Part 13 || 143 y/n

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Jungwon: "I think I'm starting to like your cousin" Jay faced Jungwon but he just stayed still, staring intently at y/n still talking to Geonu

Geonu: "wait are you still up for next week?" Y/n suddenly remembered she had to babysit her cousins on Friday

Y/N: "sorry but I have plans for that day can we reschedule?"

Geonu: "sure how about we go to the amusement park when the new ride opens?"

Y/N: "sure just message me the details"

Jay: "really? Why?" The boy didn't even know himself why but he just knew he liked her... Jungwon walked over to y/n and dragged her away from Geonu. Y/n was confused and angry since she was still in the middle of something with her classmate. Jungwon dragged her out of the school and Jay followed behind them. Y/n struggled and tried removing his grip. She can but she doesn't want to risk hurting him

Y/N: "Jungwon let go!" Nothing "let go! Let go! Let go!" She remembered that night and started panicking. Jay noticed and quickly separated their hands with all his strength. Jay hugged y/n right away and stroked her hair. He shushed her trying to calm her down. Jungwon was left feeling guilty so he just stared at them with the ugliest feeling

Jungwon: "y-y/n... I-I'm sorry I- I don't know what came over me..." he said shocked with his own actions. Jay let go of her and y/n made eye contact with Jungwon

Jay: "you ok?" Y/n nodded and whispered 'I'm ok' back several times.

Jungwon: "I'm sorry..." he was gonna approach her but Jay stopped him

Y/N: "it's ok Jay" she shifted her focus on Jungwon "it's ok but next time just don't do it. Also don't come to my classroom like that. I don't want people talking about me" the boy felt even guiltier so he just stayed quiet and looked down. Y/n noticed this and chuckled. She walked up to him and gave him a hug sending this spark of energy in him. She hugged him by the waist and Jungwon looked at Jay who was smirking at him. Jay gestured with his head that he should hug her back. Jungwon unconsciously smiled and hugged her back

Y/N: "let's head to the study group?"

<time skip 3 weeks>

Every single day it was the same but different. They go to school y/n sees 3 chocolates and a letter each time. She has a clue who it is but she doesn't want to jump into conclusions. Anyway she heads to the study group with Jungwon and her cousin then they go out and have fun doing any winter activities, still trying to get Jungwon to accept winter. Jungwon's feelings for y/n grew more and more each day and surprisingly so did y/n's. Jay has never rolled his eyes more often when he sees the two, well not flirting but more of teasing and playing around. It was very obvious to him that they liked each other and he was happy that Jungwon started changing. Jungwon smiled a lot more and even became friendlier in school which was a surprise to everyone


Y/N: "what're we doing today? I think we did almost all the activities we can think of"

Jay: "I know but is it even working?" We both faced Jungwon and he just shrugged his shoulders with a smile not giving us an answer

Y/N: "by the way did you see what Beomgyu was wearing a while ago? His jacket made him look so cute!"

Jay's POV

Right after y/n said that I shifted my focus to Jungwon right away making me chuckle. His face looked so annoyed and jealous. There are just some things even a cold face can't hide.

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