Part 6 || chocolates and letters

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I placed my stuff down on my table and there were chocolates again. Who keeps leaving these? There was another note so I picked it up and read it

How did you like the ones I gave yesterday? By the way you really look beautiful that day -L.G.

LG who is this LG? I'm flattered someone likes me but I don't like anyone right now so who could it be? I kept the chocolates and letter as usual and organized my stuff for the class. Few minutes later Geonu came and sat beside me ready to spill some tea.

Geonu: "did you see mr Kim? I heard there's something going on with him and ms Choi" I widened my eyes and laughed

Y/N: "no way... what? But I thought something bad happened between them before?"

Geonu: "exactly so some students dug up some dirt and found out they were together before! And I think for some reason they started... uhmm like liking each other again?" I laughed and he laughed too

Y/N: "that's so weird!"

Geonu: "by the way you want some chocolate?" He showed me from inside his back pack. Those look like the ones on my desk but different wrapper.

Y/N: "Geonu! We can't eat right now! We're in class"

Geonu: "come on just take a bite before the teacher comes" he handed me a brick of chocolate swiftly and I panicked. I didn't want it to melt in my hands so I just stuffed it in my mouth as quickly as I can. He chuckled and took a bite as well

<time skip>

Surprisingly when I entered the cafe Jungwon and Jay were already there.

Y/N: "wow, someone's early" I heard everyone else chuckle

Jungwon: "shut up stalker"

Y/N: "shut up dumbass" we glared at each other with the nicknames

Kai: "don't worry we're as shocked as you" we heard them chuckle and I placed my bag down bringing out my stuff. Jungwon was right in front of me but he's been ignoring me the second I sat down. I didn't bother with it and just did as I was told by the head of the group (Soobin)

<time skip>

Jungwon's POV

My stomach growled and I instinctively crouched down hoping the others wouldn't hear. I kicked Jay's leg and he faced me

Jay: "what?"

Jungwon: "I'm hungry" we whispered to each other

Jay: "not my problem you didn't eat during lunch" I furrowed my eyebrows at him but he just ignored me again

Jungwon: "Come on Ja-" I was stopped when y/n placed chocolates in front of me. I look at her but she didn't look up from her paper

Y/N: "you're terrible at whispering" she chuckled not giving me a glance.

Jungwon: "I don't want it"

Y/N: "whatever just leave them there" I squeezed my lips together looking at the chocolates. Uhhh it's either my pride or hunger. What's more important? 

Taehyun: "you guys got chocolates! Gimme some!" He disturbed the whole group and reached out for one of the chocolates y/n gave me. Hey those were mine "wow this taste so good! Where'd you get them?" I faced her since I was curious myself. I rolled my eyes and just got one. Fuck it I was hungry. These... these actually do taste good

Y/N: "someone just keeps leaving 3 chocolates and a note on my desk every morning. So I just keep it for when I get hungry"

Beomgyu: "ooooo~ 3 chocolates meaning 'I lik you'? YIEEEEE someone likes youuuu y/nnnnn" I faced y/n and she blushed. I didn't change my expression but just looked at her with my eyebrows furrowed

Jay: "why does your face look like you're constipated?" He whispered to me and chuckled. I faced Jay then back to y/n. I gulped and did a fake cough

Jungwon: "your face does"

<time skip>

Jungwon: "stop pulling and let me walk"

Y/N: "if I don't pull you we'll get there by Christmas" I rolled my eyes and clenched my jaw

Jay: "also I didn't know someone liked you" if I were a bunny my ears would have stood up straight to listen. Why am I even interested

Y/N: "same but I don't even know who it's from so why bother and make it a big deal" seriously? She's so chill about someone liking her. Don't girls I don't know, freak out, brag about it?

Jay: "good, now let's go and buy some food" we entered the store and bought whatever we wanted. Y/n went straight to the ice creams and Jay went to the snack isle. I looked around with my hands in my pocket since I didn't know what to get. Wait, what if I sneak out? I looked around to see if the coast was clear and fast walked to the exit

Jay: "and where are you going Yang Jungwon" I curled my lip and and looked up groaning

Jungwon: "home. I don't want to keep following your shenanigans anymore" he didn't respond but just looked at me and placed his hands on his hips sighing. He rubbed the bridge of his nose and mumbled something under his breathe. He's gonna convince me to stay again isn't he. I looked to the side and crossed my arms together expecting lectures about why I should stay

Jay: "fine" I looked at him confused and he gave me a nod "go home"

Jungwon: "you're not gonna try to make me stay"

Jay: "I'm getting tired of forcing you to do stuff like the study group. So if you wanna leave then go. I don't want to be the type of friend who forces you to do stuff. I was just hoping that maybe y/n would be able to convince you to start being less cold"

Jungwon: "Jay-"

Jay: "go, I'll tell y/n you felt sick" he walked away from me and I stood there dumbfounded. I looked around and saw y/n trying to reach a drink from the upper part of the fridge. She tiptoed and stretched but only the tip of her fingers were able to touch it. Jay came behind her and grabbed it and she chuckled accepting the drink. I took one last glance from her and exited the store. So I can technically go home now right? I walked down the street with my hands in my pockets but my mind was full of thoughts. I was getting near my house just another 10 minutes and I'd finally be home

"I was just hoping that maybe y/n would be able to convince you to start being less cold"

I stopped in my tracks when I recalled him saying that

Jay's POV

Y/N: "wait wheres Jungwon?" She asked while were were grabbing our bags from the cashier

Jay: "thank you" I thanked the staff and gestures towards the exit. The automatic doors slid open and we walked outside "he said he felt sick so I told him to go home"

Y/N: "oh so he's not here anymore?"

Jungwon: "I'm here stalker"

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