Part 11 || i.f.l.y

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Jungwon's POV

Y/N: "Jungwon?"

Jungwon: "yeah?" She started raising her head as a result our faces started getting closer. I look down on her lips and brought my face towards her without knowing. Just a little bit more and... "OW!" She flipped me over and held down both my arms on top of my head and her weight was on my legs so I couldn't move

Y/N: "never be distracted by your opponent" I flipped her over too and we went back to the original position except her hands were on top of her head and her legs were trapped so she couldn't move

Jungwon: "you're not the only one who knows taekwondo" she chuckled and I let go of her letting both of us sat up. I didn't know we both knew taekwondo. Also, what did I just fell right now?
We took the boards and headed somewhere warm. "Where're we going? We're just running around in circles"

Y/N: "let's just go back to my house?" I nodded and started walking with her. While walking I breathed out a sigh. "Did you enjoy?" I looked down realizing I actually did. I haven't had that much fun in- in- I can't actually remember... was it with her?

Jungwon: "no" she furrowed her eyebrows at me

Y/N: "you're lying, no one doesn't smile that much and doesn't have fun" she playfully glared at me and I rolled my eyes and chuckled

Jungwon: "what if I said I did?"

Y/N: "then I know my efforts aren't going to waste" I nodded but didn't answer anymore. Your efforts really aren't going to waste. Trust me

<time skip>


We arrived at my house but before going in, we brushed off all the snow off of us.

Y/N: "mom I'm home!" She appeared from the living room while we were taking our shoes off.

Mom: "hey honey, how was sledding? You guys were pretty fast"

Y/N: "it was fun, it just got cold so we decided to head back" partial lie but eh

Mom: "oh ok, you guys go on and head up. I'll make some food" she headed towards the kitchen and we were gonna go up but Jungwon here wanted to be first so he tried walking up the stairs but I did too causing both of us to trip. I was gonna fall forward but I felt a strong arm wrap around my waist and pull me up. I guess he was either too strong or I was lighter than he expected because he pulled me up too much making my back hit his chest. I froze but I didn't really panic like I expected.

Jungwon: "watch where you're going stalker" he whispered in my ear which made me panic. His arm still wrapped around my waist and my back touching his chest

Y/N: "I was gonna go first dumbass" he glared at me and let me go

Jungwon: "can't you just be thankful I caught you?"

Y/N: "you really should've, you made me trip" I chuckled but he just rolled his eyes, although going up, I could hear a faint chuckle from him as well

We entered my room and I plopped down on my bed from exhaustion. Jungwon on the other hand just stood there not knowing what to do

Y/N: "wanna lie down? I know you're tired too" he hesitated

Jungwon: "you're ok with me lying down beside you?" Oh yeah right, but I guess I am? What's he doing to me? Why aren't I scared of him

Y/N: "yeah I trust you won't do anything" he nodded and laid down beside me. We stayed in a comforting silence for a while until I spoke up "I never knew you'd be this much fun to hangout with Yang Jungwon"

Jungwon: "of course I'm fun" I faced him and so did he but with his evil smirk. I playfully glared at him and we both laughed. I turned to my side table to get my airpods and connected them to my phone

Y/N: "I wanna show you my favorite song" I handed him one and he just wore it without any questions

Jungwon: "I know this song, the title's uhmm wait... uhhh, AH! i.f.l.y right?"

Y/N: "yup, such a chill song that you kinda just wanna sway your head to"

Jungwon: "do you like codes?"

Y/N: "wdym?"

Jungwon: "I forgot the term but like when these letters mean something else"

Y/N: "I mean I find it interesting why? Do you?"

Jungwon: "a bit but I don't dwell on it so much" we sighed looking up at my ceiling.


Both Jungwon and y/n moved to find a more comfortable position but as a result their hands brushed on each other between them. But, none of them minded it. Actually, Jungwon started fidgeting with the top of y/n's middle and pointer finger

Y/N: "what are you doing?"

Jungwon: "I like fidgeting let me" he said in a cold but also joking tone to which the girl just smiled as she found him cute. He continued playing with her fingers until someone yelled from downstairs

Mom: "honey! Come down! Your food's ready!" Y/n's mom yelled but while doing so she felt a pain in her heart. She finally saw Jungwon but she couldn't fully absorb it yet. The kids headed downstairs and thanked her for the food

Jungwon: "wow you cooked all my favorites *chuckle* how did you know?" he still likes the same things...

Mom: "hmm just a guess" they all chuckled and continued talking "so Jungwon ah, how's my daughter in school?"

Jungwon: "she's fine she just likes to mess- I mean," he stopped when he felt y/n pressing down on his foot under the table "she's doing well" Her mom glared at her daughter

Mom: "well I hope that's true, also how are you and Jay. I heard Jungwon that you're best friends with him"

Jungwon: "ahh yes, that's actually how I met y/n. I accompanied Jay to the study group and that's when I saw her" her mom could see the way Jungwon talked about her and how he looked at her. The way they secretly laughed and smiled to each other made her feel happy.

Mom: "well that's nice to hear" they continued eating and talking and y/n learned a lot of new things about Jungwon and it also went the other way around.

<time skip>

They thanked y/n's mom for the dinner and Jungwon helped her clean the dishes even though she insisted he shouldn't. Y/n closed the door and kept her hands in her pocket facing Jungwon.

Y/N: "thanks for today, I had a lot of fun" Jungwon just simply nodded. I guess his coldness still comes back from time to time "but seriously," Jungwon looked up to her "I haven't had so much fun in a long lon-"

Jungwon: "why do you like winter so much?" He cut her off catching her off guard. She was taken aback by the sudden question but just smiled

Y/N: "just cause"

Jungwon: "why? it's a horrible season, it bothers us from our daily life, it's a burden and it's so cold" y/n looked down and placed her mouth in a thin line. She hugged him, wrapping her arms around his waist. This was supposed to be weird since they've only known each other for a few days but, it didn't feel like that for them. She tightened her grip and Jungwon didn't know what to do. He felt his heart race and his head felt light

Y/N: "thanks for today Jungwon I really enjoyed spending my time today with you" the boy felt the same but he wasn't sure if it was the time to say it cause he was confused why she wasn't answering his question. She let go of the hug leaving Jungwon a cold feeling. She hopped back in but before she closed the door she spoke

"You can always find warmth somewhere in the cold"

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