Part 15 || I love you

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Geonu: "y/n! Are you ready to go?" Jungwon widened his eyes by a bit and Jay observed his best friends reaction.

Jay: "aishh come on" Jay pulled him away with all his strength before Jungwon could do or say anything

Y/N: "oh Geonu! Yeah let's go?" Geonu smiled admiring y/n's beauty


Good thing we weren't awkward because I think if he knew I knew then I'm done for.

Geonu: "here's your ticket, where do you wanna go first?" I looked around and then to the map

Y/N: "let's go to the new ride that just opened. I mean that's the main reason why we came right?" He chuckled and we both lined up for around 30mins just talking about whatever. We had a fast pass so we didn't have to wait hours.

We rode on with Geonu and I in the same cart. The staff put the metal bar down to secure us and my fingers started fidgeting. I was getting kinda nervous but that always happens before roller coasters right?

Geonu: "hey relax I'm right beside you" he held my hand and I awkwardly smiled. I don't like the feeling of us this close and him holding my hand. It's not the same when it's Jungwon. The ride started moving but I couldn't focus. I guess my mom was right about Jungwon?

<time skip>

We spent the whole day going on rides, eating, walking from place to place and just having fun in general. Slowly my feet started to hurt and my legs were getting tired. It was getting dark anyway so it was getting colder at the same time and the park was closing soon.

Y/N: "thanks for today Geonu, I'll see you at school on Monday" I was gonna leave but he held my wrist stopping me. I gulped not wanting to confront him. He let go of my hand and I faced him putting my hands together

Geonu: "by the look on your face I'm guessing you know already?" I sighed and nodded

Y/N: "I'm sorry Geonu but I-"

Geonu: "I know" he cut me off making me look at him with pity

Y/N: "I'm so sorry" he took a deep breathe and faced me with his mouth on a thin line

Geonu: "it's ok, you didn't do anything wrong so you don't actually have to say sorry" I felt bad since there wasn't anything wrong with Geonu. He was really fun and all but I can't control my feelings towards him

Y/N: "but I did appreciate all the letters and chocolates that was really sweet" the corner of his mouth smiled

Geonu: "I can still keep bringing you" I chuckled

Y/N: "only if you want to"

Geonu: "can I just ask..." I nodded "is it Jungwon?" I widened my eyes and looked down sighing. I didn't answer but I think he knew what that meant "ok... I wish you guys the best" I wanted to say something like we're just friends and stuff but I felt like it's be lying if I did

Y/N: "thanks Geonu"

Geonu: "I hope we can still be friends, you're really fun and I don't want us to be awkward"

Y/N: "sure! When we see each other I promise my only memories will be us having fun in the amusement park eating cotton candy everywhere we went"

Geonu: "really? You won't feel any awkwardness about it?"

Y/N: "awkward about what?" I teased and he finally laughed. I sighed and he opened his arms for a hug

Geonu: "one last hug before you leave?" I looked at him hesitantly. I don't feel comfortable but I felt really bad. I slowly opened my arms and gave him a hug. He hugged me quite tightly making me panic. This does not feel good. My breathing got deep but thankfully he pulled away just in time "bye y/n, I'll see you soon"  we waved at each other goodbye and I placed my hands in my pockets trying to burry myself into my jacket.

<time skip>

When I got home I greeted my mom, ate dinner, talked to her for a while then headed upstairs to rest. I haven't checked my phone since the park so I brought it out and was shocked with how many notifs I got. 50+ messages from Jungwon only?! Right before I was gonna answer he started to call me

Y/N: "yah! What do you think you're doing spamming me the whole day huh!"
Jungwon: "geez stop shouting" I was kinda offended but I just ignored it
Y/N: "fine there are you happy?" I whispered mockingly and I just heard him click his tongue
Jungwon: "why weren't you answering my messages?"
Y/N: "1, I couldn't cause I was hanging out with my friend and 2 just as I was about to you called me!"
Jungwon: "so who's your 'friend' " he asked in a mocking tone. What's this boys problem
Y/N: "no one just let me rest I'm tired ok"
Jungwon: "why don't you wanna answer me?"
Y/N: "just- let me sleep?"

He ignored my request so we ended up talking for the next 3 hours. Actually for the first time since we started calling, he was the one who kept going on about things.

Jungwon's POV

I kept talking and talking and for the first time I never ran out of things to talk about. I don't know why but not hanging out with her today felt like I didn't drink water the whole day? Like you know you have to get some water for you to be fulfilled. I guess I just craved to hear her voice or just maybe her attention? I just want to spend time for her just for a few mins

Jungwon: "... Jay got mad at me of course and- y/n?" I called out her name a few times and she wasn't answering. Did she fall asleep. I tried reaching out again until I heard soft snores. She passed out. I chuckled to myself and smiled "night y/n... I- I love you"

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