Part 17 || boyfriend... not?

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Mom: "I saw that" I faced her scared to death and held my hand over my chest

Y/N: "m-mom! Don't sneak up on me like that!" I tried walking past her but she just kept following behind me

Mom: "why? Did he take your first kiss? How was it? Oh no wait I shouldn't ask these questions, how was your day? What was he like?" I chuckled at how excited my mom was for me. Understandable though, she saw me grow up scared of almost anyone.

Y/N: "it was great, he was fun, and it was kind of a half kiss?" I smiled and she started squealing with me

Mom: "I'm so glad you and Jungwon are working out! It's always been our dream for you guys to-" she suddenly stopped talking and covered her mouth

Y/N: "our dream? Our meaning you and I or you and someone else?"

Mom: "nothing sorry, it just slipped from my mouth don't mind it" she was walking away but I went in front of her

Y/N: "what were you gonna say?" She sighed and sat me down... she fidgeted with her fingers contemplating wether to tell me or not "mom just tell me"

Mom: "ok..." she started explaining everything and I covered my mouth in shock and almost in tears

Oh my god...

<time skip Monday>


Jungwon came to school early for a particular reason. He headed to y/n's classroom and searched for him.

Jungwon: "Lee Geonu?" Jungwon went crazy over the weekend. He couldn't stop thinking. He was confused since he thought y/n and him felt the same but the "joke" she mentioned last Saturday was taken seriously. He didn't know it was a joke. Geonu faced Jungwon while stopping from leaving the chocolates and the usual letter. He did promise he'd still keep doing them, as a friend

Geonu: "Jungwon?" He approached Geonu and went near him

Jungwon: "are you and y/n a thing?" He asked strictly scaring Geonu

Geonu: "why does it matter?" Jungwon grew angry and pointed his finger on his chest

Jungwon: "you stay away from her because she's taken! She's off limits you got it?" Geonu was confused because from what he knew they were just friends with feelings for each other they just haven't said it yet. He didn't know they were a thing... but of course Jungwon just lied out of anger

Geonu: "y-yes"

Jungwon: "good" he left just like that leaving Geonu scared and confused

<time skip>


I entered the classroom with a smile on my face to see Geonu. I approached my table and saw the chocolates and letter

Y/N: "yieee thanks for these!" I opened one up but while I took a bite I could see Geonu facing the other way. Huh, he's not wearing earphones he should be hearing me... I went near him from the back and scared him

Geonu: "AHH!" He was startled and I giggled "stop it y/n" I stopped laughing in a second. It wasn't the playful stop it you tell your friends but he was serious. Did I do something wrong? I thought we agreed to forget about what happened...

Y/N: "hey what's wrong?" I went in front of him but he just shifted the other way not even making eye contact "yah! Why're you ignoring me" he didn't say anything and I scoffed

<time skip>

He ignored me the whole lesson even when we were partnered up for a seat work.


Jungwon: "y/n! You didn't message me this-"

Y/N: "sorry Won I'll get back to you I just-" she gestured that she was busy and moved past him and Jay. The 2 boys watched as she chased Geonu as he went out of the classroom. He grew annoyed since he already told him to stay away from her. Jungwon was about to run after them but Jay stopped him

Jay: "what did you do?" He asked as if he knew Jungwon had something to do with it

Jungwon: "why do you say it like that?"

Jay: "I said it like that because I want to know if you pushed through with that stupid plan of yours" the other boy stayed silent and Jay laughed sarcastically getting his answer "you did that just cause you like her?" Jungwon glared at him and asked in a are-you-crazy tone "I'm happy you're finally almost out of your cold shell but I can't believe you'd do that just so you can have y/n. What if she does like Geonu? You can't fight that! You can't just break their relationship because you're jealo-"

Jungwon: "I KNOW THAT!" Jay fell silent when he raised his voice. Jungwon took a breathe and exhaled calming himself "I get it! I'm gonna fix it!" He walked away heading out of the school for some fresh air. Jay shook his head while he walked the opposite direction

Y/N: "Geonu stop! What did I do?"

Geonu: "nothing now leave me" y/n kept following him since she felt bad that she might've done something wrong. Geonu was getting annoyed each time she asked so just gave up even with Jungwon's warnings "fine!" He turned around and faced her

Y/N: "finally!" She sighed waiting for him to explain

Geonu: "your boyfriend asked me to stay away from you"

Y/N: "I don't have-"

Geonu: "Jungwon" y/n moved her head back a bit surprised, boyfriend?

Y/N: "he's not my boyfriend"

Geonu: "that's not what he told me" the girl scoffed and smiled thinking how unbelievable the things she's hearing from Geonu are

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