Part 14 || Jay knows

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Jungwon has changed your name to '143 y/n'

143? Tf is that?

YAAHH! What's 143?

Dumbass Wonie

His texts are always dry but I kinda got used to it

Ur making me feel like a robot and my number is 143 😑

Dumbass Wonie
Haha maybe u r

Aishhh I didn't wanna be the only one so maybe I'll change his name too. But to what? I looked around my room hoping to get a name in my head. I shifted my focus to my bedside desk and spotted my earphones. Hmm... oh! I opened my phone and checked. Ok great

Jungwon's POV

143 y/n has changed your name to 'i fly Jungwon'

Huh? I mean I get she was trying to do the same thing as me but, I fly Jungwon? I fly? As in float in the air fly? Huh

Tf does that mean

143 y/n
U tell me what 143 y/n means and maybe I'll tell u what i fly Jungwon means 👀😋


143 y/n

<time skip next day>


I entered the school to be greeted by everyone rushing around in the corridors. Not again... I squeezed my way between groups of friends trying to get to my classroom

Y/N: "woah!" I tripped over someone but luckily someone caught me

Jay: "woah careful y/n" he caught me by my arm and I glared at the guy and he glared back at me

Boy: "watch it you fucking ass" Jungwon grabbed the guys shirt and brought his face near him

Jungwon: "you're the fucking ass here you-"

Y/N: "Jungwon stop it" he glared at the guy and let him go

Jay: "this is why I offered all of us to go to school together" I chuckled

Y/N: "I woke up late and I didn't wanna hold you guys back, speaking of which what are you guys still doing here?"

Jay: "someone insisted we wait for you before going to the classroom" he smirked and looked at Jungwon. He became flustered and started looking at everything except me

Y/N: "aww that's so sweet!"

Jungwon: "haha yeah... so anyway where're we going today?" Oh shoot today

Y/N: "wait I can't hangout today" the two boys looked shocked and confused

Jungwon: "why not?"

Y/N: "I have plans later with another friend but we can hangout the whole day tomorrow since it's Saturday" Jay seemed to accept it but Jungwon had disappointment written all over his face "hey, I promise ok?" He sighs but then nodded reluctantly

Jungwon: "ready to tell me what I fly Jungwon means?" I chuckled and shook my head

Y/N: "I'm only telling you when you tell me what 143 y/n means" he growled at me and Jay had confusion written all over his face

Jay: "wait what's happening?"

Jungwon: "it's our nicknames when we message each other" he widened his eyes right away

Jay: "wait so y/n's name on your phone is '143 y/n' and on your phone Jungwon's name is 'I fly Jungwon' ?" We both nodded. He gasped and put his hand over his mouth

Y/N: "why are you so shocked?"

Jay: "cause I know what both of those mean" we widened our eyes and looked at him

Y/N&Jungwon: "TELL ME!" We both grabbed his collar making him startled

Jay: "just cause both of you know taekwondo you don't have to do it on me" the bell rang cutting our conversation short


As the 3 of them separated Jungwon bugged Jay to tell him what I fly means.

Jay: "y/n's gonna get mad at me if I tell you and also I didn't know you felt that way towards her" the boy sighed and smiled to himself

Jungwon: "I didn't think so too but I guess it just happened" The girl was now entering her classroom seeing another 3 chocolates and a letter as usual. She picked it up and read it

You'll find out who I am soon don't worry, this might actually be the last time you'll get a letter and chocolates. That's how soon you'll know who I am -L.G

Y/n thought that he didn't have to reveal himself. With all the clues this person gave, she was smart enough to know who it is, or at least have a big gut feeling.

<time skip>

Y/n went through her day with a heavy feeling. She knew this was it and don't some people find rejecting harder than being rejected? Jungwon watched as she slung her backpack over her shoulder and rushed out of the school. He secretly followed her with Jay telling him to stop.

Jay: "stop spying and let's go"

Jungwon: "I wanna see who she's ditching us for"

Jay: "she's not ditching us I'm pretty sure she has a lot more friends than us" he internally growled to himself and followed the girl with his eyes. She was waiting by the school gate looking around for someone. She held her phone wanting to text the person that's she's there but she didn't wanna seem impatient.

Jay: "Jungwon lets go we're gonna be late for the study group"

Jungwon: "wait I just wanna see-" He was cut off when he heard a voice call out to y/n

Geonu: "y/n! Are you ready to go?"

Sorry I was supposed to post this last night but smth happened

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