Part 10 || get off me!

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I pulled Jungwon back home so we could get my sleds. While running home Jungwon spoke,

Jungwon: "I've never gone sledding before" I faced him and lifted an eyebrow chuckling

Y/N: "really?" He nodded "then I'm gonna make your first time be the best one!" (Lol that sounded kinda wrong... ANYWAY)

Jungwon: "wait" he stopped running and held back my wrist

Y/N: "what?"

Jungwon: "your lips are still bleeding and you're fam will see your bruise" I touched my lips and true enough I saw blood on my fingers.

Y/N: "I have concealer with me but I don't have tissue to wipe the blood" he was gonna say something but he was hesitant.

Jungwon's POV

I did have my handkerchief with me but, it was hers. I just keep it as like a good luck charm, I don't often use it. Should I let her use it? I brought it out and gave it to her. I was kinda regretting it but at the same time I'm kinda alright giving it

Y/N: "you sure?" I nodded "thanks" she wiped off the blood and looked at the cloth in her hands "who's Y.S?" She questioned looking at the initials sewed on the corner. Those are her initials pabo

Jungwon: "none of your business" she rolled her eyes and shook her head

Y/N: "I'll wash this up at home so it won't stain, thanks again" I nodded and we continue running back to her house. We almost forgot about the concealer so I helped her place it on her neck. Although I had a hard time since I didn't know anything about makeup.

We entered her house and I saw a woman in her mid 40's maybe? cooking some food. Y/n and I removed our shoes and she invited me inside.

Y/N's mom: "y/n?"

Y/N: "yes mom?" Yup that's her mom

Y/N's mom: "I didn't know you'd be back from your study group this early" we both widened our eyes and looked at each other. We completely forgot about that. We looked at each other trying to hide our laughs.

Y/N: "I forgot we had!" She whispered shouted at me

Jungwon: "me too!" We were quietly laughing at each other and she breathe in and out to answer her mom without laughing

Y/N: "it was ca-cancelled today" she gave me a '😬😄' face since she almost slipped

Y/N's mom: "oh ok, are you hung-" she stopped when she saw me "oh honey who's this?" We shut our mouths and stood up straight. Hey, she looks almost like y/n. Makes sense

Y/N: "oh this is my friend, Yang Jungwon" I smiled facing her but she just turned pale. Is she ok? "M-mom are you ok? You turned white all of a sudden" I shifted my focus on y/n and then to her mom

Y/N's mom: "J-Jungwon?" She looked at me with slight pain in her eyes. She was gonna touch my cheek but then retracted her hand. Uhmm does she know me?

Jungwon: "I'm sorry do I know you?" She realized what was happening and breathed in deeply. She shook her head and smiled at me

Y/N's mom: "no nothing dear, go ahead. I'll make something for you guys" she was leaving quickly but y/n intervened

Y/N: "that's ok mom, I'm actually just gonna get our sleds. Jungwon and I are going sledding" she nodded putting another fake smile.

Y/N's mom: "oh ok, go ahead and have fun. Oh did you do your homework already?" We didn't

Y/N: "uhh yeah finished, all good, ready to submit" she nodded mumbling ok a few times and left us alone "did you think that was kinda weird" she asked while we were going up the stairs. I shrugged but honestly really thought it was weird. We entered her room and it was all decorated white. Winter theme but an aesthetic kind. She went towards her closet and started looking for the sleds. I kinda wanna go home now... I walk around her room and see all kinds of different stuff. Interesting

Y/N: "found them let's go!"

<time skip>

We arrived at a somewhat mini mountain where there weren't a lot of people.

Jungwon: "how do you know about this place" she looked at me a sighed. She shook her head and laid the sled on the ground. She doesn't wanna answer me? She laid mine beside hers and she sat down while holding onto the strap on the end

Y/N: "come on, just do what I'm doing" I hesitantly took a seat and copied how she looked

Jungwon: "I really don't wanna do this"

Y/N: "on the count of 3 we sled down ok?" I furrowed my eyebrows at her and she started counting down. When she reached one we both pushed ourselves down the small hill. "WOHOOOO!" It was so bumpy and rocky we kept bouncing on the ground cause of the rocks

Jungwon: "y/n I wanna stop!"

Y/N: "it's too late now dumbass!" She shouted back and faced up letting the cold icy wind hit her face. How can a person enjoy this? We started going fast and getting closer.

Jungwon: "y/n we're going to hit each other!" Before she could answer we collided together and started rolling ourselves down the mountain. She started laughing a lot but I was just stressed with how this was gonna end up

I ended up being on top well bottom? Honestly it kept switching since we were rolling down the mountain. We stopped once we arrived at the end of the hill and we both kept panting. I noticed I was hugging her the whole time while her head on burried on my chest. I widened my eyes and I placed my hands on the cold snow and picked myself up so I was in a semi plank position with her under me.

She was lying down on the snow and I was on top of her while both my hands were beside her head and her legs were in between mine. She had her eyes closed and kept laughing to herself. My angry face became a frown as I looked at her

Y/N: "that was so fun oh my gosh! I didn't think we'd collide together" she chuckled and then opened her eyes. Her face showed she was shocked but honestly neither of us moved at all. Both of us were panting like crazy from exhaustion. She suddenly smirked and kicked my knee making my whole upper body fall on her

Jungwon: "woah!" I exclaimed falling on her

Y/N: "oh my gosh! You should seen your face you were- wait- *cough* I can't breathe!" Of course she can't breathe I was on top of her. I didn't move so she tried pushing me off by my shoulders. "Get off!" My heart started beating quick since we were so close together

Jungwon: "you deserve this" she pushed me up again but gave up with a groan. I chuckled and she rolled her eyes at me. She sighed and smiled at me. Which for no particular reason caught me off guard. She had a gentle smile just like- her... what's with me? I look at her but I don't feel anything aside from safety, calmness and happiness

Y/N: "Jungwon?"

Jungwon: "yeah?"

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