Part 12 || did I say something wrong?

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Jay's POV

Jay: "Oh yeah I forgot to tell you that honestly I wasn't really sick yesterday, I just didn't feel like- Jungwon? Hellooooo?" He was spacing out so I waved my hand in front of him. He snapped out of it and faced me

Jungwon: "sorry what?" I chuckled confused

Jay: "did you even hear what I said?" He shook his head and I massages the bridge of my nose "what's up with you? You've been spacing out this whole morning"

Jungwon: "sorry it's just something y/n said yesterday that just kept bothering me" I stopped and smiled at him

Jay: "did my plan work?" I asked while smirking

Jungwon: "what plan?"

Jay: "I faked being sick so I could relax at home AND so that you and y/n would spend your time ALONE together" I smirked at him and raised my eyebrows up and down. His cheeks went pink and I started laughing "YIEEEEE someone's blushing!" He instantly covered my mouth and I mumbled to him to remove it

Jungwon: "not so loud Park Jay!" He removed his hand and I chuckled

Jay: "what did y/n say that's making the Yang Jungwon space out?"

Jungwon: "why do you say it like that and anyway she said and I quote 'you can always find warmth somewhere in the cold' I mean that's kinda self explanatory but there's still something about it that's different" I opened my mouth meaning I knew what he meant

Jay: "yeah y/n told me that too when I asked her if she was getting hurt by you" He furrowed his eyebrows at me

Jungwon: "what do you mean by that?"

Jay: "you're always so cold to others and I was just worried she'd take it seriously but you know what she told me?" He hummed in response "I can't remember exactly what she said but I just know that she has faith in you and she's not gonna give up until you start to become well normal? again" he stopped walking and looked down

Jungwon: "Go ahead I have to go somewhere" he started running towards the opposite direction leaving me dumbfounded. Where is he- wait he's going to y/n's classroom. I started running behind him to try and catch up


I plopped on my chair exhausted from yesterday. At least I have chocolates again. I said to myself when I saw another 3 and the usual note. I lazily unwrapped one and threw it in my mouth. I picked up the note while my lip curled from another one of these cringey stuff. I mean I knew they were sweet but can't they just show themselves already?

I can't help but think you like Jungwon... but I'm not gonna give up! I'll reveal myself soon so don't worry. -L.G

Wait what? I sat up from my desk while rereading the note again. Soon? When's soon?

Geonu: "y/n, you good?" I faced him and nodded hiding the note and the chocolates.

He thinks I like Jungwon? I mean yeah no one knows about my relationship with either of them but still! If he thinks I like Jungwon then that would mean he would've seen me interacting with him! So it has to be one of my classmates right? Hold on... could it be-

Jungwon: "wheres y/n?" The door slammed opened and in came a tired Jungwon and a stressed Jay that followed behind him. His eyes landed on me and I gave him a 'wtf' face. He skipped towards me while I saw Jay from the corner of my eye panting like crazy

Y/N: "what are you guys doing here!" I whispered yelled at them

Jay: "I tried to- I tried-" he groaned while exhaling loudly "I tried to stop him!" I furrowed my eyebrows and faced Jungwon who was still breathing hard but it was slowing down

Y/N: "just tell me why you're here"

Jungwon: "what did you mean by that thing you said last night?" I shook my head and looked at him weirdly. This boy can't answer straight

Y/N: "what are you- you know what? I'll talk to you guys later. Now get out" I tried pushing them out of the classroom but Jungwon stopped me by grabbing my wrist. We're attracting so much attention again

Jungwon: "promise you'll tell me later?" He brought out his pinky for a pinky promise. I looked around just to see everyone whispering and giving me weird looks

Y/N: "promise!" I locked my fingers with his and continued pushing him out "now get out please!" I pushed him a bit too hard making him stumble on his feet. He turned back and glared at me

Geonu: "Jungwon always teases you huh?" I hummed in a questioning tone "he must like you right? I mean he's literally cold to everyone and he never goes looking for anyone except Jay"

Y/N: "I don't know with him"

Geonu: "would you date him?" I furrowed my eyebrows and chuckled

Y/N: "I never thought about that but-" why do I want to say no but my mouth was about to say something different "yeah I mean he's fine" what the fuck did I just say?????

Geonu: "o-oh" he seemed disappointed but before I was about to ask him why the teacher cane in stopping me

<time skip>

He ended up ignoring me the whole lesson which was weird cause he'd normally be the one who'd always disturb me.

Y/N: "Geonushiiiee~" I tried calling out to him but he just walked out of the classroom


Jungwon and Jay were walking towards y/n's classroom to meet up with her.

Jay: "I think you really pissed her off a while ago"

Jungwon: "I don't get it. I thought girls like it when I give them attention? Shouldn't y/n be feeling high and mighty towards other girls?"

Jay: "if she was like other girls then yes but y/n is different" he nodded sighing. She's so different but in a good way

After that discussion they started talking about what they could do after the study group until they heard y/n's voice

Y/N: "Geonu wait" from afar Jay and Jungwon watched as y/n ran after Geonu "did I say something wrong?" they could hear her but it was faint

Geonu: "no" you really didn't, I'm just scared I've lost my chance already he thought to himself

Y/N: "really? cause you've been ignoring me the whole class"

Geonu: "it's nothing don't worry" y/n knew he'd still say the same thing no matter how many times she asks. Jungwon just kept staring at them not liking the feeling inside of him. Jay on the other hand exchanged glances between y/n and Jungwon. He saw how Jungwon's faced turned into an obvious frown with his eyebrows slightly furrowed. He thought of all the things he noticed about Jungwon's change ever since he met y/n. He connect the dots and chuckled to himself quietly thinking, have you caught feelings for her... he smirked at the idea of his prideful cold friend falling for his bubbly warm cousin.

Y/N: "fine at least let me treat you next time we go out" Geonu had a small smile on his face.

Geonu: "sure" the boy ruffled y/n's hair to which she just laughed and fixed it right back. The boy who watched them from afar unconsciously clenched his jaw and fists. I can only do that to her. He realized what he thought and was shocked himself. After yesterday he couldn't stop thinking about y/n. His heart beat fast when he remembered the time when he played with her fingers, the time they went sledding and also when he ate with her mom. He could finally see how y/n unconsciously changed him for the better

Jungwon: "I think I'm starting to like your cousin"

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