Part 19 || I'm sorry

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After that whole thing happened y/n ran home. Jungwon wanted to run after her but his friend prevented him. They let each other cool down for a while. Jay and Jungwon talked about it and Jay finally convinced Jungwon how wrong and insensitive he was towards y/n. He wanted to apologize right away but Jay suggested giving her time to cool down.

Jungwon: "but how do you think she knew about... my mom?" He sighed shrugging his shoulders

Jay: "I really don't know" they both also wondered about the last sentence she said.

Jungwon: "can't you tell me what she went through?" He shook his head no

Jay: "I promised y/n I wouldn't say a word"

Jungwon: "but was it- I mean, is hers really worse than mine" the boy hesitantly asked. Jay looked at Jungwon and nodded. He bit his lip feeling guilty for yelling at her "I have to go apologize now!" He was gonna turn back but Jay stopped him again

Jay: "Jungwon no! She needs ti-"

Jungwon: "I said a lot of awful things to her Jay!" He started tearing up at the thought of the events that happened a while ago especially when he saw that he made her cry "I made her cry Jay! I made y/n cry!" Jay let his friends arm go "please let me make it up to her" Jay was hesitant but he could see the desperation and shame in his eyes. Jay nodded and Jungwon ran off right away. He watched his friend run with a smile. He was tearing up himself finally able to see his friend feel something other than coldness and hatred. A tear trickled down his cheek and he whipped it away looking at his hand

Jay: "now why am I crying?" He chuckled to himself softly letting one more tear fall before walking back home hoping for good results


Y/n slammed the door open startling her mom. She came in crying her eyes out and her mom dropped everything she was holding

Mom: "y/n what-" She cut her off and just ran straight upstairs. She couldn't face her mom right now. Her mom felt bad but she knew asking what happened would make it worse so she just decided to ask her later and cook her favorite meal for now. In the middle of cooking there were multiple knocks on the door getting louder and stronger each time. She removed her apron while the door bell and knocks were getting louder and faster "who is- Jungwon? What's wrong?" She looked at him worriedly seeing his face covered in tears. It looked like he just washed his face.

Jungwon: "is y/n here I have to talk to her!" She wondered if something happened between them

Mom: "she's upstairs but-" he ran past her but y/n's mom grabbed his arm "tell me what happened please, I need to know what happened to my daughter" Jungwon wanted to run up but he couldn't disrespect her. He explained everything while apologizing as many times as he can. He explained the whole situation and as he was about to explain his back story auntie stopped him "it's ok Jungwon, you don't have to continue, go and apologize she probably wants to talk to you too" Jungwon nodded

Jungwon: "thank you auntie"

Mom: "oh Jungwon" he stopped mid staircase

Jungwon: "I'm sorry about your mom she always loved winter" he furrowed his eyebrows and widened his eyes a bit. He never told her that "how did you-"

Mom: "y/n will probably tell you, now go" the boy was hesitant but ran upstairs. Y/n's mom sighed and sadly smiled. "To be young and in love" she stood up and continued cooking for her daughter


Jungwon knocked vigorously on her door which scared her since she was leaning on it on the ground hugging her knees while crying

Jungwon: "y/n please let me in"

Y/N: "go away!" Jungwon felt a crush inside him when she heard how broken her voice was from crying

Jungwon: "please I really need to talk to you"

Y/N: "no! I said go away! Leave me alone!" He realized she was on the ground leaning on the door so he slowly bent down and sniffled from crying

Jungwon: "please, just give me one more chance" he said gently through the thin lining of the door. Y/n looked beside her and bit her lip. She didn't respond but Jungwon wasn't gonna give up "I'm not leaving until you open this door" she heard him sit down leaning on the door as well. She scoffed, unbelievable, she slowly stood up and wiped the tears off her face using the sleeve of her hoodie. She slowly opened the door making Jungwon fall back into her room. He quickly stood up embarrassed. Y/n didn't care but just opened the door more for him

Y/N: "fine, let's talk" she walked to the end of her bed and sat down. He took his seat beside her while fidgeting with his pants

Jungwon: "I'm really sorry for lashing out at you y/n, I don't know why I did but I'm really sorry" She hummed in acknowledgment and nodded. They stayed quiet until Jungwon spoke "you know, my mom, she- *chuckle* " y/n looked at him in curiosity "she loved winter with all her heart, all the activities we did, I already did them before with her" y/n faced forward again listening to him. She heard him sniffle and took a peek and saw that he was crying a bit. This also made her feel like crying so she allowed a few tears to fall from her face

Jungwon: "you remind me a lot of my mom but what sets you apart is that you make my heart beat a million times faster, your smile makes my face go warm..." she looked at the boy who was now smiling at her "your little actions amuse me so much, your pretty face makes me want to stare at you the whole day, and just being with you makes me feel so much better"

Y/N: "Jungwon I- please don't make me more confused than I already-" she was cut off when Jungwon went in front of her face and kissed her on the lips making her eyes go wide. He tilted his head up more to get a better kiss and then he started moving his lips. Your heart pounded so fast it felt like it was gonna get out of your chest. He kissed you more and just before you were gonna go with it, he pulled apart and stared at your eyes

Jungwon: "I wanted to say I love you"

So this is gonna end in the next maybe 1 or maybe 2 chapters? So my next ff is a Sunghoon ff and I promise it's gonna have a better story and plot than this cuz I planned for it better hehe

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