Part 18 || fight

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Geonu: "that's not what he told me" I was surprised. Why would he do that. Is it even possible he's jealous? But then that would mean he likes me? No matter what the reason is he can't just go around and say I'm taken especially not by him! Even if I like him it doesn't justify what he did. Was he gonna break Geonu and I friendship just cause of that? Unbelievable...

I explained everything to Geonu and he was shocked as well but understood. Now I just have to clear things up with the criminal himself.

<time skip>

I ignored both of them the whole day which wasn't easy since they kept following me around. I slung my backpack behind me ready to go home and rest. I was just planning to talk to him maybe tomorrow since I'm still angry at him. Unfortunately when I was about to exit they were standing there waiting for me. I sighed frustrated and put my head down walking fast past them.

Jungwon: "stop ignoring us!" He held my shoulder but I pushed his arm away.

Y/N: "not in the mood" I walked out of the school fast wanting to run home but the snow might make me trip. I was already by the empty streets when I heard them running after me so I just decided to run just for this moment but woohoo I slipped on the snow on my first step but Jungwon caught me by my waist

Jungwon: "what's going on with you?!" He lifted me up and held my shoulders so I could stay still.

Y/N: "what's wrong with you?!" I raised my voice at him. He looked shocked and confused

Jay: "y/n calm down"

Y/N: "do you know what your friend did?" He stayed silent giving me the answer I didn't want "you knew but you still let him do it?"

Jungwon: "what was I suppose to do huh!" I shifted my focus to him and he looked angry "you ditched us for him!" I didn't ditch him

Y/N: "I just didn't hang out with you for 1 fucking day and you call that ditching?? I told you I couldn't hangout right?! it's not like you're my only friends! Do you expect me to hangout with you everyday!?"

Jay: "y/n-"

Y/N: "you can't just go around telling people we're together!" He wasn't saying anything because, what else could he say? What he did was completely stupid "you shouldn't be meddling in my business like that!"

Jungwon: "WELL YOU SHOULDN'T MEDDLE WITH MINE EITHER!" He shouted at me making me go silent "do you honestly think I enjoy going on your stupid winter activities? Do you honestly think I like the stuff we do after school? Do you really think I enjoy all that! You fucking forced me!"

Jay: "Jungwon stop it"

Y/N: "oh really? So all those times where we laughed and had fun, you forgot about those already? You know Yang Jungwon you make no fucking sense. You're angry at me for ditching you but say you're being forced to do all the winter fun. What's what!"

Jungwon: "do you think what you're trying to do is working? You don't fucking know my story!" He dodged my question answering me back

Y/N: "I DO KNOW YOUR FUCKING STORY JUNGWON!" He looked shocked. I felt like tearing up since it was so hard to get mad at him after what my mom told me

Jungwon's POV

She started tearing up and so did I. I haven't felt like this since she died.

Jungwon: "whatever you heard that's not my story" I don't believe what she's saying. The only people who know the reason behind my hatred for winter is Jay and my dad.

Y/N: "oh hoh I really do fucking know" she started sarcastically smiling. A tear fell down on her cheeks and she wiped it quickly while sniffling "I get it, it's been hard but mine is double yours I assure you!"

Jungwon: "you don't fucking know ok! IF YOU KNEW WHAT IT IS THEN TELL ME!" She stayed silent not answering me. I scoffed "TELL ME Y/N!"

Y/N: "YOUR MOM DIED AT THE FIRST FROST!" My mouth was left agape. And Jay fell silent as well. How could she know that?

Jungwon: "how the fuck do you know that" a tear fell from my face remembering her

Y/N: "we all have stories right?" She laughed and looked down tears falling from her eyes

Jungwon: "so if you knew, why did you push me to do all those dumb things"

Y/N: "because what I went through in my opinion was harder and I learned to be ok and I wanted you to feel that happiness again"

Jungwon: "but how is yours worse than mine then?" She looked up confused "you said yours was worse right?"

Jay: "Jungwon stop it! You don't know-"


Jungwon: "come on, what's worse than having a loved one dead?" Is he trying to provoke me at a time like this? I started breathing heavily. Is he this insensitive? "WHAT'S WORSE THAN THAT HUH! DID YOUR DEAR PET DIE DURING WINTER? WERE YOU BROKEN UP BY YOUR BOYFRIEND?!" He started shouting really loud making me cry. I started sobbing while he continued to yell at me.


Y/N: "I WAS ALMOST FUCKING RAPED OK!" Silence enveloped both of us and I sobbed wiping my tears away "and what's hard is that... you're the reason why I'm I'm standing here right now"

Sorry for the late update I read Alpas AND IVE NEVER CRIED THAT MUCH AHSBHA totally recommend its on Twitter by @ficsenha also this story is abt to end but dw I have a Sunghoon ff coming up next and I promise the plot is gonna be better than this 😅

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