I'm guessing you have chem for your first class"

Y/N: "yeah it sucks and you guys have...?" She bent over checking our books "economics?"

Jay: "it sucks too *chuckle*"

Y/N: *chuckle* "I feel you and also," she faced me "unblock me now Yang Jungwon!" She raised her voice a bit but not enough for other people to hear

Jungwon: "no"

Y/N: "unblock me now!" She's not scared of me? Girls seem to be offended quickly when I'm cold to them

*bell rings*

Jay: "why don't you guys resolve that later, anyway see ya"

Y/N: "see ya Jay, see ya Jungwon and you better unblock me!" I rolled my eyes and walked ahead. Jay caught up beside me and I heard him give a small chuckle. He asked about what happened and I just explained it to him

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