Part 3 || skating

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Jungwon's POV

Jungwon: "what no! I told you I don't like winter and I'll never will!" I tired removing her hand from my arm but her grip was incredibly strong.

Jay: "just try it!" He said while running beside me. I rolled my eyes but just went along with it

Jay's POV

We ran and ran until we arrived at the ice skating rink. Y/n's eyes sparkled and she pulled both Jungwon and I inside.

<time skip>

Jungwon: "I told you I'm not getting in!" He held onto the side of the entrance door of the ice skating rink while y/n was already on the ice trying to pull him in.

Jay: "just do this as your payment for me buying you curry yesterday" I whispered to him so y/n wouldn't notice. He looked at me with a begging look but I gave him the look to accept it. He curled his lip up and finally went in.

Y/N: "yes! Now come on!" I smiled following them from behind. Even though I'm not that close with y/n I wanna get closer to her. She seems so chill but also fun to hangout with. And maybe the 3 of us could be best friends and hangout in school.

I watched as Jungwon crossed his arms while not even kicking his feet. Y/n on the other hand just skated all around the ice rink laughing and smiling the whole time. I don't fully know her but from what my parents said she experienced her trauma when she was 6. That was an awfully young age to experience almost being raped. I heard that, that's why she started taking taekwondo class.

Jungwon: "you know I hate anything related to winter" he suddenly said when I skated to him to rest for a while

Jay: "come on, I wanna get close to my cousin and anyway it's time you stop being so cold" he skated the other way and just stayed in that corner. I skated towards y/n and she smiled seeing me

Y/N: "thanks for coming with me Jay. I really didn't wanna be alone"

Jay: "no problem, and I also wanna get closer to you. I mean might as well right?" She chuckled and did a turn

Y/N: "right... also, can I ask a question" I raised my eyebrows and faced her more attentively

Jay: "sure go ahead"

Y/N: "why's your friend so cold? And why doesn't he like winter anyway?" I knew exactly why but I wasn't in the position to say it

Jay: "it's- it's complicated. I think he should be the one to tell you" she hummed in response

Y/N: "ohh, ok but I wanna try to help him enjoy winter and also not become so cold but it'll take some time. I don't wanna force him"

Jay: *chuckle* "true" same here with me. Winter was always his favorite, not until she passed

Y/N: "oh and do me a favor, don't tell anyone about my trauma"

Jay: "of course not. I won't tell anyone"

Jungwon's POV

I'm so boooooored. I checked my watch and it's been 40 mins. Gosh it feels like it's been a whole day. Jay was skating in the middle while y/n was fixing her skating shoes on the side. Why is this girl so passionate about getting me to like winter? A guy came up behind y/n but she couldn't see. She stood up and he trapped her by the edge. She looked uncomfortable but I didn't budge. She can handle herself right? The guy kept getting closer and I saw she was about to tear up. He started touching her waist and also her hair. I dropped my arms to the side and looked at her not knowing what to do. Should I help her? Or maybe-

Jay: "hey! get off her!" He pushed the guy away making him fall back. Y/n hugged Jay and Jay hugged her back tightly. She was breathing heavily and I skated towards them

Jungwon: "what was tha-" Jay gave me a look telling me to stay quiet first. They pulled apart and once y/n sensed I was there she faced the other way and wiped a tear.

Jay: "you ok?" He asked quietly

Y/N: "y-yeah I'm ok... let's just, let's just go home"

<time skip>

I wanted to ask about what happened a while ago but the fact that we already brought her home and Jay hasn't said anything about it means it's probably not in my place to know.

Jungwon: "why'd you drag me there" he hummed in a questioning tone "you know I hate winter more than anything"

Jay: "Jungwon, it's been 2 years since she's passed. I know it's hard and you loved her a lot but as your friend, I don't want you to be this cold guy everyone says you are"

We arrived in the street where we always separate since our houses were on opposite streets.

Jay: "just think about it. Maybe my cousin can help you through that" I clenched my jaw as I watched him walk away.

I placed my hands in my pocket looking up at the sky while walking. I know that what he said was true but I don't know if I want to accept it. I got a text from my phone so I got it out of my pocket and checked it

Thanks for today, I know it wasn't easy for you, so I appreciate it

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