Part 20 || epilogue

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Jungwon: "I wanted to say I love you" y/n stared at him wide eyed. "You wanna know what 143 means?" Y/n slowly nodded still shocked from what happened. She just had her first kiss! "143 means I love you" Y/n looked down and furrowed her eyebrows

Y/N: "so you've- loved me since- since- that time you changed my name?" Jungwon nodded while smiling. She intertwined her hands together leaning on her arms while her body weight was leaning forward "I guess I have to tell you what I fly means right?"

Jungwon: "if you want to" y/n smiled

Y/N: "remember that song we listened to here while I shared with you my airpods?" Jungwon nodded

Jungwon: "yeah we were listening to i.f.l.-" he stopped when he realized it. Y/n giggled at his face and Jungwon looked her shock "wait so you- you like me too?" The girl giggled and gave him another kiss on the lips. They both smiled through the kiss while Jungwon held the back of her neck. They pulled apart and smiled

Y/N: "I fucking love you Jungwon" Jungwon smiled brightly and bit his bottom lip from smiling too much. He hugged her tightly and stood up spinning her around in her room. They were standing in front of each other just happily staring at each other

Jungwon: "you're my warmth I found in the coldness of winter" y/n chuckled and hugged him tightly

Y/N: "I'm sorry about everything and thank you for that night" They pulled apart and Jungwon faced her confused

Jungwon: "what do you mean?" They sat down again and y/n took a breathe before explaining

Y/N: "when I was a kid, I was... I was almost raped" Jungwon widened his eyes at the girl. "It was also during the first frost so it was hard for me to not remember that event every time winter comes" the boy hugged her again in comfort

Jungwon: "I'm so glad you're ok and why are you saying thank you to me?"

Y/N: "because..." they pulled apart and she held his hand in hers "you were the one who saved me that night" he still had confusion written all over his face "the reason why I knew about your mom was because our families apparently used to be family friends but then your parents had to go to a different town for work and we just locket connection. Anyway when you wanted to play with me and I wasn't at home you went looking for me and when you found me in that situation you-"

Jungwon: "I ran back home and told our parents and the police arrived before anything could happen" he finished the story "I thought- I thought that was a dream?"

Y/N: "I guess we both just have bad memories huh?" We chuckled and hugged each other "I'm sorry about being so insensitive about everything"

Jungwon: "no it's my fault, I was insensitive" you guys gave each other a quick kiss and chuckled

<time skip 13 years later>

Jungwon: "Yejin ah lets go!" (Yejin is made up!! not sure if there's an idol named Yejin)

Yejin: "coming wait!" She ran outside and held Jungwon's hand. They walked together towards the park to see y/n sitting alone

Jungwon: "did you wait long?"

Y/N: "nope don't worry, I just got here" y/n looked at Yejin and smiled. She bent down and lifted her up "oh my, my baby girl's getting bigger" Yejin chuckled and hugged her mom

Jungwon: "she's growing up too fast" they chuckled and they walked hand in hand towards an open space.

Y/N: "start on the snowman your dad and I will follow" Yejin ran off and started collecting snow in a pile

Jungwon: "you know she doesn't know how to build a snowman right?" Y/n faced Jungwon and just smiled. He's so handsome... he was wearing a dark blue scarf with a black outer jacket all bundled up "you're staring"

Y/N: "how can I not? My husband is too handsome" Jungwon bit his bottom lip and smiled looking away. Y/n smirked seeing her flustered husband "we've been married for almost a decade and you still get flustered?"

Jungwon: "I can't stop myself when I have the most beautiful wife" now it was your turn to get all giddy inside you. You tiptoed and gave him a kiss on the lips "I like it when you do that" he kissed you again and both of you smiled through the kiss.

Y/N: "now let's go help our daughter before she gets upset her snowman is falling apart" we chuckled and headed to help her


Jay: "yah! You guys didn't wait for me!" We looked up to see Jay carrying bags of food.

Jungwon: "oh my gosh I'm starving!" He took the bags Jay was holding and fished all the food out. Jay and I just chuckled seeing Yejin and her dad rummage for food

Y/N: "where's your fam?"

Jay: "kids are sick and Minsoo's taking care of them but they insisted we go on our traditional winter day" every year we just hangout to celebrate the first time we started getting Jungwon to like winter. It's also kind of like the start of us getting close

Jungwon: "y/n! I prepared your ramyeon already!" We saw them slurping up their noodles and Jay and I chuckled

Jay: "look how far we've come" I nodded smiling at my family.

Y/N: "let's go eat" Jay nodded and walked towards them. While I sat with them and continued our normal conversation I looked at them one by one

I'm so glad Jay and I got close. If we never did I don't think I could even be friends with Jungwon. I'm pretty sure even if Jay and I weren't cousins we'd be very close friends. I then focused my attention towards my daughter

I can't live without Yejin. She's my whole world. She makes my day better by just sharing to me what she did in school or just showing me whatever she created. She laughs at the littlest things which is sometimes annoying but I'm just relieved she's a happy kid. I'm hoping to give her a younger sibling specifically a brother. Which brings my attention to Jungwon.

I smiled seeing my husband. I felt my heart skip a beat when he looked back at me

Jungwon: "eat honey, we've got a long day of activities" I nodded and took a bite from my noodles

I stroked the back of Jungwon's head and he smiled at my action. He took my hand, kissed my knuckles while staring at me and intertwined it with mine. We stayed like that until we finished eating

I love him so much I can't express it with words. When I open my eyes in the morning I either see his fluffy hair or his beautiful face in front of mine. Sometimes way too close since he'd be hugging me in the morning. He has a hard time cooking so I normally teach him every meal time and these times are always the times when we'd take a break if we were feeling stressed from work. Just spending time with each other and just feeling comfort with the other's presence felt so safe and it was like a feeling of home

A habit he does that always catches me off guard is him pulling me by my hand or waist and just suddenly bring our faces closer. We'd connect our foreheads and he'd say a few compliments and start swaying me around. We'd end it with a kiss and he does that quite often. The day we got married we both cried a lot during our vows. Good thing my makeup was waterproof. I sighed, to my love:

Y/N: "Thank you for loving me and being my savior" I whispered to him and it looked like he was caught off guard but slowly got what was happening

Jungwon: "no, thank you for loving such a cold hearted boy like me and thank you for coming into my life and making it the best it's ever been and the best it ever will. You own my heart and it'll forever be yours. You're my warmth that I found in the cold of winter and most importantly you're the love that will forever keep me going" I chuckled and gave him a big hug and kiss on the lips

Jungwon&Y/N: "I love you so much"

Wow this book is done wohoo!! Make sure to check out my other books and my next book will be a Sunghoon ff that I will start in a few days. I just have to finalize the story. Please lmk what u thought of this one and have a great day!! Thank you to everyone who read this book!

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